Sas 简明教程

SAS - Overview

SAS 代表 Statistical Analysis Software 。它于 1960 年由 SAS 研究所创建。从 1960 年 1 月 1 日起,SAS 已用于数据管理、商业智能、预测分析、描述性和规范性分析等。从那时起,在软件中引入了许多新的统计过程和组件。

SAS stands for Statistical Analysis Software. It was created in the year 1960 by the SAS Institute. From 1st January 1960, SAS was used for data management, business intelligence, Predictive Analysis, Descriptive and Prescriptive Analysis etc. Since then, many new statistical procedures and components were introduced in the software.

随着用于统计的 JMP(Jump)的引入,SAS 利用了由 Macintosh 引入的 Graphical user Interface 。Jump 主要用于六西格玛、设计、质量控制以及工程和科学分析等应用。

With the introduction of JMP (Jump) for statistics SAS took advantage of the Graphical user Interface which was introduced by the Macintosh. Jump is basically used for the applications like Six Sigma, designs, quality control and engineering and scientific analysis.

SAS 与平台无关,这意味着你可以在任何操作系统(例如 Linux 或 Windows)上运行 SAS。SAS 由 SAS 程序员驱动,他们对 SAS 数据集使用一系列操作,以生成适当的数据分析报告。

SAS is platform independent which means you can run SAS on any operating system either Linux or Windows. SAS is driven by SAS programmers who use several sequences of operations on the SAS datasets to make proper reports for data analysis.

多年来,SAS 已向其产品组合中添加了大量解决方案。它已为数据治理、数据质量、大数据分析、文本挖掘、欺诈管理、健康科学等提供了解决方案。我们可以安全地假设 SAS 已针对各个业务领域提供了解决方案。

Over the years SAS has added numerous solutions to its product portfolio. It has solution for Data Governance, Data Quality, Big Data Analytics, Text Mining, Fraud management, Health science etc. We can safely assume SAS has a solution for every business domain.

若要大致了解可用产品,你可以访问 SAS Components

To have a glance at the list of products available you can visit SAS Components

Why we use SAS

SAS 基本上会处理大型数据集。在 SAS 软件的帮助下,你可以对数据执行各种操作,如:

SAS is basically worked on large datasets. With the help of SAS software you can perform various operations on the data like −

  1. Data Management

  2. Statistical Analysis

  3. Report formation with perfect graphics

  4. Business Planning

  5. Operations Research and project Management

  6. Quality Improvement

  7. Application Development

  8. Data extraction

  9. Data transformation

  10. Data updation and modification

如果我们讨论 SAS 的组件,那么 SAS 中提供了 200 多个组件。

If we talk about the components of SAS then more than 200 components are available in SAS.


SAS Component & their Usage


Base SAS It is a core component which contains data management facility and a programming language for data analysis. It is also the most widely used.


SAS/GRAPH Create graphs, presentations for better understanding and showcasing the result in a proper format.


SAS/STAT Perform Statistical analysis with the variance analysis, regression, multivariate analysis, survival analysis, and psychometric analysis, mixed model analysis.


SAS/OR Operations research.


SAS/ETS Econometrics and Time Series Analysis.


SAS/IML CInteractive matrix language.


SAS/AF Applications facility.


SAS/QC Quality control.


SAS/INSIGHT Data mining.


SAS/PH Clinical trial analysis.


SAS/Enterprise Miner Data mining.

Types of SAS Software

  1. Windows or PC SAS

  2. SAS EG (Enterprise Guide)

  3. SAS EM (Enterprise Miner i.e. for Predictive Analysis)

  4. SAS Means

  5. SAS Stats

我们普遍在组织和培训机构中使用 SAS 窗口。其中一些组织使用 Linux,但没有图形用户界面,所以你必须针对每个查询编写代码。但在窗口版 SAS 中,有一些可以极大帮助程序员的实用工具,而且它还可以减少代码编写时间。

Mostly we use Window SAS in organisation as well as in training institute. Some of the organisations use Linux but there is no graphical user interface so you have to write code for every query. But in window SAS there are a lot of utilities available which helps the programmers very much and it also reduces the time of writing the codes as well.

SAS 窗口有 5 个部分。

A SaS Window have 5 parts.


SAS Window & their Usage


Log Window A log window is like an execution window where we can check the execution of the SAS program. In this window we can check the errors also. It is very important to check every time the log window after running the program. So that we can have proper understanding about the execution of our program.


Editor Window

Editor Window is that part of SAS where we write all the codes. It is like a notepad.


Output Window Output window is the result window where we can see the output of our program.


Result Window It is like an index to all the outputs. All the programs that we have run in one session of the SAS are listed there and you can open the output by clicking on the output result. But these are mentioned only in one session of the SAS. If we close the software and then open it then the Result Window will be empty.


Explore Window Here all the libraries listed. You can also browse your system SAS supported files from here.

Libraries in SAS

库就像 SAS 中的存储空间。你可以创建一个库,并将所有类似的程序保存在该库中。SAS 为你提供了创建多个库的功能。SAS 库只有 8 个字符长。

Libraries are like storage in SAS. You can create a library and save all the similar programs in that library. SAS provides you the facility to create multiple libraries. A SAS library is only 8 characters long.

SAS 中有两种类型的库 −

There are two types of libraries are available in SAS −


SAS Window & their Usage


Temporary or Work Library This is the by default library of SAS. All the programs that we create are stored in this work library if we do not assign any other library to them. You can check this work library in the Explore Window. If you create a SAS program and have not assign any permanent library to it then if you end the session after that again you start the software then this program will not be in the work library. Because it will only be there in Work library as long as the session goes ones.


Permanent Library These are the permanent libraries of SAS. We can create a new SAS library by using SAS utilities or by writing the codes in the editor window. These libraries are named as permanent because if we create a program in SAS and save it in these permanent libraries then these will be available as long as we want them.