Spring Cloud 简明教程

Spring Cloud Tutorial

Spring Cloud 是一个开箱即用组件的集合,在企业中构建分布式应用时很有用。作为一种框架,它被各行各业的不同公司广泛使用,并包括与 Netflix 的 OSS 组件集成。

Spring Cloud is a collection of ready-to-use components which are useful in building distributed applications in an enterprise. As a framework, it is widely used across industries by various companies and includes integration with OSS components from Netflix.

Spring Cloud 的主要用例是它为分布式环境中常见的观察到的问题(例如负载均衡、服务发现、熔断等)提供的开箱即用解决方案,这些解决方案可以轻松地集成到现有的 Spring 项目中。

The major use-case for Spring Cloud is the ready-to-use solution that it provides to common problems observed in distributed environments like load balancing, service discovery, circuit breaking, etc., which can easily be integrated in an existing Spring project.


That is why, it becomes a very useful framework in developing applications which require high scalability, performance, and availability.


本教程深入探讨了使 Spring Cloud 成为一个非常有用的框架的不同组件。本教程面向希望开发高度可扩展且高性能应用的软件专业人士。在本教程学习后,你将对 Spring Cloud 及其用法有中等程度的了解。

This tutorial deep dives into various components that make Spring Cloud a very useful framework. It is directed towards software professionals who want to develop highly scalable & performant applications. Post this tutorial, you would have intermediate knowledge of Spring Cloud and its usage.


要充分利用本教程,你应该对 Java 和 Spring Framework 有基本的了解。

To make the most of this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of Java and Spring Framework.