Html5 简明教程
HTML - Modernizr
Modernizr 是一个小型的 JavaScript 库,用来检测用户浏览器中是否提供了 Web 技术的特定功能。它提供了一种检测任何新功能的简单方法,这样,我们可以根据浏览器的功能采取相应的措施。例如,如果浏览器不支持视频功能,那么我们可以显示一条与此相关的简单消息。我们还可以根据功能可用性创建 CSS 规则,如果浏览器不支持新功能,这些规则将自动应用于网页。
Modernizr is a small JavaScript Library that detects whether a particular feature of web technologies is available or not in the user’s browser. It provides an easy way to detect any new feature so that we can take corresponding action based on the browser’s capabilities. For example, if a browser does not support a video feature then we can display a simple message regarding the same. We can also create CSS rules based on the feature availability and these rules would be applied automatically on the webpage if the browser does not support a new feature.
在开始使用 Modernizr 之前,我们需要将其 JavaScript 库包含在我们的 HTML 页眉中,如下所示:
Before we start using Modernizr, we are required to include its javascript library in our HTML page header as follows −
<script src="modernizr.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Following is the simple syntax to handle supported and non supported features −
<!-- In your CSS: -->
.no-audio #music {
display: none; <!-- to not show Audio options -->
.audio #music button {
<!-- Style the Play and Pause buttons nicely -->
<!-- In your HTML: -->
<div id="music">
<source src="audio.ogg" />
<source src="audio.mp3" />
<button id="play">Play</button>
<button id="pause">Pause</button>
Here it is notable that you need to prefix "no-" to every feature/property you want to handle for the browser which does not support them.
可以添加以下代码段以通过 JavaScript 检测特定功能:
Following code snippet can be added to detect a particular feature through Javascript −
if ( {
<!-- properties for browsers that
support audio -->
<!-- properties for browsers that
does not support audio -->
Features detected by Modernizr
以下是 Modernizr 可以检测的功能列表:
Following is the list of features which can be detected by Modernizr −
Feature |
CSS Property |
JavaScript Check |
@font-face |
.fontface |
Modernizr.fontface |
Canvas |
.canvas |
Modernizr.canvas |
Canvas Text |
.canvastext |
Modernizr.canvastext |
HTML Audio |
.audio | |
HTML Audio formats |
NA |[format] |
HTML Video |
.video | |
HTML Video Formats |
NA |[format] |
rgba() |
.rgba |
Modernizr.rgba |
hsla() |
.hsla |
Modernizr.hsla |
border-image |
.borderimage |
Modernizr.borderimage |
border-radius |
.borderradius |
Modernizr.borderradius |
box-shadow |
.boxshadow |
Modernizr.boxshadow |
Multiple backgrounds |
.multiplebgs |
Modernizr.multiplebgs |
opacity |
.opacity |
Modernizr.opacity |
CSS Animations |
.cssanimations |
Modernizr.cssanimations |
CSS Columns |
.csscolumns |
Modernizr.csscolumns |
CSS Gradients |
.cssgradients |
Modernizr.cssgradients |
CSS Reflections |
.cssreflections |
Modernizr.cssreflections |
CSS 2D Transforms |
.csstransforms |
Modernizr.csstransforms |
CSS 3D Transforms |
.csstransforms3d |
Modernizr.csstransforms3d |
CSS Transitions |
.csstransitions |
Modernizr.csstransitions |
Geolocation API |
.geolocation |
Modernizr.geolocation |
Input Types |
NA |
Modernizr.inputtypes[type] |
Input Attributes |
NA |
Modernizr.input[attribute] |
localStorage |
.localstorage |
Modernizr.localstorage |
sessionStorage |
.sessionstorage |
Modernizr.sessionstorage |
Web Workers |
.webworkers |
Modernizr.webworkers |
applicationCache |
.applicationcache |
Modernizr.applicationcache |
.svg |
Modernizr.svg |
SVG Clip Paths |
.svgclippaths |
Modernizr.svgclippaths |
.smil |
Modernizr.smil |
Web SQL Database |
.websqldatabase |
Modernizr.websqldatabase |
IndexedDB |
.indexeddb |
Modernizr.indexeddb |
Web Sockets |
.websockets |
Modernizr.websockets |
Hashchange Event |
.hashchange |
Modernizr.hashchange |
History Management |
.historymanagement |
Modernizr.historymanagement |
Drag and Drop |
.draganddrop |
Modernizr.draganddrop |
Cross-window Messaging |
.crosswindowmessaging |
Modernizr.crosswindowmessaging |
addTest() Plugin API |
NA |
Modernizr.addTest(str,fn) |