Python Blockchain 简明教程

Python Blockchain Tutorial


Blockchain is the current buzz that is dominating the software development trends. The development and designing of Blockchain involves three major components: client, miner and blockchain. This tutorial is aimed to give you a crisp understanding of the process of building your own blockchain.



Any programming enthusiast who wants to keep in pace with the recent trend of Blockchain development can gain from this tutorial. If you are a learner interested to learn the basics of Blockchain Development, this tutorial aptly suits your needs.


本教程的撰写假设学习者对 Python 编程以及对区块链有一个基本的了解。如果你对任何一个概念都不熟悉,我们建议你首先根据这些概念选择教程,然后再深入本教程。

This tutorial is written assuming that the learner has an idea on programming in Python and a basic idea on Blockchain. If you are new to any of these concepts, we suggest you to pick tutorials based on these concepts first before you plunge into this tutorial.