Dsa Using Java 简明教程

DSA using Java - Linked List

Linked List Basics


  1. Link − 链表的每个链接可以存储一个称为元素的数据。

  2. Next − 链表的每个链接都包含到下一个链接的链接,称为 Next。

  3. LinkedList − 一个 LinkedList 包含连接到称为 First 的第一个 Link 的连接链接。

Linked List Representation

dsa linkedlist


  1. 双向链表包含第一个链接元素。

  2. 每个链接都包含一个数据字段(多个字段)和一个称为 Next 的链接字段。

  3. 每个链接使用其 Next 链接与其下一个链接链接。

  4. 最后一个链接包含一个空链接来标记链表的结尾。

Types of Linked List


  1. Simple Linked List - 项目导航仅向前。

  2. Doubly Linked List - 项目可以向前和向后导航。

  3. Circular Linked List - 最后一个项目包含第一个元素的链接,而第一个元素包含指向最后一个元素的链接。

Basic Operations


  1. Insertion − 在链表的开头添加元素。

  2. Deletion − 删除链表开头的元素。

  3. Display - 显示完整的列表。

  4. Search - 使用给定的键搜索元素。

  5. Delete - 使用给定的键删除元素。

Insertion Operation


dsa linkedlist insertfirst
//insert link at the first location
public void insertFirst(int key, int data){
   //create a link
   Link link = new Link(key,data);
   //point it to old first node
   link.next = first;
   //point first to new first node
   first = link;

Deletion Operation


dsa linkedlist deletefirst
//delete first item
public Link deleteFirst(){
   //save reference to first link
   Link tempLink = first;
   //mark next to first link as first
   first = first.next;
   //return the deleted link
   return tempLink;

Navigation Operation


dsa linkedlist navigation


//display the list
public void display(){
   //start from the beginning
   Link current = first;
   //navigate till the end of the list
   System.out.print("[ ");
   while(current != null){
      //print data
      //move to next item
      current = current.next;
      System.out.print(" ");
   System.out.print(" ]");

Advanced Operations


  1. Sort - 根据特定顺序对列表进行排序。

  2. Reverse - 逆转链表。

  3. Concatenate - 连接两个列表。

Sort Operation


public void sort(){

   int i, j, k, tempKey, tempData ;
   Link current,next;
   int size = length();
   k = size ;
   for ( i = 0 ; i < size - 1 ; i++, k-- ) {
      current = first ;
      next = first.next ;
      for ( j = 1 ; j < k ; j++ ) {
         if ( current.data > next.data ) {
            tempData = current.data ;
            current.data = next.data;
            next.data = tempData ;

            tempKey = current.key;
            current.key = next.key;
            next.key = tempKey;
         current = current.next;
         next = next.next;

Reverse Operation


public LinkedList reverse() {
   LinkedList reversedlist = new LinkedList();
   Link nextLink = null;
   reversedlist.insertFirst(first.key, first.data);

   Link currentLink = first;
   // Until no more data in list,
   // insert current link before first and move ahead.
   while(currentLink.next != null){
      nextLink = currentLink.next;
      // Insert at start of new list.
      reversedlist.insertFirst(nextLink.key, nextLink.data);
      //advance to next node
      currentLink = currentLink.next;
   return reversedlist;

Concatenate Operation


public void concatenate(LinkedList list){
   if(first == null){
      first = list.first;
   if(list.first == null){
   Link temp = first;
   while(temp.next !=null) {
      temp = temp.next;
   temp.next = list.first;


package com.tutorialspoint.list;

public class Link {
   public int key;
   public int data;
   public Link next;

   public Link(int key, int data){
      this.key = key;
      this.data = data;

   public void display(){
package com.tutorialspoint.list;

public class LinkedList {
   //this link always point to first Link
   //in the Linked List
   private Link first;

   // create an empty linked list
   public LinkedList(){
      first = null;

   //insert link at the first location
   public void insertFirst(int key, int data){
      //create a link
      Link link = new Link(key,data);
      //point it to old first node
      link.next = first;
      //point first to new first node
      first = link;

   //delete first item
   public Link deleteFirst(){
      //save reference to first link
      Link tempLink = first;
      //mark next to first link as first
      first = first.next;
      //return the deleted link
      return tempLink;

   //display the list
   public void display(){
      //start from the beginning
      Link current = first;
      //navigate till the end of the list
      System.out.print("[ ");
      while(current != null){
         //print data
         //move to next item
         current = current.next;
         System.out.print(" ");
      System.out.print(" ]");

   //find a link with given key
   public Link find(int key){
      //start from the first link
      Link current = first;

