Xhtml 简明教程
XHTML - Validations
每个 XHTML 文档都会针对文档类型定义进行验证。在正确验证 XHTML 文件之前,必须将正确的 DTD 作为文件的第一行或第二行添加。
Every XHTML document is validated against a Document Type Definition. Before validating an XHTML file properly, a correct DTD must be added as the first or second line of the file.
准备好验证 XHTML 文档后,可以使用 W3C 验证器来验证您的文档。此工具非常得心应手,可帮助您修复文档中的问题。此工具不需要任何专业知识来执行验证。
Once you are ready to validate your XHTML document, you can use W3C Validator to validate your document. This tool is very handy and helps you to fix the problems with your document. This tool does not require any expertise to perform validation.
文本框中的以下语句显示详细信息。您需要提供您想要验证的页面的完整 URL,然后单击 Validate Page 按钮。
The following statement in the text box shows you details. You need to give complete URL of the page, which you want to validate and then click Validate Page button.
输入您页面地址在下面的框中 −
Input your page address in the box below −
此验证器检查各种格式的 Web 文档的 markup validity ,尤其适用于 HTML、XHTML、SMIL、MathML 等。
This validator checks the markup validity of web documents with various formats especially in HTML, XHTML, SMIL, MathML, etc.
There are other tools to perform different other validations.