Ejb 简明教程

EJB Tutorial

*E*nterprise *J*ava *B*eans (EJB) 是一种开发架构,用于构建高度可伸缩和健壮的企业级应用程序,以部署在兼容 J2EE 的应用程序服务器(如 JBOSS、Web Logic 等)上。

*E*nterprise *J*ava *B*eans (EJB) is a development architecture for building highly scalable and robust enterprise level applications to be deployed on J2EE compliant Application Server such as JBOSS, Web Logic etc.

EJB 3.0 正在从 EJB 2.0 发生巨大转变,并使得基于 EJB 的应用程序开发变得相当容易。

EJB 3.0 is being a great shift from EJB 2.0 and makes development of EJB based applications quite easy.

本教程旨在提供对 EJB 概念的全面理解,帮助创建和部署企业级应用程序并使其正常运行。

This tutorial is developed to provide a comprehensive understanding about the EJB concepts helpful to create and deploy an enterprise level application up and running.


本教程专为软件专业人士以及所有愿意学习 EJB 编程的人士设计。本教程将让你对 EJB 编程概念有一个深入的了解,步骤简单易行。

This tutorial is designed for Software Professionals as well as for all those who are willing to learn EJB Programming. This tutorial will give you a great understanding about EJB Programming concepts in simple and easy steps.


在学习本教程之前,你应该具备对 Java 编程语言、文本编辑器和程序执行等内容的基本了解。由于我们将使用 EJB 开发基于企业的应用程序,因此,如果你了解诸如数据库服务器、应用程序服务器等其他技术,将非常有益。

Before proceeding with this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of Java programming language, text editor, and execution of programs etc. Because we are going to develop enterprise-based applications using EJB, it will be good, if you have understanding on other technologies like Database Servers, Application Servers.