Mariadb 简明教程
MariaDB - Select Database
连接到 MariaDB 后,您必须选择一个数据库以供使用,因为可能存在多个数据库。有两种方法可以执行此任务:从命令提示符或通过 PHP 脚本。
After connecting to MariaDB, you must select a database to work with because many databases may exist. There are two ways to perform this task: from the command prompt or through a PHP script.
The Command Prompt
要从命令提示符选择一个数据库,只需使用 SQL 命令 ‘use’ −
In choosing a database at the command prompt, simply utilize the SQL command ‘use’ −
[root@host]# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:******
mysql> use PRODUCTS;
Database changed
mysql> SELECT database();
| Database |
Once you select a database, all subsequent commands will operate on the chosen database.
Note − 所有名称(例如,数据库、表、字段)都区分大小写。确保命令符合正确的格式。
Note − All names (e.g., database, table, fields) are case sensitive. Ensure commands conform to the proper case.
PHP Select Database Script
PHP 提供 mysql_select_db 函数来进行数据库选择。该函数使用两个参数,一个可选参数,并在成功选择时返回 “true” 值,在失败时返回 “false” 值。
PHP provides the mysql_select_db function for database selection. The function uses two parameters, one optional, and returns a value of “true” on successful selection, or false on failure.
Review the following select database script syntax.
bool mysql_select_db( db_name, connection );
参数说明如下 −
The description of the parameters is given below −
S.No |
Parameter & Description |
1 |
db_name This required parameter specifies the name of the database to use. |
2 |
connection When not specified, this optional parameter uses the most recent connection used. |
尝试以下示例代码来选择一个数据库 −
Try the following example code for selecting a database −
<title>Select a MariaDB Database</title>
$dbhost = 'localhost:3036';
$dbuser = 'guest1';
$dbpass = 'guest1a';
$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
if(! $conn ) {
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
echo 'Connected successfully';
mysql_select_db( 'PRODUCTS' );
成功选择后,您将看到以下输出 −
On successful selection, you will see the following output −
mysql> Connected successfully