Xamarin 简明教程

Xamarin Tutorial

Xamarin 是一家软件公司,总部位于旧金山。它提供商业软件开发工具,让用户可以使用 C# 语言和 .NET 框架为安卓、iOS 和 Windows 开发应用程序。Xamarin 建立在 .NET Framework 之上。它让您能够创建可以在多个平台上轻松运行的应用。在本教程中,我们将解释如何使用 Xamarin 来发布本机 iOS、安卓和 Windows 应用。

Xamarin is a software company based in San Francisco. It provides commercial software development tools that allow a user to develop applications for Android, iOS and Windows using C# language and the .NET framework. Xamarin is built on the .NET Framework. It allows one to create apps that easily run across multiple platforms. In this tutorial, we will explain how you can use Xamarin to deliver native iOS, Android, and Windows Apps.


本教程专为初学者开发,旨在帮助他们理解使用 Xamarin 创建本机应用的基础知识。

This tutorial has been developed for beginners to help them understand the basics of creating native Apps using Xamarin.


本教程中的所有程序都使用 Visual C# 开发。因此,您应该很好地理解使用 C# 编程语言编写的代码。

All the programs in this tutorial have been developed using Visual C#. Therefore, you should have a good understanding of code written in C# programming language.