Org Json 简明教程
Org.Json - Overview
org.json or JSON-Java 是一个简单的基于 Java 的 JSON 工具包。你可以使用 org.json 来编码或解码 JSON 数据。
org.json or JSON-Java is a simple Java based toolkit for JSON. You can use org.json to encode or decode JSON data.
Specification Compliant − JSON.simple is fully compliant with JSON Specification - RFC4627.
Lightweight − It have very few classes and provides the necessary functionalities like encode/decode and escaping json.
XML Conversion − It provides conversion capability from JSON to XML and vice-versa.
HTTP Headers − Supports HTTP Header conversion to JSON and vice versa.
Cookie − Provides support for Cookie conversion to JSON and vice versa.
CDL − Provides support to convert comma separated list to JSON and vice versa.
No dependency − No external library dependency. Can be independently included.
Java 1.6-1.11 compatible − Source code and the binary are Java 1.6-1.11 compatible