Hibernate ORM 中文操作指南
3. Entities
entity 是一个 Java 类,它表示关系数据库表中的数据。我们说实体 maps 或 maps to 表。不太常见的是,一个实体可能会合并多个表中的数据,但我们将在 later 中实现该目标。
An entity is a Java class which represents data in a relational database table. We say that the entity maps or maps to the table. Much less commonly, an entity might aggregate data from multiple tables, but we’ll get to that later.
实体具有 attributes(属性或字段),它们映射到表中的列。特别是,每个实体都必须具有一个 identifier 或 id,该实体映射到表的主键。id 允许我们唯一地将表的行与 Java 类的实例相关联,至少在给定的 persistence context 中是这样。
An entity has attributes—properties or fields—which map to columns of the table. In particular, every entity must have an identifier or id, which maps to the primary key of the table. The id allows us to uniquely associate a row of the table with an instance of the Java class, at least within a given persistence context.
我们将在 later 中探讨持久性上下文的概念。现在,可以将其视为标识和实体实例的一对一映射。
We’ll explore the idea of a persistence context later. For now, think of it as a one-to-one mapping between ids and entity instances.
Java 类的实例无法超越其所属的虚拟机继续存在。但我们可以认为实体实例具有超越内存中特定实例化的生命周期。通过向 Hibernate 提供其 ID,只要关联行存在于数据库中,我们就可以在新的持久性上下文中重新实体化该实例。因此,可以将 persist() 和 remove() 操作视为界定了实体生命周期的开始和结束,至少与持久性有关。
An instance of a Java class cannot outlive the virtual machine to which it belongs. But we may think of an entity instance having a lifecycle which transcends a particular instantiation in memory. By providing its id to Hibernate, we may re-materialize the instance in a new persistence context, as long as the associated row is present in the database. Therefore, the operations persist() and remove() may be thought of as demarcating the beginning and end of the lifecycle of an entity, at least with respect to persistence.
因此,ID 表示实体的 persistent identity,一种超越内存中特定实例化的标识。并且这是实体类本身与其属性值之间的一个重要区别——实体具有持久性标识,并且具有相对于持久性而言明确定义的生命周期,而表示其属性值之一的 String 或 List 则没有。
Thus, an id represents the persistent identity of an entity, an identity that outlives a particular instantiation in memory. And this is an important difference between entity class itself and the values of its attributes—the entity has a persistent identity, and a well-defined lifecycle with respect to persistence, whereas a String or List representing one of its attribute values doesn’t.
实体通常与其他实体有联系。通常,两个实体之间的关联映射到数据库表之一的外键。一群相互关联的实体经常被称为 domain model,虽然 data model 也是一个很好的术语。
An entity usually has associations to other entities. Typically, an association between two entities maps to a foreign key in one of the database tables. A group of mutually associated entities is often called a domain model, though data model is also a perfectly good term.
3.1. Entity classes
An entity must:
be a non-final class,
with a non-private constructor with no parameters.
另一方面,实体类可以是具体类或 abstract,并且可以拥有任意数量的其他构造函数。
On the other hand, the entity class may be either concrete or abstract, and it may have any number of additional constructors.
实体类可能是 static 内部类。 |
An entity class may be a static inner class. |
每个实体类都必须注释 @Entity。
Every entity class must be annotated @Entity.
class Book {
Book() {}
或者,可以通过为类提供基于 XML 的映射来将类标识为实体类型。
Alternatively, the class may be identified as an entity type by providing an XML-based mapping for the class.
我们不会在这篇简介中对基于 XML 的映射做更多的说明,因为这并不是我们首选的方式。
We won’t have much more to say about XML-based mappings in this Introduction, since it’s not our preferred way to do things.
3.2. Access types
每个实体类都有一个默认 access type,即:
Each entity class has a default access type, either:
direct field access, or
property access.
Hibernate 根据属性级注解的位置自动确定访问类型。具体而言:
Hibernate automatically determines the access type from the location of attribute-level annotations. Concretely:
if a field is annotated @Id, field access is used, or
if a getter method is annotated @Id, property access is used.
