Xml 简明教程
XML - Editors
XML Editor 是一个标记语言编辑器。可以通过现有的编辑器(如记事本、写字板或任何类似的文本编辑器)编辑或创建 XML 文档。您还可以在线查找专业 XML 编辑器或下载,该编辑器具有更强大的编辑功能,例如:
XML Editor is a markup language editor. The XML documents can be edited or created using existing editors such as Notepad, WordPad, or any similar text editor. You can also find a professional XML editor online or for downloading, which has more powerful editing features such as −
It automatically closes the tags that are left open.
It strictly checks syntax.
It highlights XML syntax with colour for increased readability.
It helps you write a valid XML code.
It provides automatic verification of XML documents against DTDs and Schemas.
Open Source XML Editors
以下是一些开源 XML 编辑器:
Following are some open source XML editors −
Online XML Editor − This is a light weight XML editor which you can use online.
Xerlin − Xerlin is an open source XML editor for Java 2 platform released under an Apache license. It is a Java based XML modelling application, for creating and editing XML files easily.
CAM - Content Assembly Mechanism − CAM XML Editor tool comes with XML+JSON+SQL Open-XDX sponsored by Oracle.