Linux Admin 简明教程

Linux Admin - MySQL Setup On CentOS 7

正如在将 CentOS 配置为与 Maria DB 配合使用时,CentOS 7 yum 存储库中没有本地 MySQL 包。考虑到这一点,我们需要添加一个 MySQL 托管存储库。

As touched upon briefly when configuring CentOS for use with Maria DB, there is no native MySQL package in the CentOS 7 yum repository. To account for this, we will need to add a MySQL hosted repository.

MariaDB vs MySQL On CentOS Linux

需要指出的一点是 MySQL 需要一组与 MariaDB 不同的基本依赖项。同时使用 MySQL 会打破 CentOS 的概念和哲学:专为实现最大可靠性而设计的生产包。

One thing to note is MySQL will require a different set of base dependencies from MariaDB. Also using MySQL will break the concept and philosophy of CentOS: production packages designed for maximum reliability.

因此,在决定是否使用 Maria 还是 MySQL 时应权衡这两个选项:我的当前数据库模式是否适用于 Maria?安装 MySQL 相比使用 Maria 有什么优势?

So when deciding whether to use Maria or MySQL one should weigh two options: Will my current DB Schema work with Maria? What advantage does installing MySQL over Maria give me?

Maria 组件对 MySQL 结构完全透明,具有更好的许可,并增加了一些效率。除非有令人信服的理由出现,否则建议将 CentOS 配置为使用 MariaDB。

Maria components are 100% transparent to MySQL structure, with some added efficiency with better licensing. Unless a compelling reason comes along, it is advised to configure CentOS to use MariaDB.

在 CentOS 上支持 Maria 的最大原因是:

The biggest reasons for favoring Maria on CentOS are −

  1. Most people will be using MariaDB. When experiencing issues you will get more assistance with Maria.

  2. CentOS is designed to run with Maria. Hence, Maria will offer better stability.

  3. Maria is officially supported for CentOS.

Download and Add the MySQL Repository

从以下链接下载并安装 MySQL 存储库:

We will want to download and install the MySQL repository from −

Step 1 − 下载存储库。

Step 1 − Download the Repository.

存储库经过方便地打包,使用 rpm 包可以轻松安装。可使用 wget 下载:

The repository comes conveniently packaged in an rpm package for easy installation. It can be downloaded with wget −

[root@centos]# wget
   --2017-02-26 03:18:36--
   Resolving (

Step 2 −从 YUM 安装 MySQL。

Step 2 − Install MySQL From YUM.

我们现在可以使用 yum 包管理器来安装 MySQL:

We can now use the yum package manager to install MySQL −

[root@centos]# yum -y install mysql-server

Step 3 −启动并启用 MySQL 守护进程服务。

Step 3 − Start and Enable the MySQL Daemon Service.

[root@centos]# systemctl start mysql
[root@centos]# systemctl enable  mysql

Step 4 −确保我们的 MySQL 服务正在运行中。

Step 4 − Make sure our MySQL service is up and running.

[root@centos]# netstat -antup | grep 3306
tcp6       0       0 :::3306       :::*       LISTEN       6572/mysqld

注意:我们不会允许任何防火墙规则通过。通常将 MySQL 配置为使用 Unix Domain Sockets 。这确保只有 LAMP 堆栈的 Web 服务器在本地才能访问 MySQL 数据库,从而消除了数据库软件中的整个攻击向量维度。

Note − We will not allow any firewall rules through. It’s common to have MySQL configured to use Unix Domain Sockets. This assures only the web-server of the LAMP stack, locally, can access the MySQL database, taking out a complete dimension in the attack vector at the database software.