在 Hibernate 还只是个婴儿的时候,属性访问在 Hibernate 社区非常流行。然而,如今,字段访问 much 更常见。
Back when Hibernate was just a baby, property access was quite popular in the Hibernate community. Today, however, field access is much more common.
可以使用 @Access 注解明确指定默认访问类型,但我们强烈不建议这样做,因为它很丑陋且没有必要。 |
The default access type may be specified explicitly using the @Access annotation, but we strongly discourage this, since it’s ugly and never necessary. |
Mapping annotations should be placed consistently:
如果 @Id 注释字段,其他映射注释也应该应用于字段,或
if @Id annotates a field, the other mapping annotations should also be applied to fields, or,
如果 @Id 注释 getter,其他映射注释应该应用于 getter。
if @Id annotates a getter, the other mapping annotations should be applied to getters.
原则上,可以使用显式 @Access 标注在属性级别混合字段和属性访问。我们不建议这样做。
It is in principle possible to mix field and property access using explicit @Access annotations at the attribute level. We don’t recommend doing this.
像 Book 这样的实体类(它不扩展任何其他实体类)被称为 root entity。每个根实体都必须声明一个标识符属性。
An entity class like Book, which does not extend any other entity class, is called a root entity. Every root entity must declare an identifier attribute.
3.3. Entity class inheritance
一个实体类可以 extend 另一个实体类。
An entity class may extend another entity class.
class AudioBook extends Book {
AudioBook() {}
A subclass entity inherits every persistent attribute of every entity it extends.
根实体还可以扩展另一个类并从其他类继承映射的属性。但在这种情况下,声明映射的属性的类必须使用 @MappedSuperclass 注释。
A root entity may also extend another class and inherit mapped attributes from the other class. But in this case, the class which declares the mapped attributes must be annotated @MappedSuperclass.
class Versioned {
class Book extends Versioned {
根实体类必须声明一个带 @Id 注释的属性,或者从 @MappedSuperclass 中继承一个属性。子类实体总是继承根实体的标识符属性。它可能不会声明其自己的 @Id 属性。
A root entity class must declare an attribute annotated @Id, or inherit one from a @MappedSuperclass. A subclass entity always inherits the identifier attribute of the root entity. It may not declare its own @Id attribute.
3.4. Identifier attributes
An identifier attribute is usually a field:
class Book {
Book() {}
Long id;
But it may be a property:
class Book {
Book() {}
private Long id;
Long getId() { return id; }
void setId(Long id) { this.id = id; }
标识符属性必须带 @Id 或 @EmbeddedId 注释。
An identifier attribute must be annotated @Id or @EmbeddedId.
Identifier values may be:
assigned by the application, that is, by your Java code, or
generated and assigned by Hibernate.
We’ll discuss the second option first.
3.5. Generated identifiers
标识符通常是系统生成的,在这种情况下,应该带 @GeneratedValue 注释:
An identifier is often system-generated, in which case it should be annotated @GeneratedValue:
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id;
系统生成标识符,或 surrogate keys 使得演化或重构关系数据模型变得更加简单。如果您有自由定义关系模式,我们建议使用代理键。另一方面,如果您正在使用预先存在的数据库模式(更为常见),您可能没有这个选项。 |
System-generated identifiers, or surrogate keys make it easier to evolve or refactor the relational data model. If you have the freedom to define the relational schema, we recommend the use of surrogate keys. On the other hand, if, as is more common, you’re working with a pre-existing database schema, you might not have the option. |
JPA 根据 GenerationType 中的定义为生成 ID 提供了以下策略:
JPA defines the following strategies for generating ids, which are enumerated by GenerationType:
表 12. 标准 id 生成策略
Table 12. Standard id generation strategies
Strategy |
Java type |
Implementation |
GenerationType.UUID |
UUID or String |
A Java UUID |
GenerationType.IDENTITY |
Long or Integer |
An identity or autoincrement column |
GenerationType.SEQUENCE |
Long or Integer |
A database sequence |
GenerationType.TABLE |
Long or Integer |
A database table |
GenerationType.AUTO |
Long or Integer |
Selects SEQUENCE, TABLE, or UUID based on the identifier type and capabilities of the database |
例如,此 UUID 是在 Java 代码中生成的:
For example, this UUID is generated in Java code:
@Id @GeneratedValue UUID id; // AUTO strategy selects UUID based on the field type
此 id 映射到 SQL identity、auto_increment 或 bigserial 列:
This id maps to a SQL identity, auto_increment, or bigserial column:
@Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=IDENTITY) Long id;
@SequenceGenerator 和 @TableGenerator 注释分别允许进一步控制 SEQUENCE 和 TABLE 生成。
The @SequenceGenerator and @TableGenerator annotations allow further control over SEQUENCE and TABLE generation respectively.
