Ims Db 简明教程
IMS DB Tutorial
IMS 表示信息管理系统。IMS 由 IBM 与 Rockwell 和 Caterpillar 于 1966 年为阿波罗计划开发,目的是将人类送上月球。它开启了数据库管理系统革命,并且持续不断地发展以满足数据处理要求。IMS 提供了易于使用、可靠且标准的环境来执行高性能事务。IMS 数据库由 COBOL 等高级编程语言用于将数据存储为层次结构并访问数据。
IMS stands for Information Management System. IMS was developed by IBM with Rockwell and Caterpillar in year 1966 for the Apollo program to send a man to the moon. It started the database management system revolution and still continues to evolve to meet data processing requirements. IMS provides an easy-to-use, reliable, and standard environment for executing high-performance transactions. IMS database is used by high-level programming languages like COBOL to store data in hierarchical arrangement and access it.
本教程面向有兴趣从头了解 IMS 数据库概念的软件程序员。本教程提供对 IMS 数据管理的充分理解,从中你可以让自己达到更高的专业知识水平。
This tutorial is designed for software programmers who are interested in understanding the concepts of IMS database starting from scratch. This tutorial gives enough understanding on IMS data management from where you can take yourself to higher levels of expertise.