Html5 简明教程

HTML - Velocity Draw

HTML velocity draw 是一种用于创建和操作网页动画的工具。它有一些可控制动画的属性,如不透明度、大小和位置。

The HTML velocity draw is a tool used for creating and manipulating animations on a web page. It has some set of properties like opacity, size and position that control the animation.

在下面的 velocity draw 工具中,我们可以通过更改光标位置、不透明度和密度来绘制各种视觉图形。要更改不透明度和密度,向上或向下拖动左角中的圆圈。

In the below velocity draw tool, we can draw a variety of visual graphics by changing the position of cursor, opacity and density. To change the opacity and density, drag the circle in the left corner up or down.

您可以在 here 获得源代码

You can get source code at here