Consul 简明教程
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Consul 是 Devops 世界中一项重要的服务发现工具。本教程深入介绍了 Consul 的工作知识、其设置和部署。本教程旨在帮助新用户设置 Consul,学到 Consul 的高级知识,并学习一些围绕 Consul 构建的有趣项目。最后,我希望读者能理解本教程并将 Consul 用到他们的日常工作中。本教程将让你快速入门 Consul,让你熟悉它的各个组件。
Consul is an important service discovery tool in the world of Devops. This tutorial covers in-depth working knowledge of Consul, its setup and deployment. This tutorial aims to help new user’s setup consul, develop advanced knowledge on consul and learn some interesting projects built around consul. In the end, I hope the readers understand this tutorial and use consul for their daily work. This tutorial will give you a quick start with Consul and make you comfortable with its various components.