Pouchdb 简明教程

PouchDB - Delete Database

您可以使用 db.destroy() 方法删除 PouchDB 中的数据库。

You can delete a database in PouchDB using the db.destroy() method.


以下为 db.destroy() 方法的语法。此方法接受一个回调函数作为参数。

Following is the syntax of using the db.destroy() method. This method accepts a callback function as a parameter.



以下是使用 destroy() 方法删除 PouchDB 中数据库的示例。在此,我们删除了名为 my_database 的数据库,已在前一章节中创建。

Following is an example of deleting a database in PouchDB using the destroy() method. Here, we are deleting the database named my_database, created in the previous chapters.

//Requiring the package
var PouchDB = require('PouchDB');

//Creating the database object
var db = new PouchDB('my_database');

//deleting database
db.destroy(function (err, response) {
   if (err) {
      return console.log(err);
   } else {
      console.log ("Database Deleted”);

将以上代码保存在名为 Delete_Database.js. 的文件中。打开命令提示符并使用 node 来执行 JavaScript 文件,如下所示。

Save the above code in a file with the name Delete_Database.js. Open the command prompt and execute the JavaScript file using node as shown below.

C:\PouchDB_Examples >node Delete_Database.js

这会删除名为 my_database 并存储在本地数据库中的数据库,并显示以下消息。

This will delete the database named my_database which is stored locally displaying the following message.

Database Deleted

Deleting a Remote Database


In the same way, you can delete a database that is stored remotely on the server (CouchDB).

做法是:使用 CouchDB 时,您需要传递要删除的数据库路径,而不是数据库名称。

To do so, instead of a database name, you need to pass the path to the database that is required to be deleted, in CouchDB.


假设 CouchDB 服务器中有一个名为 my_database 的数据库。然后,如果您使用 URL 验证 CouchDB 中的数据库列表,您将获得以下屏幕截图。

Suppose there is a database named my_database in the CouchDB server. Then, if you verify the list of databases in CouchDB using the URL you will get the following screenshot.

deleting remote database

以下是删除一个存储在 CouchDB 服务器中名为 my_database 的数据库的示例。

Following is an example of deleting a database named my_database that is saved in the CouchDB server.

//Requiring the package
var PouchDB = require('pouchdb');

//Creating the database object
var db = new PouchDB('http://localhost:5984/my_database');

//deleting database
db.destroy(function (err, response) {
   if (err) {
      return console.log(err);
   } else {
      console.log("Database Deleted");

将以上代码保存在名为 Remote_Database_Delete.js 的文件中。打开命令提示符并使用 node 来执行 JavaScript 文件,如下所示。

Save the above code in a file with the name Remote_Database_Delete.js. Open the command prompt and execute the JavaScript file using node as shown below.

C:\PouchDB_Examples >Remote_Database_Delete.js

这会从 PouchDB 中删除指定数据库,并显示以下消息。

This deletes the specified database from PouchDB displaying the following message.

Database Deleted


执行上述程序后,如果您再次打开 URL,您会看到以下截图。在此,您可以看到只有两个数据库,因为 my_database 已被删除。

After executing the above program, if you visit the URL again, you will get the following screenshot. Here you can observe only two databases since my_database was deleted.

delete database verification