Python Text Processing 简明教程

Python - Search and Match

在使用正则表达式时,有两个基本操作看似相似,但存在重大差异。 re.match() 仅检查字符串开头的匹配项,而 检查字符串中的任意位置的匹配项。这在文本处理中起着重要的作用,因为我们经常必须编写正确的正则表达式来检索文本块,例如进行情感分析。

import re

if"tor", "Tutorial"):
        print "1. search result found anywhere in the string"

if re.match("Tut", "Tutorial"):
         print "2. Match with beginning of string"

if not re.match("tor", "Tutorial"):
        print "3. No match with match if not beginning"

# Search as Match

if  not"^tor", "Tutorial"):
        print "4. search as match"


1. search result found anywhere in the string
2. Match with beginning of string
3. No match with match if not beginning
4. search as match