Consider this sequence generator:
@SequenceGenerator(name="bookSeq", sequenceName="seq_book", initialValue = 5, allocationSize=10)
Values are generated using a database sequence defined as follows:
create sequence seq_book start with 5 increment by 10
请注意,每次需要新标识符时,Hibernate 无需都转到数据库。相反,给定的进程会获取一个大小为 allocationSize 的 id 块,并且仅在块用尽时才需要访问数据库。当然,缺点是生成的标识符不连续。
Notice that Hibernate doesn’t have to go to the database every time a new identifier is needed. Instead, a given process obtains a block of ids, of size allocationSize, and only needs to hit the database each time the block is exhausted. Of course, the downside is that generated identifiers are not contiguous.
如果您让 Hibernate 导出您的数据库模式,序列定义将拥有正确的 start with 和 increment 值。但如果您正在处理在 Hibernate 外部管理的数据库模式,请确保 initialValue 和 allocationSize 的 @SequenceGenerator 成员匹配 DDL 中指定的 start with 和 increment。
If you let Hibernate export your database schema, the sequence definition will have the right start with and increment values. But if you’re working with a database schema managed outside Hibernate, make sure the initialValue and allocationSize members of @SequenceGenerator match the start with and increment specified in the DDL.
任何标识符属性现在都可以使用 bookSeq 中指定的生成器:
Any identifier attribute may now make use of the generator named bookSeq:
@GeneratedValue(strategy=SEQUENCE, generator="bookSeq") // reference to generator defined elsewhere
Long id;
实际上,将 @SequenceGenerator 注释放到使用它的 @Id 属性上非常常见:
Actually, it’s extremely common to place the @SequenceGenerator annotation on the @Id attribute that makes use of it:
@GeneratedValue(strategy=SEQUENCE, generator="bookSeq") // reference to generator defined below
@SequenceGenerator(name="bookSeq", sequenceName="seq_book", initialValue = 5, allocationSize=10)
Long id;
JPA id 生成器可以在实体之间共享。@SequenceGenerator 或 @TableGenerator 必须有一个名称,并且可以在多个 id 属性之间共享。这与注释使用生成器的 @Id 属性的普遍实践有些不合拍! |
JPA id generators may be shared between entities. A @SequenceGenerator or @TableGenerator must have a name, and may be shared between multiple id attributes. This fits somewhat uncomfortably with the common practice of annotating the @Id attribute which makes use of the generator! |
正如您所见,JPA 为系统生成 ID 的最常见策略提供了非常充足的支持。但注释本身比它们应有的更具入侵性,并且没有明确定义的方法来扩展此框架以支持用于生成 ID 的自定义策略。在未注释为 @Id 的属性上也不能使用 @GeneratedValue。由于自定义 ID 生成是相当普遍的要求,Hibernate 提供了一个非常精细设计的框架,用于用户定义的 _ 生成器_,我们将在 User-defined generators 中予以讨论。
As you can see, JPA provides quite adequate support for the most common strategies for system-generated ids. However, the annotations themselves are a bit more intrusive than they should be, and there’s no well-defined way to extend this framework to support custom strategies for id generation. Nor may @GeneratedValue be used on a property not annotated @Id. Since custom id generation is a rather common requirement, Hibernate provides a very carefully-designed framework for user-defined _Generator_s, which we’ll discuss in User-defined generators.
3.6. Natural keys as identifiers
并非每个标识符属性都映射到(系统生成的)代理键。对系统用户来说有意义的主键被称为 natural keys。
Not every identifier attribute maps to a (system-generated) surrogate key. Primary keys which are meaningful to the user of the system are called natural keys.
