Natural Language Processing 简明教程

Natural Language Processing Tutorial

语言是一种交流方式,借助语言,我们可以进行说话、阅读和书写。自然语言处理 (NLP) 是计算机科学的一个子领域,它处理人工智能 (AI),这使计算机能够理解和处理人类语言。

Language is a method of communication with the help of which we can speak, read and write. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a subfield of Computer Science that deals with Artificial Intelligence (AI), which enables computers to understand and process human language.



This tutorial is designed to benefit graduates, postgraduates, and research students who either have an interest in this subject or have this subject as a part of their curriculum. The reader can be a beginner or an advanced learner.


读者必须具备有关人工智能的基本知识。他还/她还应该了解英语语法和 Python 编程概念中使用的基本术语。

The reader must have basic knowledge about Artificial Intelligence. He/she should also be aware about basic terminologies used in English grammar and Python programming concepts.