Wxpython 简明教程
wxPython - Event Handling
Unlike a console mode application, which is executed in a sequential manner, a GUI based application is event driven. Functions or methods are executed in response to user’s actions like clicking a button, selecting an item from collection or mouse click, etc., called events.
在应用程序运行时发生的事件相关的数据存储为从 wx.Event 派生的子类的对象。显示控件(例如按钮)是特定类型事件的源并生成与之关联的Event类对象。例如,单击按钮会发出wx.CommandEvent。此事件数据将调度给程序中的事件处理程序方法。wxPython具有许多预定义的事件绑定程序。一个 Event binder 将特定小部件(控件)、其关联的事件类型以及事件处理程序方法之间的关系封装起来。
Data pertaining to an event which takes place during the application’s runtime is stored as object of a subclass derived from wx.Event. A display control (such as Button) is the source of event of a particular type and produces an object of Event class associated to it. For instance, click of a button emits a wx.CommandEvent. This event data is dispatched to event handler method in the program. wxPython has many predefined event binders. An Event binder encapsulates relationship between a specific widget (control), its associated event type and the event handler method.
例如,要在按钮的单击事件上调用程序的 OnClick() method ,需要以下语句:
For example, to call OnClick() method of the program on a button’s click event, the following statement is required −
self.b1.Bind(EVT_BUTTON, OnClick)
Bind() method 由 wx.EvtHandler 类中的所有显示对象继承。此处 EVT_.BUTTON 是关联按钮点击事件至 OnClick() 方法的绑定器。
Bind() method is inherited by all display objects from wx.EvtHandler class. EVT_.BUTTON here is the binder, which associates button click event to OnClick() method.
在以下示例中,MoveEvent 由拖动顶级窗口(本例中为一个 wx.Frame 对象)而引起,使用 wx.EVT_MOVE 绑定器连接至 OnMove() method 。此代码显示一个窗口。如果使用鼠标移动窗口,其瞬时坐标将显示在控制台上。
In the following example, the MoveEvent, caused by dragging the top level window – a wx.Frame object in this case – is connected to OnMove() method using wx.EVT_MOVE binder. The code displays a window. If it is moved using mouse, its instantaneous coordinates are displayed on the console.
import wx
class Example(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
super(Example, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
def InitUI(self):
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOVE, self.OnMove)
self.SetSize((250, 180))
self.SetTitle('Move event')
def OnMove(self, e):
x, y = e.GetPosition()
print "current window position x = ",x," y= ",y
ex = wx.App()
上述代码生成以下输出 -
The above code produces the following output −

当前窗口位置 x = 562 y = 309
current window position x = 562 y = 309
当前窗口位置 x = 562 y = 309
current window position x = 562 y = 309
当前窗口位置 x = 326 y = 304
current window position x = 326 y = 304
当前窗口位置 x = 384 y = 240
current window position x = 384 y = 240
当前窗口位置 x = 173 y = 408
current window position x = 173 y = 408
当前窗口位置 x = 226 y = 30
current window position x = 226 y = 30
当前窗口位置 x = 481 y = 80
current window position x = 481 y = 80
从 wx.Event 继承的一些子类在下表中列出 −
Some of the subclasses inherited from wx.Event are listed in the following table −
WxPython 中的事件有两种类型:基本事件和命令事件。基本事件只存在于其源头的窗口中。大多数 wxWidget 会生成命令事件。一个 command event 可以传播到位于类层次结构中源窗口之上的窗口。
Events in wxPython are of two types. Basic events and Command events. A basic event stays local to the window in which it originates. Most of the wxWidgets generate command events. A command event can be propagated to window or windows, which are above the source window in class hierarchy.
Following is a simple example of event propagation. The complete code is −
import wx
class MyPanel(wx.Panel):
def __init__(self, parent):
super(MyPanel, self).__init__(parent)
b = wx.Button(self, label = 'Btn', pos = (100,100))
b.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.btnclk)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButtonClicked)
def OnButtonClicked(self, e):
print 'Panel received click event. propagated to Frame class'
def btnclk(self,e):
print "Button received click event. propagated to Panel class"
class Example(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self,parent):
super(Example, self).__init__(parent)
def InitUI(self):
mpnl = MyPanel(self)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButtonClicked)
self.SetTitle('Event propagation demo')
def OnButtonClicked(self, e):
print 'click event received by frame class'
ex = wx.App()
在以上代码中,有两个类。 MyPanel ,一个 wx.Panel 子类和 Example,一个 wx.Frame 子类,它是该程序的顶级窗口。一个按钮放置在面板中。
In the above code, there are two classes. MyPanel, a wx.Panel subclass and Example, a wx.Frame subclass which is the top level window for the program. A button is placed in the panel.
这个 Button 对象绑定到一个事件处理程序 btnclk(),它将事件传播到父类(在这个例子中是 MyPanel)。按钮单击会生成一个 CommandEvent , 它可以通过 Skip() 方法传播到它的父对象。
This Button object is bound to an event handler btnclk() which propagates it to parent class (MyPanel in this case). Button click generates a CommandEvent which can be propagated to its parent by Skip() method.
MyPanel 类对象也把接收到的事件绑定到另一个处理程序 OnButtonClicked()。该函数又依次把事件发送给它的父对象,也就是 Example 类。以上代码会产生以下输出 −
MyPanel class object also binds the received event to another handler OnButtonClicked(). This function in turn transmits to its parent, the Example class. The above code produces the following output −

Button received click event. Propagated to Panel class.
Panel received click event. Propagated to Frame class.
Click event received by frame class.