当表的主键是自然键时,我们不会使用 @GeneratedValue 注释标识符属性,并且由应用程序代码负责为标识符属性分配一个值。
When the primary key of a table is a natural key, we don’t annotate the identifier attribute @GeneratedValue, and it’s the responsibility of the application code to assign a value to the identifier attribute.
class Book {
String isbn;
特别令人感兴趣的是由多个数据库列组成的自然键,并且此类自然键称为 composite keys。
Of particular interest are natural keys which comprise more than one database column, and such natural keys are called composite keys.
3.7. Composite identifiers
如果你的数据库使用复合键,则需要多个标识符属性。有两种方法可以在 JPA 中映射复合键:
If your database uses composite keys, you’ll need more than one identifier attribute. There are two ways to map composite keys in JPA:
using an @IdClass, or
using an @EmbeddedId.
将这段文字用 Gemini 翻译成中文可能最直接的自然方式是在实体类中用多个 @Id 注释的字段表示,例如:
Perhaps the most immediately-natural way to represent this in an entity class is with multiple fields annotated @Id, for example:
class Book {
Book() {}
String isbn;
int printing;
但这种方法有一个问题:我们可以使用什么对象标识一个 Book,并将其传递给接受标识符的 find() 等方法?
But this approach comes with a problem: what object can we use to identify a Book and pass to methods like find() which accept an identifier?
解决方案是编写一个单独的类,其字段与实体的标识符属性相匹配。每个此类 ID 类必须覆盖 equals() 和 hashCode()。当然,满足这些要求最简单的方法是将 ID 类声明为 record。
The solution is to write a separate class with fields that match the identifier attributes of the entity. Every such id class must override equals() and hashCode(). Of course, the easiest way to satisfy these requirements is to declare the id class as a record.
record BookId(String isbn, int printing) {}
Book 实体的 @IdClass 注释将 BookId 标识为用于该实体的 ID 类。
The @IdClass annotation of the Book entity identifies BookId as the id class to use for that entity.
这不是我们推荐的方法。相反,我们建议将 BookId 类声明为 @Embeddable 类型:
This is not our preferred approach. Instead, we recommend that the BookId class be declared as an @Embeddable type:
record BookId(String isbn, int printing) {}
我们将在下面详细了解有关 Embeddable objects 的情况。
We’ll learn more about Embeddable objects below.
现在,实体类可以使用 @EmbeddedId 重用此定义,并且 @IdClass 注释不再是必需的:
Now the entity class may reuse this definition using @EmbeddedId, and the @IdClass annotation is no longer required:
class Book {
Book() {}
BookId bookId;
This second approach eliminates some duplicated code.
无论哪种方式,我们现在都可以使用 BookId 来获取 Book 的实例:
Either way, we may now use BookId to obtain instances of Book:
Book book = session.find(Book.class, new BookId(isbn, printing));
3.8. Version attributes
实体可能具有由 Hibernate 用于乐观锁检查的属性。版本属性通常为 Integer、Short、Long、LocalDateTime、OffsetDateTime、ZonedDateTime 或 Instant 类型。
An entity may have an attribute which is used by Hibernate for optimistic lock checking. A version attribute is usually of type Integer, Short, Long, LocalDateTime, OffsetDateTime, ZonedDateTime, or Instant.
LocalDateTime lastUpdated;
当实体持久化时,版本属性会由 Hibernate 自动分配,并在每次更新实体时自动递增或更新。
Version attributes are automatically assigned by Hibernate when an entity is made persistent, and automatically incremented or updated each time the entity is updated.
如果实体没有版本号(映射旧数据时常常会发生此情况),我们仍然可以执行乐观锁定。 @OptimisticLocking 标注使我们能够指定通过验证 ALL 字段值或仅验证实体的 DIRTY 字段值来检查乐观锁。 @OptimisticLock 标注使我们能够有选择地将某些字段排除在乐观锁定之外。 |
If an entity doesn’t have a version number, which often happens when mapping legacy data, we can still do optimistic locking. The @OptimisticLocking annotation lets us specify that optimistic locks should be checked by validating the values of ALL fields, or only the DIRTY fields of the entity. And the @OptimisticLock annotation lets us selectively exclude certain fields from optimistic locking. |
我们已经见过的 @Id 和 @Version 属性只是 basic attributes 的专门示例。
The @Id and @Version attributes we’ve already seen are just specialized examples of basic attributes.
