Neo4j 简明教程

Neo4j - Where Clause

与 SQL 类似,Neo4j CQL 在 CQL MATCH 命令中提供了 WHERE 子句以过滤 MATCH 查询的结果。

Like SQL, Neo4j CQL has provided WHERE clause in CQL MATCH command to filter the results of a MATCH Query.


以下是 WHERE 子句的语法。

Following is the syntax of the WHERE clause.

MATCH (label)
WHERE = "property"
RETURN label



Before proceeding with the example, create five nodes in the database as shown below.

CREATE(Dhawan:player{name:"shikar Dhawan", YOB: 1985, runs:363, country: "India"}
CREATE(Jonathan:player{name:"Jonathan Trott", YOB:1981, runs:229, country:"South Africa"}
CREATE(Sangakkara:player{name:"Kumar Sangakkara", YOB:1977, runs:222,
CREATE(Rohit:player{name:"Rohit Sharma", YOB: 1987, runs:177, country:"India"})
CREATE(Virat:player{name:"Virat Kohli", YOB: 1988, runs:176, country:"India"})
CREATE(Ind:Country {name: "India", result: "Winners"})

以下是使用 WHERE 子句返回所有属于印度的球员(节点)的示例 Cypher 查询。

Following is a sample Cypher Query which returns all the players (nodes) that belongs to the country India using WHERE clause.

MATCH (player)
WHERE = "India"
RETURN player


To execute the above query, carry out the following steps −

Step 1 - 打开 Neo4j Desktop App 并启动 Neo4j Server。使用 URL http://localhost:7474/ 打开 Neo4j 的内置浏览器应用,如下面的屏幕截图所示。

Step 1 − Open the Neo4j desktop App and start the Neo4j Server. Open the built-in browser app of Neo4j using the URL http://localhost:7474/ as shown in the following screenshot.

browser app

Step 2 - 在美元提示符中复制并粘贴所需的查询,并按播放按钮(执行查询)突出显示在下面的屏幕截图中。

Step 2 − Copy and paste the desired query in the dollar prompt and press the play button (to execute the query) highlighted in the following screenshot.

where player



On executing, you will get the following result.

where result

WHERE Clause with Multiple Conditions

您还可以使用 WHERE 子句验证多个条件。

You can also use the WHERE clause to verify multiple conditions.


以下是具有多个条件在 Neo4j 中使用 WHERE 子句的语法。

Following is the syntax to use WHERE clause in Neo4j with multiple conditions.

MATCH (emp:Employee)
WHERE = 'Abc' AND = 'Xyz'


以下是使用两种条件在 Neo4j 数据库中过滤节点的示例 Cypher 查询。

Following is a sample Cypher Query which filters the nodes in the Neo4j database using two conditions.

MATCH (player)
WHERE = "India" AND player.runs >=175
RETURN player


To execute the above query, carry out the following steps −

Step 1 - 打开 Neo4j Desktop App 并启动 Neo4j Server。使用 URL http://localhost:7474/ 打开 Neo4j 的内置浏览器应用,如下面的屏幕截图所示。

Step 1 − Open the Neo4j desktop App and start the Neo4j Server. Open the built-in browser app of Neo4j using the URL http://localhost:7474/ as shown in the following screenshot.

browser app

Step 2 - 在美元提示符中复制并粘贴所需的查询,并按播放按钮(执行查询)突出显示在下面的屏幕截图中。

Step 2 − Copy and paste the desired query in the dollar prompt and press the play button (to execute the query) highlighted in the following screenshot.

return player



On executing, you will get the following result.

condition result

Using Relationship with Where Clause

您还可以使用 Where 子句使用关系来过滤节点。

You can also use Where clause to filter the nodes using the relationships.



Assume we have the following graph in the database.

assumed database

以下是如下所示使用 WHERE 子句检索印度最高得分的示例 Cypher 查询。

Following is a sample Cypher Query to retrieve the top scorer of India using WHERE clause as shown below.

WHERE (n)-[: TOP_SCORER_OF]->( {name: "India", result: "Winners"})


To execute the above query, carry out the following steps −

Step 1 - 打开 Neo4j Desktop App 并启动 Neo4j Server。使用 URL http://localhost:7474/ 打开 Neo4j 的内置浏览器应用,如下面的屏幕截图所示。

Step 1 − Open the Neo4j desktop App and start the Neo4j Server. Open the built-in browser app of Neo4j using the URL http://localhost:7474/ as shown in the following screenshot.

browser app

Step 2 - 在美元提示符中复制并粘贴所需的查询,并按播放按钮(执行查询)突出显示在下面的屏幕截图中。

Step 2 − Copy and paste the desired query in the dollar prompt and press the play button (to execute the query) highlighted in the following screenshot.

winners result


在执行时,您将获得以下结果。在这里,您可以观察到 Neo4j 返回了具有名为印度的节点与国家有 TOP_SCORER_OF 关系的节点。

On executing, you will get the following result. Here you can observe that Neo4j returned the node, which has the relation TOP_SCORER_OF to the country with the node having the name India.

returned node