Qtp 简明教程
QTP - Automation Object Model
QTP 本身可以使用由惠普 QTP 提供的 COM 接口进行自动化。自动化对象模型是一组对象、方法和属性,可帮助测试人员控制配置设置并使用 QTP 界面执行脚本。列出可以控制的关键配置/操作(但不限于):
QTP itself can be automated using the COM interface that is provided by HP-QTP. Automation object model is a set of objects, methods, and properties that helps the testers to control the configuration settings and execute the scripts using the QTP interface. The Key Configurations/actions that can be controlled (but not limited to) are listed below −
Loads all the required add-ins for a test
Makes QTP visible while execution
Opens the Test using the specified location
Associates Function Libraries
Specifies the Common Object Sync Time out
Start and End Iteration
Enable/Disable Smart Identification
On Error Settings
Data Table Path
Recovery Scenario Settings
Log Tracking Settings
QTP 11.5x 提供了自动化对象模型的独家文档,可通过导航到“开始”>>“所有程序”>>“惠普软件”>>“惠普统一功能测试”>>“文档”>>“统一功能测试自动化参考”来引用。
QTP 11.5x provides an exclusive documentation on Automation Object model that can be referred by navigating to "Start" >> "All Programs" >> "HP Software" >> "HP Unified Functional Testing" >> "Documentation" >> "Unified Functional Testing Automation Reference".
Generate AOM Script
测试人员可以使用“生成脚本”选项从 QTP 本身生成 AOM 脚本。导航到“运行”>>“设置”>>“属性”选项卡 >>“生成脚本”,如下所示:
A tester can generate AOM script from QTP itself, using the "Generate Script" option. Navigate to "Run" >> "Settings" >> "Properties" Tab >> "Generate Script" as shown below −

' A Sample Script to Demostrate AOM
Dim App 'As Application
Set App = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")
App.Visible = True
App.Test.Settings.Launchers("Web").Active = False
App.Test.Settings.Launchers("Web").Browser = "IE"
App.Test.Settings.Launchers("Web").Address = "http://easycalculation.com/"
App.Test.Settings.Launchers("Web").CloseOnExit = True
App.Test.Settings.Launchers("Windows Applications").Active = False
App.Test.Settings.Launchers("Windows Applications").Applications.RemoveAll
App.Test.Settings.Launchers("Windows Applications").RecordOnQTDescendants = True
App.Test.Settings.Launchers("Windows Applications").RecordOnExplorerDescendants = False
App.Test.Settings.Launchers("Windows Applications").RecordOnSpecifiedApplications = True
App.Test.Settings.Run.IterationMode = "rngAll"
App.Test.Settings.Run.StartIteration = 1
App.Test.Settings.Run.EndIteration = 1
App.Test.Settings.Run.ObjectSyncTimeOut = 20000
App.Test.Settings.Run.DisableSmartIdentification = False
App.Test.Settings.Run.OnError = "Dialog"
App.Test.Settings.Resources.DataTablePath = "<Default>"
App.Test.Settings.Web.BrowserNavigationTimeout = 60000
App.Test.Settings.Web.ActiveScreenAccess.UserName = ""
App.Test.Settings.Web.ActiveScreenAccess.Password = ""
App.Test.Settings.Recovery.Enabled = True
App.Test.Settings.Recovery.SetActivationMode "OnError"
App.Test.Settings.Recovery.Add "D:\GUITest2\recover_app_crash.qrs",
"Recover_Application_Crash", 1
App.Test.Settings.Recovery.Item(1).Enabled = True
' System Local Monitoring settings
App.Test.Settings.LocalSystemMonitor.Enable = false
' Log Tracking settings
With App.Test.Settings.LogTracking
.IncludeInResults = False
.Port = 18081
.IP = ""
.MinTriggerLevel = "ERROR"
.EnableAutoConfig = False
.RecoverConfigAfterRun = False
.ConfigFile = ""
.MinConfigLevel = "WARN"
End With