3.9. Natural id attributes
即使实体具有替代键,也应该始终能够写下唯一标识实体实例的字段组合,从系统用户的角度来看。字段组合就是自然键。在上面,我们 considered 讨论了自然键与主键重叠的情况。此处,自然键是实体的第二个唯一键,与其替代主键不同。
Even when an entity has a surrogate key, it should always be possible to write down a combination of fields which uniquely identifies an instance of the entity, from the point of view of the user of the system. This combination of fields is its natural key. Above, we considered the case where the natural key coincides with the primary key. Here, the natural key is a second unique key of the entity, distinct from its surrogate primary key.
If you can’t identify a natural key, it might be a sign that you need to think more carefully about some aspect of your data model. If an entity doesn’t have a meaningful unique key, then it’s impossible to say what event or object it represents in the "real world" outside your program.
由于基于自然键检索实体是 extremely 常见的做法,因此 Hibernate 有一种方法可以标记组成自然键的实体的属性。每个属性都必须使用 @NaturalId 进行标注。
Since it’s extremely common to retrieve an entity based on its natural key, Hibernate has a way to mark the attributes of the entity which make up its natural key. Each attribute must be annotated @NaturalId.
class Book {
Book() {}
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id; // the system-generated surrogate key
String isbn; // belongs to the natural key
int printing; // also belongs to the natural key
Hibernate 会为由注释字段映射的列自动生成一个 UNIQUE 约束。
Hibernate automatically generates a UNIQUE constraint on the columns mapped by the annotated fields.
考虑使用自然 ID 属性来实现 equals() and hashCode() 。 |
Consider using the natural id attributes to implement equals() and hashCode(). |
正如我们将在 much later 中看到,完成这项额外工作的好处在于,我们可以利用优化的自然 ID 查找,充分利用二级缓存。
The payoff for doing this extra work, as we will see much later, is that we can take advantage of optimized natural id lookups that make use of the second-level cache.
请注意,即使您已标识出自然键,我们仍建议在外部键中使用生成的代理键,因为这可以使您的数据模型 much 更易于更改。
Note that even when you’ve identified a natural key, we still recommend the use of a generated surrogate key in foreign keys, since this makes your data model much easier to change.
3.10. Basic attributes
实体的 basic 属性是映射到关联数据库表单个列的字段或属性。JPA 规范定义了一组非常有限的基本类型:
A basic attribute of an entity is a field or property which maps to a single column of the associated database table. The JPA specification defines a quite limited set of basic types:
表 13. JPA 标准基本属性类型
Table 13. JPA-standard basic attribute types
Classification |
Package |
Types |
Primitive types |
boolean, int, double, etc |
Primitive wrappers |
java.lang |
Boolean, Integer, Double, etc |
Strings |
java.lang |
String |
Arbitrary-precision numeric types |
java.math |
BigInteger, BigDecimal |
Date/time types |
java.time |
LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime, OffsetDateTime, Instant |
Deprecated date/time types 💀 |
java.util |
Date, Calendar |
Deprecated JDBC date/time types 💀 |
java.sql |
Date, Time, Timestamp |
Binary and character arrays |
byte[], char[] |
java.util |
Enumerated types |
Any enum |
Serializable types |
Any type which implements java.io.Serializable |
我们在恳求您使用 java.time 的包中的类型,而不是继承 java.util.Date 的任何东西。
We’re begging you to use types from the java.time package instead of anything which inherits java.util.Date.
将 Java 对象序列化并将其二进制表示形式存储到数据库通常是错误的。正如我们将在 Embeddable objects 中很快看到的那样,Hibernate 拥有更好地处理复杂 Java 对象的方法。
Serializing a Java object and storing its binary representation in the database is usually wrong. As we’ll soon see in Embeddable objects, Hibernate has much better ways to handle complex Java objects.
