Windows10 简明教程
Windows 10 - Virtualization
Windows 10 包含的功能之一是可以创建虚拟机。虚拟机是一种计算机系统的软件仿真。它们是在实际或物理计算机中创建的,允许您创建多个独立的“计算机”,可以运行不同的操作系统和程序。这些虚拟机使用一种称为 Hypervisor 的特殊软件来处理。在这种情况下,是 Microsoft 自有的 Hyper-V。
One of the features that Windows 10 has included is the capacity of creating virtual machines. A virtual machine is the software emulation of a computer system. They are created within a real or physical computer, allowing you to create multiple separate “computers” that can run different operating systems and programs. These virtual machines are handled using a special software called a Hypervisor. In this case, Microsoft’s own Hyper-V.
由于虚拟化的技术先进性,并非所有计算机都可以运行虚拟机。过去,此功能仅限于服务器使用。但通过 Windows 10 等操作系统,用户也可以创建自己的虚拟机。
Due to the advanced nature of virtualization, not all computers can run virtual machines. In the past, this feature was reserved for servers. But with operating systems like Windows 10, users can create their own virtual machines too.
Pre-requisites in Windows 10
在 Windows 10 中创建和运行虚拟机的基本先决条件如下 −
The basic pre-requisites for creating and running virtual machines in Windows 10 are the following −
A 64-bit edition of Windows 10 Pro or Windows Enterprise. Hyper-V isn’t available for Windows 10 Home edition.
Your computer processor needs to support virtualization, or more specifically SLAT (Secondary Level Address Translation).
Virtualization has to be enabled in your computer’s BIOS. This is a small program that handles the boot-up of your computer making sure everything is in the right place.
What Windows version do you have?
要找出您拥有的具体 Windows 版本,请执行以下步骤 −
To find out what specific Windows version you have, follow these steps −
Step 1 - 通过在搜索栏中搜索来打开 Control Panel 。
Step 1 − Open the Control Panel by searching for it in the Search bar.

Step 2 - 在打开控制面板后,选择 System 。
Step 2 − After the Control Panel is open, choose System.

Step 3 − 在 System 窗口中,您可以看到您的计算机的具体 Windows 版本和处理器类型(CPU)。
Step 3 − In the System window you can see what specific Windows version and what type of processor (CPU) your computer has.

Enabling Virtualization in the BIOS
BIOS 是一个小型程序,每当您打开计算机时都会运行。它的基本功能是通过确保一切正常工作来帮助计算机启动。但是,它还在您的计算机中控制一些高级功能,其中一些功能需要启用才能工作。 Virtualization 就是一个例子。
The BIOS is a small program that runs whenever you turn on your computer. Its basic function is to help the computer boot up by making sure everything is working properly. However, it also controls some advanced features within your computer, some of which have to be enabled in order to work. One example is Virtualization.
要启用虚拟化,请执行以下步骤 −
To enable virtualization, follow these steps −
Step 1 − 重新启动计算机并进入 BIOS 设置。只需在计算机启动时按下一个键即可完成此操作。您需要按下的键因系统而异,但通常是 F2、F10 或 Delete。大多数系统会告诉您按哪个键进入设置,或者您可以查阅计算机手册。
Step 1 − Restart your computer and enter the BIOS setup. This is done by pressing a key just as the computer is turned on. The key you have to press varies from one system to another, but it usually is F2, F10, or Delete. Most systems tell you which key to press to enter the setup, or you can consult your computer manual.

Step 2 − 输入 BIOS 设置后,您必须启用所有虚拟化设置。BIOS 也因品牌而异,差异很大。
Step 2 − After entering the BIOS setup, you must enable all virtualization settings. The BIOS also varies greatly from system to system, depending on the brand.

Step 3 − 启用所有必要设置后,保存并退出 BIOS 设置。这通常是通过按 F10 来完成的。之后,计算机将重新启动。
Step 3 − After enabling all necessary settings, save and exit the BIOS setup. This is usually done by pressing F10. After this, the computer will restart.
Setting Up Hyper-V
要创建和管理虚拟机,您需要设置 Microsoft Hyper-V。要执行此操作,请执行以下步骤 −
To create and manage virtual machines, you need to set up Microsoft Hyper-V. To do this, follow these steps −
Step 1 - 通过在搜索栏中搜索来打开 Control Panel 。
Step 1 − Open the Control Panel by searching for it in the Search bar.

Step 2 - 在控制面板打开后,选择 Programs and Features 。
Step 2 − After the Control Panel is open, choose Programs and Features.

Step 3 − 在 Programs and Features 窗口中,单击“打开或关闭 Windows 功能”。
Step 3 − In the Programs and Features window, click “Turn Windows features on or off”.

Step 4 − 在 Windows Features 窗口中,查找 Hyper-V 功能并选中所有框。
Step 4 − In the Windows Features window, look for the Hyper-V feature and check all the boxes.

然后,Windows 将安装并配置 Hyper-V,然后它会要求您重新启动并确认更改。然后,它将进行一系列重新启动以完成系统的配置。
Windows will then install and configure Hyper-V, after which it will ask you to restart and confirm the changes. It will then go through a series of restarts to finish configuring your system.

Using Hyper-V to Create a Virtual Machine
在 Hyper-V 安装完毕后,您可以打开它,并用它创建位于 Windows 10 计算机中的虚拟机。要启动 Hyper-V 和创建虚拟机,请遵循以下步骤 -
After Hyper-V finishes installing, you can open it and use it to create virtual machines in your Windows 10 computer. To start Hyper-V and create a virtual machine, follow these steps −
Step 1 - 进入控制面板,选择 Administrative Tools 。
Step 1 − Enter Control Panel and select Administrative Tools.

Step 2 - 在 Administrative Tools 窗口,单击 Hyper-V Manager 。
Step 2 − In the Administrative Tools window, click on Hyper-V Manager.

Step 3 - 当 Hyper-V 启动时,您会在应用程序的左侧看到您的计算机名称。选择计算机来对其工作。
Step 3 − When Hyper-V starts, you will see the name of your computer on the left-side of the application. Select the computer to work on it.

Step 4 - 在 Action 菜单,选择 New 和 Virtual Machine 。
Step 4 − On the Action menu, select New and Virtual Machine.

您还可以从右边的边栏中操作,在 Actions 下。
You can also do this from the sidebar on the right-side of the application, under Actions.

Step 5 - Hyper-V 将打开 New Virtual Machine Wizard ,帮助您创建虚拟机。在这里,您可以单击 Finish 按钮,使用一些基本配置创建虚拟机。高级用户可以单击下一步,完成创建自定义虚拟机的步骤。
Step 5 − Hyper-V will open the New Virtual Machine Wizard to help you in the process of creating a virtual machine. Here you can click the Finish button to create a virtual machine with some basic configurations. Advanced users can click Next to go through the steps of creating a customized virtual machine.

Step 6 - 虚拟机创建后,您会在 Hyper-V 窗口内看到它。
Step 6 − After the virtual machine is created, you will see it inside the Hyper-V window.

就像真正的物理计算机一样,虚拟机需要安装操作系统才能工作。Hyper-V 允许您使用右侧的按钮将其打开或关闭。
Like real, physical computers, virtual machines need to have an operating system installed in order to work. Hyper-V allows you to turn them on or shut them down using the buttons on the right side.