Xhtml 简明教程
XHTML Tutorial
本教程提供有关 XHTML 的基本理解,并提供了规则以用于语法和属性,以及它们的实践示例。它还描述了 XHTML 的文档类型、属性和事件。此外,它提供了一些使用 XTHML 的便捷提示和技巧。
This tutorial provides a basic understanding of XHTML, its syntax and attributes with rules for using the same along with their practical examples. It also describes Doctypes, attributes and events of XHTML. In addition, it provides a few handy tips and tricks of using XTHML.
本教程专为渴望详细了解 XHTML 的有抱负的 Web 设计师和 Web 开发人员而设计。热情的读者可以用本教程作为附加阅读资料。
This tutorial is designed for the aspiring web designers and web developers who are keen to understand XHTML in detail. Enthusiastic readers can use this tutorial as a source of additional reading.
在继续本教程之前,你需要具备在 Windows 或 Linux 上工作的基本知识。你需要熟悉任何文本编辑器,例如记事本、记事本++或 Editplus。你还必须能够轻松地使用诸如 IE、Firefox 或 Google Chrome 之类的浏览器。
Before proceeding with this tutorial, you need to have a basic knowledge of working on Windows or Linux. You need to be familiar with any of the text editors such as Notepad, Notepad++, or Editplus. You are also required to work with browsers such as IE, Firefox, or Google Chrome, comfortably.