Hibernate 通过以下类型略微扩展了此列表:
Hibernate slightly extends this list with the following types:
表 14. Hibernate 中的其他基本属性类型
Table 14. Additional basic attribute types in Hibernate
Classification |
Package |
Types |
Additional date/time types |
java.time |
Duration, ZoneId, ZoneOffset, Year, and even ZonedDateTime |
JDBC LOB types |
java.sql |
Blob, Clob, NClob |
Java class object |
java.lang |
Class |
Miscellaneous types |
java.util |
Currency, URL, TimeZone |
@Basic 注释明确指明一个属性是基本属性,但通常不需要它,因为属性默认为基本属性。另一方面,如果一个非基本类型属性不能为 null,则强烈建议使用 @Basic(optional=false)。
The @Basic annotation explicitly specifies that an attribute is basic, but it’s often not needed, since attributes are assumed basic by default. On the other hand, if a non-primitively-typed attribute cannot be null, use of @Basic(optional=false) is highly recommended.
@Basic(optional=false) String firstName;
@Basic(optional=false) String lastName;
String middleName; // may be null
请注意,基本类型属性默认情况下是 NOT NULL 推断得到的。
Note that primitively-typed attributes are inferred NOT NULL by default.
3.11. Enumerated types
我们包括 Java enum_s on the list above. An enumerated type is considered a sort of basic type, but since most databases don’t have a native _ENUM 类型,JPA 提供了特殊 @Enumerated 注解,用于指定枚举值在数据库中应如何表示:
We included Java enum_s on the list above. An enumerated type is considered a sort of basic type, but since most databases don’t have a native _ENUM type, JPA provides a special @Enumerated annotation to specify how the enumerated values should be represented in the database:
by default, an enum is stored as an integer, the value of its ordinal() member, but
if the attribute is annotated @Enumerated(STRING), it will be stored as a string, the value of its name() member.
//here, an ORDINAL encoding makes sense @Enumerated @Basic(optional=false) DayOfWeek dayOfWeek; //but usually, a STRING encoding is better @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) @Basic(optional=false) Status status;
在 Hibernate 6 中,带 enum 注解的 @Enumerated(STRING) 映射到:
In Hibernate 6, an enum annotated @Enumerated(STRING) is mapped to:
a VARCHAR column type with a CHECK constraint on most databases, or
an ENUM column type on MySQL.
任何其他 enum 都映射到带 CHECK 约束的 TINYINT 列。
Any other enum is mapped to a TINYINT column with a CHECK constraint.
JPA 在这里选择了错误的默认值。在大多数情况下,存储 enum 值的整数编码会使关系数据更难解释。 |
JPA picks the wrong default here. In most cases, storing an integer encoding of the enum value makes the relational data harder to interpret. |
即使考虑到 DayOfWeek ,编码为整数也是模棱两可的。如果你查看 java.time.DayOfWeek ,你会发现 SUNDAY 编码为 6 。但在我的出生地, SUNDAY 是星期 first !
Even considering DayOfWeek, the encoding to integers is ambiguous. If you check java.time.DayOfWeek, you’ll notice that SUNDAY is encoded as 6. But in the country I was born, SUNDAY is the first day of the week!
因此,我们更喜欢 @Enumerated(STRING) 作为大多数 enum 属性。
So we prefer @Enumerated(STRING) for most enum attributes.
PostgreSQL 是一个有趣的特殊情况。Postgres 支持 named ENUM 类型,必须使用 DDL CREATE TYPE 语句声明。遗憾的是,这些 ENUM 类型与语言集成不佳,也不受 Postgres JDBC 驱动程序的充分支持,因此 Hibernate 默认不使用它们。但是,如果您想在 Postgres 上使用命名枚举类型,只需像这样注释您的 enum 属性:
An interesting special case is PostgreSQL. Postgres supports named ENUM types, which must be declared using a DDL CREATE TYPE statement. Sadly, these ENUM types aren’t well-integrated with the language nor well-supported by the Postgres JDBC driver, so Hibernate doesn’t use them by default. But if you would like to use a named enumerated type on Postgres, just annotate your enum attribute like this:
Status status;
可以通过提供 converter 来略微扩展有限的预定义基本属性类型的集合。
The limited set of pre-defined basic attribute types can be stretched a bit further by supplying a converter.
3.12. Converters
JPA AttributeConverter 负责:
A JPA AttributeConverter is responsible for:
converting a given Java type to one of the types listed above, and/or
perform any other sort of pre- and post-processing you might need to perform on a basic attribute value before writing and reading it to or from the database.
