Operating System 简明教程
Operating System - Multi-Threading
What is Thread?
A thread is a flow of execution through the process code, with its own program counter that keeps track of which instruction to execute next, system registers which hold its current working variables, and a stack which contains the execution history.
A thread shares with its peer threads few information like code segment, data segment and open files. When one thread alters a code segment memory item, all other threads see that.
一个线程也称为 lightweight process 。线程提供了一种通过并行性来提高应用程序性能的方法。线程代表了一种通过降低开销来提高操作系统性能的软件方法,线程相当于一个传统进程。
A thread is also called a lightweight process. Threads provide a way to improve application performance through parallelism. Threads represent a software approach to improving performance of operating system by reducing the overhead thread is equivalent to a classical process.
每一个线程都精确地属于一个进程,且没有一个线程能够存在于进程之外。每一个线程代表一个独立的控制流。线程已经在网络服务器和 Web 服务器的实现中得到了成功的应用。它们还为共享内存多处理机上应用程序的并行执行提供了一个合适的基石。下图显示了单线程和多线程进程的工作方式。
Each thread belongs to exactly one process and no thread can exist outside a process. Each thread represents a separate flow of control. Threads have been successfully used in implementing network servers and web server. They also provide a suitable foundation for parallel execution of applications on shared memory multiprocessors. The following figure shows the working of a single-threaded and a multithreaded process.

Difference between Process and Thread
S.N. |
Process |
Thread |
1 |
Process is heavy weight or resource intensive. |
Thread is light weight, taking lesser resources than a process. |
2 |
Process switching needs interaction with operating system. |
Thread switching does not need to interact with operating system. |
3 |
In multiple processing environments, each process executes the same code but has its own memory and file resources. |
All threads can share same set of open files, child processes. |
4 |
If one process is blocked, then no other process can execute until the first process is unblocked. |
While one thread is blocked and waiting, a second thread in the same task can run. |
5 |
Multiple processes without using threads use more resources. |
Multiple threaded processes use fewer resources. |
6 |
In multiple processes each process operates independently of the others. |
One thread can read, write or change another thread’s data. |
Advantages of Thread
Threads minimize the context switching time.
Use of threads provides concurrency within a process.
Efficient communication.
It is more economical to create and context switch threads.
Threads allow utilization of multiprocessor architectures to a greater scale and efficiency.
Types of Thread
Threads are implemented in following two ways −
User Level Threads − User managed threads.
Kernel Level Threads − Operating System managed threads acting on kernel, an operating system core.
User Level Threads
In this case, the thread management kernel is not aware of the existence of threads. The thread library contains code for creating and destroying threads, for passing message and data between threads, for scheduling thread execution and for saving and restoring thread contexts. The application starts with a single thread.

Kernel Level Threads
In this case, thread management is done by the Kernel. There is no thread management code in the application area. Kernel threads are supported directly by the operating system. Any application can be programmed to be multithreaded. All of the threads within an application are supported within a single process.
The Kernel maintains context information for the process as a whole and for individuals threads within the process. Scheduling by the Kernel is done on a thread basis. The Kernel performs thread creation, scheduling and management in Kernel space. Kernel threads are generally slower to create and manage than the user threads.
Multithreading Models
一些操作系统提供了一种组合的用户级线程和内核级线程工具。Solaris 就是这种方法的一个很好的示例。在组合系统中,同一个应用程序中的多个线程可以在多处理器上并行运行,并且一个阻塞系统调用不必阻塞整个进程。多线程模式有三种类型:
Some operating system provide a combined user level thread and Kernel level thread facility. Solaris is a good example of this combined approach. In a combined system, multiple threads within the same application can run in parallel on multiple processors and a blocking system call need not block the entire process. Multithreading models are three types
Many to many relationship.
Many to one relationship.
One to one relationship.
Many to Many Model
The many-to-many model multiplexes any number of user threads onto an equal or smaller number of kernel threads.
下图显示了多对多线程模型,其中 6 个用户级线程与 6 个内核级线程进行复用。在这个模型中,开发者可以创建任意数量必要的用户线程,而对应的内核线程可以在多处理器机器上并行运行。此模型可以最准确地反映并发性,当一个线程执行阻塞系统调用时,内核可以调度另一个线程执行。
The following diagram shows the many-to-many threading model where 6 user level threads are multiplexing with 6 kernel level threads. In this model, developers can create as many user threads as necessary and the corresponding Kernel threads can run in parallel on a multiprocessor machine. This model provides the best accuracy on concurrency and when a thread performs a blocking system call, the kernel can schedule another thread for execution.

Many to One Model
Many-to-one model maps many user level threads to one Kernel-level thread. Thread management is done in user space by the thread library. When thread makes a blocking system call, the entire process will be blocked. Only one thread can access the Kernel at a time, so multiple threads are unable to run in parallel on multiprocessors.
If the user-level thread libraries are implemented in the operating system in such a way that the system does not support them, then the Kernel threads use the many-to-one relationship modes.

One to One Model
用户级线程和内核级线程之间是 一对一 关系。此模型比多对一模型提供了更高的并发性。它也允许在某个线程执行阻塞系统调用时运行另一个线程。它支持多线程在微处理器上并行执行。
There is one-to-one relationship of user-level thread to the kernel-level thread. This model provides more concurrency than the many-to-one model. It also allows another thread to run when a thread makes a blocking system call. It supports multiple threads to execute in parallel on microprocessors.
这个模型的劣势是创建用户线程需要相应的内核线程。OS/2、Windows NT 和 Windows 2000 使用一对一关系模型。
Disadvantage of this model is that creating user thread requires the corresponding Kernel thread. OS/2, windows NT and windows 2000 use one to one relationship model.

Difference between User-Level & Kernel-Level Thread
S.N. |
User-Level Threads |
Kernel-Level Thread |
1 |
User-level threads are faster to create and manage. |
Kernel-level threads are slower to create and manage. |
2 |
Implementation is by a thread library at the user level. |
Operating system supports creation of Kernel threads. |
3 |
User-level thread is generic and can run on any operating system. |
Kernel-level thread is specific to the operating system. |
4 |
Multi-threaded applications cannot take advantage of multiprocessing. |
Kernel routines themselves can be multithreaded. |