Wxpython 简明教程

wxPython - Environment


适用于 Windows 操作系统的(32 位和 64 位)预编译二进制文件均可在 http://www.wxpython.org/download.php 页面上获取。可用的安装程序的最新版本为: wxPython3.0-win32- (适用于 32 位 Python 2.7) wxPython3.0-win64- (适用于 64 位 Python 2.7)

Prebuilt binaries for Windows OS (both 32 bit and 64 bit) are available on http://www.wxpython.org/download.php page. Latest versions of installers available are − wxPython3.0-win32- for 32-bit Python 2.7 wxPython3.0-win64- for 64-bit Python 2.7

wxPython 演示、示例和 wxWidgets 文档还可以从同一页面下载。

wxPython demo, samples and wxWidgets documentation is also available for download on the same page.


适用于多种 Linux发行版的 wxPython 二进制文件可以在其各自的存储库中找到。需要使用相应的包管理器来下载和安装。例如,在 Debian Linux 上,以下命令应该可以安装 wxPython。

wxPython binaries for many Linux distros can be found in their respective repositories. Corresponding package managers will have to be used to download and install. For instance on Debian Linux, following command should be able to install wxPython.

sudo apt-get install python-wxgtk3.0


适用于 MacOS 的磁盘映像格式的预编译二进制文件可在官方网站的下载页面上获得。

Prebuilt binaries for MacOS in the form of disk images are available on the download page of the official website.