转换器大幅扩展了 JPA 可以处理的属性类型集合。
Converters substantially widen the set of attribute types that can be handled by JPA.
There are two ways to apply a converter:
the @Convert annotation applies an AttributeConverter to a particular entity attribute, or
the @Converter annotation (or, alternatively, the @ConverterRegistration annotation) registers an AttributeConverter for automatic application to all attributes of a given type.
例如,以下转换器将自动应用于类型为 BitSet 的任何属性,并负责将 BitSet 持续存储到类型为 varbinary 的列:
For example, the following converter will be automatically applied to any attribute of type BitSet, and takes care of persisting the BitSet to a column of type varbinary:
@Converter(autoApply = true)
public static class EnumSetConverter
// converts Java values of type EnumSet<DayOfWeek> to integers for storage in an INT column
implements AttributeConverter<EnumSet<DayOfWeek>,Integer> {
public Integer convertToDatabaseColumn(EnumSet<DayOfWeek> enumSet) {
int encoded = 0;
var values = DayOfWeek.values();
for (int i = 0; i<values.length; i++) {
if (enumSet.contains(values[i])) {
encoded |= 1<<i;
return encoded;
public EnumSet<DayOfWeek> convertToEntityAttribute(Integer encoded) {
var set = EnumSet.noneOf(DayOfWeek.class);
var values = DayOfWeek.values();
for (int i = 0; i<values.length; i++) {
if (((1<<i) & encoded) != 0) {
return set;
另一方面,如果我们 don’t 设置 autoapply=true,则我们必须通过使用 @Convert 注解显式应用转换器:
On the other hand, if we don’t set autoapply=true, then we must explicitly apply the converter using the @Convert annotation:
@Convert(converter = BitSetConverter.class)
@Basic(optional = false)
BitSet bitset;
所有这些都很不错,但这可能不会让你惊讶,因为 Hibernate 超越了 JPA 所需的内容。
All this is nice, but it probably won’t surprise you that Hibernate goes beyond what is required by JPA.
3.13. Compositional basic types
Hibernate 将“基本类型”视为由两个对象组成的婚姻结合:
Hibernate considers a "basic type" to be formed by the marriage of two objects:
a JavaType, which models the semantics of a certain Java class, and
a JdbcType, representing a SQL type which is understood by JDBC.
映射基本属性时,我们可能明确指定 JavaType、JdbcType,或同时指定两者。
When mapping a basic attribute, we may explicitly specify a JavaType, a JdbcType, or both.
org.hibernate.type.descriptor.java.JavaType 的实例表示特定的 Java 类。它能够:
An instance of org.hibernate.type.descriptor.java.JavaType represents a particular Java class. It’s able to:
compare instances of the class to determine if an attribute of that class type is dirty (modified),
produce a useful hash code for an instance of the class,
coerce values to other types, and, in particular,
convert an instance of the class to one of several other equivalent Java representations at the request of its partner JdbcType.
例如,IntegerJavaType 知道如何将 Integer 或 int 值转换为 Long、BigInteger 和 String 等类型。
For example, IntegerJavaType knows how to convert an Integer or int value to the types Long, BigInteger, and String, among others.
我们可以使用 @JavaType 注释明确指定一种 Java 类型,但是对于内置的 JavaType 来说,这是从不必要的。
We may explicitly specify a Java type using the @JavaType annotation, but for the built-in _JavaType_s this is never necessary.
@JavaType(LongJavaType.class) // not needed, this is the default JavaType for long
long currentTimeMillis;
对于用户编写的 JavaType,注释更加有用:
For a user-written JavaType, the annotation is more useful:
BitSet bitSet;
或者,可以使用 @JavaTypeRegistration 注释来注册 BitSetJavaType 作为 BitSet 的默认值 JavaType。
Alternatively, the @JavaTypeRegistration annotation may be used to register BitSetJavaType as the default JavaType for BitSet.
org.hibernate.type.descriptor.jdbc.JdbcType 能够从 JDBC 读写单个 Java 类型和写到 JDBC。
A org.hibernate.type.descriptor.jdbc.JdbcType is able to read and write a single Java type from and to JDBC.
