Xstream 简明教程

XStream Tutorial

XStream 是一个简单的基于 Java 的库,用于将 Java 对象序列化为 XML,反之亦然。本教程采用简单直观的方式来解释 XStream 库的基本特性及其使用方法。

XStream is a simple Java-based library to serialize Java objects to XML and vice versa. This is a brief tutorial that adopts a simple and intuitive way to explain the basic features of XStream library and how to use them.


本教程旨在满足希望了解 XStream 库的基础知识并将其用于其 Java 程序的 Java 开发人员的要求。

This tutorial has been prepared to suit the requirements of Java developers who would like to understand the basics of XStream library and use it in their Java programs.


由于 XStream 是一个基于 Java 的库,因此为了使用此库,你需要清晰地了解 Java 编程。

Since XStream is a Java-based library, you need to have a clear understanding of Java programming in order to make use of this library.