Xml 简明教程

XML Tutorial

XML 代表 *可*扩展 *M*arkup *L*anguage,是一种基于文本的标记语言,源自标准通用标记语言 (SGML)。本教程将教您 XML 的基础知识。本教程分为多个部分,例如 XML 基础、高级 XML 和 XML 工具。这些部分中的每一部分都包含相关主题以及简单而有用的示例。

XML stands for *Ex*tensible *M*arkup *L*anguage and is a text-based markup language derived from Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). This tutorial will teach you the basics of XML. The tutorial is divided into sections such as XML Basics, Advanced XML, and XML tools. Each of these sections contain related topics with simple and useful examples.


本参考已为初学者编制,以帮助他们理解与 XML 相关的从基础到高级的概念。本教程将让您对 XML 有足够的了解,您可以从此处提升自己的专业水平。

This reference has been prepared for beginners to help them understand the basic to advanced concepts related to XML. This tutorial will give you enough understanding on XML from where you can take yourself to a higher level of expertise.


在继续本教程之前,您应该具备 HTML 和 JavaScript 的基本知识。

Before proceeding with this tutorial, you should have basic knowledge of HTML and JavaScript.