Orientdb 简明教程
OrientDB - Update Record
Update Record 命令用来修改某个特定记录的值。SET 是更新某个特定字段值的基本命令。
Update Record command is used to modify the value of a particular record. SET is the basic command to update a particular field value.
The following statement is the basic syntax of the Update command.
UPDATE <class>|cluster:<cluster>|<recordID>
[SET|INCREMENT|ADD|REMOVE|PUT <field-name> = <field-value>[,]*] |[CONTENT| MERGE <JSON>]
[RETURN <returning> [<returning-expression>]]
[WHERE <conditions>]
[LOCK default|record]
[LIMIT <max-records>] [TIMEOUT <timeout>]
Following are the details about the options in the above syntax.
SET - 定义要更新的字段。
SET − Defines the field to update.
INCREMENT - 通过给定值递增指定字段值。
INCREMENT − Increments the specified field value by the given value.
ADD - 在集合字段中添加新项。
ADD − Adds the new item in the collection fields.
REMOVE - 从集合字段中移除一项。
REMOVE − Removes an item from the collection field.
PUT - 向映射字段中输入一项。
PUT − Puts an entry into map field.
CONTENT - 用 JSON 文档内容替换记录内容。
CONTENT − Replaces the record content with JSON document content.
MERGE - 用 JSON 文档合并记录内容。
MERGE − Merges the record content with a JSON document.
LOCK - 指定如何在加载和更新之间锁定记录。我们有两个选项来指定 Default 和 Record 。
LOCK − Specifies how to lock the records between load and update. We have two options to specify Default and Record.
UPSERT - 如果记录存在则更新,如果不存在则插入新记录。它有助于执行单个查询来代替执行两个查询。
UPSERT − Updates a record if it exists or inserts a new record if it doesn’t. It helps in executing a single query in the place of executing two queries.
RETURN − 指定要在记录数量中返回的表达式。
RETURN − Specifies an expression to return instead of the number of records.
LIMIT − 定义要更新的最大记录数量。
LIMIT − Defines the maximum number of records to update.
TIMEOUT − 定义在超时前允许更新运行的时间。
TIMEOUT − Defines the time you want to allow the update run before it times out.
Let us consider the same Customer table that we have used in the previous chapter.
Sr.No. |
Name |
Age |
1 |
Satish |
25 |
2 |
Krishna |
26 |
3 |
Kiran |
29 |
4 |
Javeed |
21 |
5 |
Raja |
29 |
Try the following query to update the age of a customer ‘Raja’.
Orientdb {db = demo}> UPDATE Customer SET age = 28 WHERE name = 'Raja'
If the above query is executed successfully, you will get the following output.
Updated 1 record(s) in 0.008000 sec(s).
To check the record of Customer table you can use the following query.
orientdb {db = demo}> SELECT FROM Customer
If the above query is executed successfully, you will get the following output.
# |@RID |@CLASS |id |name |age
0 |#11:0|Customer|1 |satish |25
1 |#11:1|Customer|2 |krishna|26
2 |#11:2|Customer|3 |kiran |29
3 |#11:3|Customer|4 |javeed |21
4 |#11:4|Customer|5 |raja |28