Dwh 简明教程
Data Warehousing - Data Marting
Why Do We Need a Data Mart?
Listed below are the reasons to create a data mart −
To partition data in order to impose access control strategies.
To speed up the queries by reducing the volume of data to be scanned.
To segment data into different hardware platforms.
To structure data in a form suitable for a user access tool.
Note − 不要出于任何其他原因建立数据市集,因为数据市集的运营成本可能非常高。在建立数据市集之前,请确保数据市集策略适合你的特定解决方案。
Note − Do not data mart for any other reason since the operation cost of data marting could be very high. Before data marting, make sure that data marting strategy is appropriate for your particular solution.
Cost-effective Data Marting
Follow the steps given below to make data marting cost-effective −
Identify the Functional Splits
Identify User Access Tool Requirements
Identify Access Control Issues
Identify the Functional Splits
In this step, we determine if the organization has natural functional splits. We look for departmental splits, and we determine whether the way in which departments use information tend to be in isolation from the rest of the organization. Let’s have an example.
考虑一个零售组织,其中每个商家负责最大化销售一组产品。为此,以下是有价值的信息 -
Consider a retail organization, where each merchant is accountable for maximizing the sales of a group of products. For this, the following are the valuable information −
sales transaction on a daily basis
sales forecast on a weekly basis
stock position on a daily basis
stock movements on a daily basis
As the merchant is not interested in the products they are not dealing with, the data marting is a subset of the data dealing which the product group of interest. The following diagram shows data marting for different users.

以下是在确定功能划分时需要考虑的问题 -
Given below are the issues to be taken into account while determining the functional split −
The structure of the department may change.
The products might switch from one department to other.
The merchant could query the sales trend of other products to analyze what is happening to the sales.
Note - 我们需要确定使用数据市集的业务优势和技术可行性。
Note − We need to determine the business benefits and technical feasibility of using a data mart.
Identify User Access Tool Requirements
我们需要数据市集来支持 user access tools ,它们需要内部数据结构。此类结构中的数据不受数据仓库控制,但需要定期填充和更新。
We need data marts to support user access tools that require internal data structures. The data in such structures are outside the control of data warehouse but need to be populated and updated on a regular basis.
There are some tools that populate directly from the source system but some cannot. Therefore additional requirements outside the scope of the tool are needed to be identified for future.
Note - 为了确保所有访问工具中数据的一致性,不应直接从数据仓库填充数据,而是每个工具都必须有自己的数据市集。
Note − In order to ensure consistency of data across all access tools, the data should not be directly populated from the data warehouse, rather each tool must have its own data mart.
Identify Access Control Issues
There should to be privacy rules to ensure the data is accessed by authorized users only. For example a data warehouse for retail banking institution ensures that all the accounts belong to the same legal entity. Privacy laws can force you to totally prevent access to information that is not owned by the specific bank.
Data marts allow us to build a complete wall by physically separating data segments within the data warehouse. To avoid possible privacy problems, the detailed data can be removed from the data warehouse. We can create data mart for each legal entity and load it via data warehouse, with detailed account data.
Designing Data Marts
Data marts should be designed as a smaller version of starflake schema within the data warehouse and should match with the database design of the data warehouse. It helps in maintaining control over database instances.

The summaries are data marted in the same way as they would have been designed within the data warehouse. Summary tables help to utilize all dimension data in the starflake schema.
Cost of Data Marting
数据市集的成本度量如下 -
The cost measures for data marting are as follows −
Hardware and Software Cost
Network Access
Time Window Constraints
Hardware and Software Cost
Although data marts are created on the same hardware, they require some additional hardware and software. To handle user queries, it requires additional processing power and disk storage. If detailed data and the data mart exist within the data warehouse, then we would face additional cost to store and manage replicated data.
Note − 数据集市比聚合花费更高,因此它应当用作一种附加策略,而不是备选策略。
Note − Data marting is more expensive than aggregations, therefore it should be used as an additional strategy and not as an alternative strategy.
Network Access
数据集市可能位于数据仓库的不同位置,因此我们应当确保局域网或广域网有能力处理在 data mart load process. 内传输的数据量
A data mart could be on a different location from the data warehouse, so we should ensure that the LAN or WAN has the capacity to handle the data volumes being transferred within the data mart load process.
Time Window Constraints
数据集市加载进程消耗可用时间窗口的程度取决于转换的复杂性和运送的数据量。确定有多少个数据集市取决于 −
The extent to which a data mart loading process will eat into the available time window depends on the complexity of the transformations and the data volumes being shipped. The determination of how many data marts are possible depends on −
Network capacity.
Time window available
Volume of data being transferred
Mechanisms being used to insert data into a data mart