Javatuples 简明教程

JavaTuples - Overview


元组是对象序列,这些对象可能相同类型,也可能不同类型。请考虑以下示例 −

Tuple is a sequence of objects which may or may not be of same type. Consider the following example −

[12,"TutorialsPoint", java.sql.Connection@li757b]


Above object is a tuple of three elements, an Integer, a string and a Connection Object.


JavaTuples 是一个非常简单的库,它提供了十个不同的元组类,这些类足以处理大多数与元组相关的需求。

JavaTuples is a very simple library which offers ten different tuple classses which are sufficient to handle most of the tuple related requirements.

  1. Unit<A> - 1 element

  2. Pair<A,B> - 2 elements

  3. Triplet<A,B,C> - 3 elements

  4. Quartet<A,B,C,D> - 4 elements

  5. Quintet<A,B,C,D,E> - 5 elements

  6. Sextet<A,B,C,D,E,F> - 6 elements

  7. Septet<A,B,C,D,E,F,G> - 7 elements

  8. Octet<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H> - 8 elements

  9. Ennead<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I> - 9 elements

  10. Decade<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J> - 10 elements

除了这些元组类之外,JavaTuples 还出于语义原因提供了另外两个类。

Apart from these tuple classes, JavaTuples also provides two additional classes for semantics sake.

  1. KeyValue<A,B>

  2. LabelValue<A,B>


All tuple classes are typesafe and immutable and implements following interfaces and methods.

  1. Iterable

  2. Serializable

  3. Comparable<Tuple>

  4. equals()

  5. hashCode()

  6. toString()

Tuple vs List/Array


List or Array can contain any number of elements but each element must be of same type whereas tuples can contain only specific number of elements, can have different type of elements but still are typesafe.