Svn 简明教程
SVN - Review Changes
Jerry 已将 array.c 文件添加到代码库中。Tom 也签出了最新代码并开始工作。
Jerry already added array.c file to the repository. Tom also checks out the latest code and starts working.
[tom@CentOS ~]$ svn co --username=tom
Above command will produce the following result.
A project_repo/trunk
A project_repo/trunk/array.c
A project_repo/branches
A project_repo/tags
Checked out revision 2.
But, he found that someone has already added the code. So he is curious about who did that and he checks the log message to see more details using the following command:
[tom@CentOS trunk]$ svn log
Above command will produce the following result.
r2 | jerry | 2013-08-17 20:40:43 +0530 (Sat, 17 Aug 2013) | 1 line
Initial commit
r1 | jerry | 2013-08-04 23:43:08 +0530 (Sun, 04 Aug 2013) | 1 line
Create trunk, branches, tags directory structure
当 Tom 观察 Jerry 的代码时,他立即注意到其中的一个 bug。Jerry 未检查数组溢出,这可能导致严重问题。因此,Tom 决定修复此问题。修改后,array.c 如下所示。
When Tom observes Jerry’s code, he immediately notices a bug in that. Jerry was not checking for array overflow, which could cause serious problems. So Tom decides to fix this problem. After modification, array.c will look like this.
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 16
int main(void)
int i, n, arr[MAX];
printf("Enter the total number of elements: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
/* handle array overflow condition */
if (n > MAX) {
fprintf(stderr, "Number of elements must be less than %d\n", MAX);
return 1;
printf("Enter the elements\n");
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
scanf("%d", &arr[i]);
printf("Array has following elements\n");
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
printf("|%d| ", arr[i]);
return 0;
Tom 希望使用 status 操作 查看挂起的变更列表。
Tom wants to use the status operation to see the pending change-list.
[tom@CentOS trunk]$ svn status
M array.c
array.c 文件已修改,这就是为什么 Subversion 在文件名之前显示 M 字符的原因。接下来,Tom 编译并测试了他的代码,且该代码运行良好。在提交更改之前,他想通过查看他所做的更改来仔细检查。
array.c file is modified, that’s why Subversion shows M letter before file name. Next Tom compiles and tests his code and it is working fine. Before committing changes, he wants to double-check it by reviewing the changes that he made.
[tom@CentOS trunk]$ svn diff
Index: array.c
--- array.c (revision 2)
+++ array.c (working copy)
@@ -9,6 +9,11 @@
printf("Enter the total number of elements: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
+ if (n > MAX) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Number of elements must be less than %d\n", MAX);
+ return 1;
+ }
printf("Enter the elements\n");
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
Tom 已在 array.c 文件中添加了几行,这就是为什么 Subversion 在新行之前显示 * + * 符号。现在,他准备提交他的更改。
Tom has added a few lines in the array.c file, that’s why Subversion shows * + * sign before new lines. Now he is ready to commit his changes.
[tom@CentOS trunk]$ svn commit -m "Fix array overflow problem"
The above command will produce the following result.
Sending trunk/array.c
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 3.
Tom 的更改已成功提交到代码库中。
Tom’s changes are successfully committed to the repository.