Fortran 简明教程

Fortran - Procedures

procedure 是一组语句,可以执行明确定义的任务,并可以从程序中调用。信息(或数据)作为参数传递给调用程序和过程。

A procedure is a group of statements that perform a well-defined task and can be invoked from your program. Information (or data) is passed to the calling program, to the procedure as arguments.

有两种类型的过程 −

There are two types of procedures −

  1. Functions

  2. Subroutines



A function is a procedure that returns a single quantity. A function should not modify its arguments.

返回的数量称为 function value ,并且由函数名表示。

The returned quantity is known as function value, and it is denoted by the function name.



函数的语法如下 −

Syntax for a function is as follows −

function name(arg1, arg2, ....)
   [declarations, including those for the arguments]
   [executable statements]
end function [name]

以下示例演示了一个名为 area_of_circle 的函数。它计算半径为 r 的圆的面积。

The following example demonstrates a function named area_of_circle. It calculates the area of a circle with radius r.

program calling_func

   real :: a
   a = area_of_circle(2.0)

   Print *, "The area of a circle with radius 2.0 is"
   Print *, a

end program calling_func

! this function computes the area of a circle with radius r
function area_of_circle (r)

! function result
implicit none

   ! dummy arguments
   real :: area_of_circle

   ! local variables
   real :: r
   real :: pi

   pi = 4 * atan (1.0)
   area_of_circle = pi * r**2

end function area_of_circle

当您编译和执行上述程序时,它将生成以下结果 −

When you compile and execute the above program, it produces the following result −

The area of a circle with radius 2.0 is

请注意 −

Please note that −

  1. You must specify implicit none in both the main program as well as the procedure.

  2. The argument r in the called function is called dummy argument.

The result Option

如果您希望将返回的值存储在函数名以外的其他名称中,可以使用 result 选项。

If you want the returned value to be stored in some other name than the function name, you can use the result option.

您可以将返回值变量名指定为 −

You can specify the return variable name as −

function name(arg1, arg2, ....) result (return_var_name)
   [declarations, including those for the arguments]
   [executable statements]
end function [name]



A subroutine does not return a value, however it can modify its arguments.



subroutine name(arg1, arg2, ....)
   [declarations, including those for the arguments]
   [executable statements]
end subroutine [name]

Calling a Subroutine

您需要使用 call 语句调用子例程。

You need to invoke a subroutine using the call statement.

以下示例演示了子例程 swap 的定义和用法,该子例程更改了其参数的值。

The following example demonstrates the definition and use of a subroutine swap, that changes the values of its arguments.

program calling_func
implicit none

   real :: a, b
   a = 2.0
   b = 3.0

   Print *, "Before calling swap"
   Print *, "a = ", a
   Print *, "b = ", b

   call swap(a, b)

   Print *, "After calling swap"
   Print *, "a = ", a
   Print *, "b = ", b

end program calling_func

subroutine swap(x, y)
implicit none

   real :: x, y, temp

   temp = x
   x = y
   y = temp

end subroutine swap

当您编译和执行上述程序时,它将生成以下结果 −

When you compile and execute the above program, it produces the following result −

Before calling swap
a = 2.00000000
b = 3.00000000
After calling swap
a = 3.00000000
b = 2.00000000

Specifying the Intent of the Arguments

intent 属性允许您指定在过程中使用参数的目的。下表提供了 intent 属性的值 −

The intent attribute allows you to specify the intention with which arguments are used in the procedure. The following table provides the values of the intent attribute −


Used as




Used as input values, not changed in the function



Used as output value, they are overwritten



Arguments are both used and overwritten

以下示例演示了此概念 −

The following example demonstrates the concept −

program calling_func
implicit none

   real :: x, y, z, disc

   x = 1.0
   y = 5.0
   z = 2.0

   call intent_example(x, y, z, disc)

   Print *, "The value of the discriminant is"
   Print *, disc

end program calling_func

subroutine intent_example (a, b, c, d)
implicit none

   ! dummy arguments
   real, intent (in) :: a
   real, intent (in) :: b
   real, intent (in) :: c
   real, intent (out) :: d

   d = b * b - 4.0 * a * c

end subroutine intent_example

当您编译和执行上述程序时,它将生成以下结果 −

When you compile and execute the above program, it produces the following result −

The value of the discriminant is

Recursive Procedures


Recursion occurs when a programming languages allows you to call a function inside the same function. It is called recursive call of the function.

当过程直接或间接调用自身时,称为递归过程。您应该在声明前添加 recursive 一词来声明此类过程。

When a procedure calls itself, directly or indirectly, is called a recursive procedure. You should declare this type of procedures by preceding the word recursive before its declaration.

当函数以递归方式使用时,必须使用 result 选项。

When a function is used recursively, the result option has to be used.

下面是一个示例,它使用递归过程计算给定数字的阶乘 −

Following is an example, which calculates factorial for a given number using a recursive procedure −

program calling_func
implicit none

   integer :: i, f
   i = 15

   Print *, "The value of factorial 15 is"
   f = myfactorial(15)
   Print *, f

end program calling_func

! computes the factorial of n (n!)
recursive function myfactorial (n) result (fac)
! function result
implicit none

   ! dummy arguments
   integer :: fac
   integer, intent (in) :: n

   select case (n)
      case (0:1)
         fac = 1
      case default
         fac = n * myfactorial (n-1)
   end select

end function myfactorial

Internal Procedures

当一个过程包含在程序中时,它被称为程序的内部过程。包含内部过程的语法如下 −

When a procedure is contained within a program, it is called the internal procedure of the program. The syntax for containing an internal procedure is as follows −

program program_name
   implicit none
   ! type declaration statements
   ! executable statements
   . . .
   ! internal procedures
   . . .
end program program_name

以下示例演示了此概念 −

The following example demonstrates the concept −

program mainprog
implicit none

   real :: a, b
   a = 2.0
   b = 3.0

   Print *, "Before calling swap"
   Print *, "a = ", a
   Print *, "b = ", b

   call swap(a, b)

   Print *, "After calling swap"
   Print *, "a = ", a
   Print *, "b = ", b

   subroutine swap(x, y)
      real :: x, y, temp
      temp = x
      x = y
      y = temp
   end subroutine swap

end program mainprog

当您编译和执行上述程序时,它将生成以下结果 −

When you compile and execute the above program, it produces the following result −

Before calling swap
a = 2.00000000
b = 3.00000000
After calling swap
a = 3.00000000
b = 2.00000000