      //if list is empty
      if(first == null){
         return null;
      //navigate through list
      while(current.key != key){
         //if it is last node
         if(current.next == null){
            return null;
            //go to next link
            current = current.next;
      //if data found, return the current Link
      return current;

   //delete a link with given key
   public Link delete(int key){
      //start from the first link
      Link current = first;
      Link previous = null;
      //if list is empty
      if(first == null){
         return null;

      //navigate through list
      while(current.key != key){
         //if it is last node
         if(current.next == null){
            return null;
            //store reference to current link
            previous = current;
            //move to next link
            current = current.next;

      //found a match, update the link
      if(current == first) {
         //change first to point to next link
         first = first.next;
      }else {
         //bypass the current link
         previous.next = current.next;
      return current;

   //is list empty
   public boolean isEmpty(){
      return first == null;

   public int length(){
      int length = 0;
      for(Link current = first; current!=null;
         current = current.next){
      return length;

   public void sort(){
      int i, j, k, tempKey, tempData ;
      Link current,next;
      int size = length();
      k = size ;
      for ( i = 0 ; i < size - 1 ; i++, k-- ) {
         current = first ;
         next = first.next ;
         for ( j = 1 ; j < k ; j++ ) {
            if ( current.data > next.data ) {
               tempData = current.data ;
               current.data = next.data;
               next.data = tempData ;

	           tempKey = current.key;
	           current.key = next.key;
	           next.key = tempKey;
            current = current.next;
           next = next.next;

   public LinkedList reverse() {
      LinkedList reversedlist = new LinkedList();
      Link nextLink = null;
      reversedlist.insertFirst(first.key, first.data);

      Link currentLink = first;
      // Until no more data in list,
      // insert current link before first and move ahead.
      while(currentLink.next != null){
         nextLink = currentLink.next;
         // Insert at start of new list.
         reversedlist.insertFirst(nextLink.key, nextLink.data);
         //advance to next node
         currentLink = currentLink.next;
      return reversedlist;

   public void concatenate(LinkedList list){
      if(first == null){
         first = list.first;
      if(list.first == null){
      Link temp = first;

      while(temp.next !=null) {
         temp = temp.next;
      temp.next = list.first;
package com.tutorialspoint.list;

public class LinkedListDemo {
   public static void main(String args[]){
      LinkedList list = new LinkedList();

      list.insertFirst(1, 10);
      list.insertFirst(2, 20);
      list.insertFirst(3, 30);
      list.insertFirst(4, 1);
      list.insertFirst(5, 40);
      list.insertFirst(6, 56);

      System.out.print("\nOriginal List: ");
         Link temp = list.deleteFirst();
         System.out.print("Deleted value:");
      System.out.print("List after deleting all items: ");
      list.insertFirst(1, 10);
      list.insertFirst(2, 20);
      list.insertFirst(3, 30);
      list.insertFirst(4, 1);
      list.insertFirst(5, 40);
      list.insertFirst(6, 56);

      System.out.print("Restored List: ");

      Link foundLink = list.find(4);
      if(foundLink != null){
        System.out.print("Element found: ");
         System.out.println("Element not found.");

      System.out.print("List after deleting an item: ");
      foundLink = list.find(4);
      if(foundLink != null){
         System.out.print("Element found: ");
         System.out.print("Element not found. {4,1}");
      System.out.print("List after sorting the data: ");
      System.out.print("Reverse of the list: ");
      LinkedList list1 = list.reverse();

      LinkedList list2 = new LinkedList();

      list2.insertFirst(9, 50);
      list2.insertFirst(8, 40);
      list2.insertFirst(7, 20);

      System.out.print("List after concatenation: ");


Original List: [ {6,56} {5,40} {4,1} {3,30} {2,20} {1,10}  ]
Deleted value:{6,56}
Deleted value:{5,40}
Deleted value:{4,1}
Deleted value:{3,30}
Deleted value:{2,20}
Deleted value:{1,10}
List after deleting all items: [  ]
Restored List: [ {6,56} {5,40} {4,1} {3,30} {2,20} {1,10}  ]
Element found: {4,1}
List after deleting an item: [ {6,56} {5,40} {3,30} {2,20} {1,10}  ]
Element not found. {4,1}
List after sorting the data: [ {1,10} {2,20} {3,30} {5,40} {6,56}  ]
Reverse of the list: [ {6,56} {5,40} {3,30} {2,20} {1,10}  ]
List after concatenation: [ {1,10} {2,20} {3,30} {5,40} {6,56} {7,20} {8,40} {9,50}  ]