Hcatalog 简明教程

HCatalog - CLI

HCatalog 命令行界面 (CLI) 可以从命令 $HIVE_HOME/HCatalog/bin/hcat 中调用,其中 $HIVE_HOME 是 Hive 的主目录。 hcat 是用于初始化 HCatalog 服务器的命令。

HCatalog Command Line Interface (CLI) can be invoked from the command $HIVE_HOME/HCatalog/bin/hcat where $HIVE_HOME is the home directory of Hive. hcat is a command used to initialize the HCatalog server.

使用以下命令初始化 HCatalog 命令行。

Use the following command to initialize HCatalog command line.

cd $HCAT_HOME/bin

如果安装已正确完成,则您将获得以下输出 −

If the installation has been done correctly, then you will get the following output −

SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]
usage: hcat { -e "<query>" | -f "<filepath>" }
   [ -g "<group>" ] [ -p "<perms>" ]
   [ -D"<name> = <value>" ]

-D <property = value>    use hadoop value for given property
-e <exec>                hcat command given from command line
-f <file>                hcat commands in file
-g <group>               group for the db/table specified in CREATE statement
-h,--help                Print help information
-p <perms>               permissions for the db/table specified in CREATE statement

HCatalog CLI 支持这些命令行选项 −

The HCatalog CLI supports these command line options −



Example & Description



hcat -g mygroup …​ The table to be created must have the group "mygroup".



hcat -p rwxr-xr-x …​ The table to be created must have read, write, and execute permissions.



hcat -f myscript.HCatalog …​ myscript.HCatalog is a script file containing DDL commands to execute.



hcat -e 'create table mytable(a int);' …​ Treat the following string as a DDL command and execute it.



hcat -Dkey = value …​ Passes the key-value pair to HCatalog as a Java system property.



hcat Prints a usage message.

Note −

  1. The -g and -p options are not mandatory.

  2. At one time, either -e or -f option can be provided, not both.

  3. The order of options is immaterial; you can specify the options in any order.


DDL Command & Description


CREATE TABLE Create a table using HCatalog. If you create a table with a CLUSTERED BY clause, you will not be able to write to it with Pig or MapReduce.


ALTER TABLE Supported except for the REBUILD and CONCATENATE options. Its behavior remains same as in Hive.


DROP TABLE Supported. Behavior the same as Hive (Drop the complete table and structure).


CREATE/ALTER/DROP VIEW Supported. Behavior same as Hive. Note − Pig and MapReduce cannot read from or write to views.


SHOW TABLES Display a list of tables.


SHOW PARTITIONS Display a list of partitions.


Create/Drop Index CREATE and DROP FUNCTION operations are supported, but the created functions must still be registered in Pig and placed in CLASSPATH for MapReduce.


DESCRIBE Supported. Behavior same as Hive. Describe the structure.


Some of the commands from the above table are explained in subsequent chapters.