Python Digital Forensics 简明教程
Python Digital Forensics Tutorial
数字法医是法证科学的一个分支,它分析、检查、识别以及从电子设备中恢复数字证据。它通常用于刑法和私人调查中。本教程将帮助你轻松使用 Python 在 Windows 操作的数字设备上执行数字法医。在本教程中,你将学习在 Python 中实施数字法医的各种概念和编码。
Digital forensics is the branch of forensic science that analyzes, examines, identifies as well as recovers the digital evidences from electronic devices. It is commonly used in criminal law and private investigation. This tutorial will make you comfortable with performing Digital Forensics in Python on Windows operated digital devices. In this tutorial, you will learn various concepts and coding for carrying out digital forensics in Python.
本教程对研究生、本科生和研究人员(对该课题感兴趣或将其作为课程的一部分)非常有用。任何热衷于使用 Python 编程语言学习数字法医的读者都可以选择本教程。
This tutorial will be useful for graduates, post graduates, and research students who either have an interest in this subject or have this subject as a part of their curriculum. Any reader who is enthusiastic about gaining knowledge digital forensics using Python programming language can also pick up this tutorial.
本教程的编写基于一种假设,即读者对操作系统和计算机网络有基本知识。我们希望你拥有 Python 编程的基本知识。如果你对其中任何一个科目或概念都还不熟悉,我们强烈建议你在开始学习本教程之前先学习相关的教程。
This tutorial is designed by making an assumption that the reader has a basic knowledge about operating system and computer networks. You are expected to have a basic knowledge of Python programming. If you are novice to any of these subjects or concepts, we strongly suggest you go through tutorials based on these, before you start your journey with this tutorial.