Python Web Development Libraries 简明教程

Python Web Development Libraries - Introduction

每当用户打开任何网页浏览器(如 Google Chrome 或 Mozilla)并搜索“Web 开发”时,就会在短时间内出现数千个结果。是什么让这一切成为可能?Web 开发!它广泛涉及到通过 Intranet 或 Internet 为托管构建、创建和维护网站相关的工作。与网站设计相关的工包括多个领域:Web 编程、数据库管理、Web 设计、Web 发布等。

Whenever a user opens any web browser like Google Chrome or Mozilla and search for ‘Web development’, thousands of results appear in no time. What makes this possible? Web development! It broadly refers to the work associated with building, creating and maintaining websites for hosting via intranet or internet. The work associated in website design contain multiple areas: web programming, database management, web design, web publishing, etc.

Web 开发包括让网站能够运行的所有代码。我们可以将整个 Web 开发过程分为两类:

Web development includes all the codes that influence a website to run. We can separate the whole process of web development into two categories −

  1. Front-end

  2. Back-end

尽管前端和后端 Web 开发肯定彼此不同,但它们也像同一枚硬币的两面。一个完整的网站依靠每一方与另一方有效地进行通信和操作,作为一个单一单元。前端和后端在 Web 开发中都同样重要。

Though frontend and backend web development are certainly distinct from each other, they are also like two sides of the same coin. A complete website relies on each side communicating and operating effectively with the other as a single unit. Both front-end and back-end are equally important in web development.


The front-end or client-side of an application is the code responsible for everything the user directly experiences on screen from text colors to buttons, images and navigation menus. Some of the common skills and tools which are used by front-end developers are listed below −

  1. HTML/CSS/JavaScript

  2. CSS preprocessors

  3. Frameworks

  4. Libraries

  5. Git and Github

通常,应用程序的后端/服务器端负责管理数据库中的信息并将该信息提供给前端。网站的后端包括服务器、应用程序和数据库。通常,它包括在进入浏览器之前发生的所有事情。后端 Web 开发中必需的工具包括:

Generally, the back-end/server-side of an application is responsible for managing information within the database and serving that information to the front-end. The back-end of a website consists of a server, application, and database. In general, it involves everything that happens before hitting your browser. The tools required in back-end web development are −

  1. Programming language − Ruby, PHP, Python, etc.

  2. Database − MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Oracle, etc.

Why Web Development?

在当今世界,有多种选择可以宣传您的业务或技能并分享您的想法。其中一些是通过网站、应用商店中的原生应用程序等进行推广。创建新网站作为业务开发工具的趋势正在世界范围内迅速 gaining momentum 。但是,我们当中的一些人可能不知道网站在业务发展中的重要性。

In today’s world, there are multiple choices to promote your business or skills and share your ideas. Some of them are promotion through websites, native applications in marketplaces, etc. The trend of creating new website as a tool of business development is rapidly gaining momentum around the world. But, some of us may be unaware of the importance a website holds in the growth of a business.


Currently there are numerous start-ups struggling to establish their presence in the open market. However, it is also true that most of them fail to gain as much targeted audience as they want. One primary reason which is bringing them down is that they underestimate the potential of a full feature developed website to earn business for them. Website development for business or any other purpose can prove quite fruitful.


Let us look at some of the important reasons why website development is important for business growth −

Reaching out to your audiences


Online websites can reach to broadest audience and are not restricted to a platform that constrain native applications. The viewers or customers can have easy access i.e. from a desktop/laptop to a mobile device, as websites have the capability to display the content through web browser.

与原生应用程序相比,网络浏览要简单得多,因为它不需要用户访问设备上的应用商店或下载他们的应用程序(这可能包括一个或多个访问您内容的过程)。基于 Web 的应用程序比原生应用程序更灵活且敏捷,因为没有严格的应用商店要求和内容限制需要遵守。

In comparison to native application, web browsing is much simpler because it does not require users to access the app store on their devices or download their app (which may include one or more processes in accessing to your contents). Distribution of your data is much more flexible and agile with web-based application than native ones as there are no stringent app store requirements and content restrictions to follow.

另一个对 Web 开发非常有用的工具是利用 SEO 技术来定位您的受众。

Another tool which is very helpful for web development is the power of utilizing SEO techniques to target your audiences.

24/7 Accessible


Instead of establishing a physical outlet for the company, if the business owner develops a website as an online forum or similar, there will be good chance of gaining larger audience online to link up. This is because, most of the people are wired up with the Internet all day.


Generally, people prefer to go for the smartest way to check online first and then take a decision. So if the business owner fills all the basic details of the product and make a secure way to get the product to the customer in timely manner, then people will prefer buying online instead of visiting the outlet physically. This also allows people to access it even in the oddest hour of the day.



A fully functional website provides greater advantage for users where they can always tune in and look for what they need. Generally, users avoid going to stores physically if they have an option to get it online. So, if you are a smart businessman, you would prefer to have all the details of your products or your stores on the website only to earn business, which you otherwise might not.

Global Marketing


With an online website, you can link up to social forums and market your product/service to a huge audience all around the globe. With this, you can regularly advertise and share your work on social forums to gain much higher footprints of targeted audience.

Credible Source


An online portal is the most trustworthy platform for any company/organization. Sometimes official websites can even function as their sole office. Consider a scenario, where it is not easy to get access to a company’s physical location. In such case, you can overcome this worry by focusing on their website.


In short, by developing a website, you can promote your services by a few clicks and you can grab the attention of consumers from various parts of the world. The website of a company can prove remarkable to gain business not only in a shorter time but also with a much bigger audience.