Hsqldb 简明教程

HSQLDB Tutorial

HyperSQL 数据库是一个现代化的关系数据库管理器,它与 SQL:2011 标准和 JDBC 4 规范紧密一致。它支持所有核心功能和 RDBMS。HSQLDB 用于数据库应用程序的开发、测试和部署。在本教程中,我们将详细了解 HSQLDB,它是最好的开源多模型下一代 NoSQL 产品之一。

HyperSQL Database is a modern relational database manager that conforms closely to the SQL:2011 standard and JDBC 4 specifications. It supports all core features and RDBMS. HSQLDB is used for the development, testing, and deployment of database applications. In this tutorial, we will look closely at HSQLDB, which is one of the best open-source, multi-model, next generation NoSQL product.


本教程专为愿意通过简单易行的步骤学习 HSQL 数据库的软件专业人士设计。它将让你深入了解 HSQLDB 概念。

This tutorial is designed for Software Professionals who are willing to learn HSQL Database in simple and easy steps. It will give you a great understanding on HSQLDB concepts.


在你开始练习本教程中给出的各种类型的示例之前,我们假设你已经了解数据库的概念,尤其是 RDBMS。

Before you start practicing the various types of examples given in this tutorial, we assume you are already aware of the concepts of database, especially RDBMS.