例如,VarcharJdbcType 负责:
For example, VarcharJdbcType takes care of:
writing Java strings to JDBC PreparedStatement_s by calling _setString(), and
reading Java strings from JDBC ResultSet_s using _getString().
通过将 LongJavaType 和 VarcharJdbcType 以神圣的婚姻结合,我们产生了映射 Long_s and primitive _longs_s to the SQL type _VARCHAR 的基本类型。
By pairing LongJavaType with VarcharJdbcType in holy matrimony, we produce a basic type which maps Long_s and primitive _longs_s to the SQL type _VARCHAR.
我们可以使用 @JdbcType 注释明确指定一种 JDBC 类型。
We may explicitly specify a JDBC type using the @JdbcType annotation.
long currentTimeMillis;
或者,我们可以指定一种 JDBC 类型代码:
Alternatively, we may specify a JDBC type code:
long currentTimeMillis;
@JdbcTypeRegistration 注释可用于注册一个用户编写的 JdbcType 作为给定的 SQL 类型代码的默认值。
The @JdbcTypeRegistration annotation may be used to register a user-written JdbcType as the default for a given SQL type code.
如果给定的 JavaType 不知道如何将其实例转换为其合作伙伴 JdbcType 所需的类型,我们必须通过提供一个 JPA AttributeConverter 来帮助它执行转换。
If a given JavaType doesn’t know how to convert its instances to the type required by its partner JdbcType, we must help it out by providing a JPA AttributeConverter to perform the conversion.
例如,要使用 LongJavaType 和 TimestampJdbcType 形成基本类型,我们将提供一个 AttributeConverter<Long,Timestamp>。
For example, to form a basic type using LongJavaType and TimestampJdbcType, we would provide an AttributeConverter<Long,Timestamp>.
@Convert(converter = LongToTimestampConverter.class)
long currentTimeMillis;
Let’s abandon our analogy right here, before we start calling this basic type a "throuple".
3.14. Embeddable objects
可嵌入对象是一种 Java 类,其状态映射到表的多个列,但没有它自己的持久性标识。也就是说,它是一个具有映射属性的类,但没有 @Id 属性。
An embeddable object is a Java class whose state maps to multiple columns of a table, but which doesn’t have its own persistent identity. That is, it’s a class with mapped attributes, but no @Id attribute.
An embeddable object can only be made persistent by assigning it to the attribute of an entity. Since the embeddable object does not have its own persistent identity, its lifecycle with respect to persistence is completely determined by the lifecycle of the entity to which it belongs.
可嵌入类必须使用 @Embeddable 注释而不是 @Entity。
An embeddable class must be annotated @Embeddable instead of @Entity.
class Name {
String firstName;
String lastName;
String middleName;
Name() {}
Name(String firstName, String middleName, String lastName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.middleName = middleName;
this.lastName = lastName;
可嵌入类必须满足实体类满足的相同要求,但可嵌入类没有 @Id 属性除外。特别是,它必须有一个没有参数的构造函数。
An embeddable class must satisfy the same requirements that entity classes satisfy, with the exception that an embeddable class has no @Id attribute. In particular, it must have a constructor with no parameters.
或者,可将可嵌入式类型定义为 Java 记录类型:
Alternatively, an embeddable type may be defined as a Java record type:
record Name(String firstName, String middleName, String lastName) {}
In this case, the requirement for a constructor with no parameters is relaxed.
我们现在可以将我们的 Name
We may now use our Name class (or record) as the type of an entity attribute:
class Author {
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id;
Name name;
类可能有一个属性,其类型本身是另一个不同的 @Embeddable
Embeddable types can be nested. That is, an @Embeddable class may have an attribute whose type is itself a different @Embeddable class.
JPA 提供了一个 @Embedded 注解来标识实体的属性,这些属性引用可嵌入类型。该注解是完全可选的,因此我们通常不使用它。 |
JPA provides an @Embedded annotation to identify an attribute of an entity that refers to an embeddable type. This annotation is completely optional, and so we don’t usually use it. |
另一方面,对可嵌入类型的引用是 never 多态的。一个 @Embeddable 类 F 可能继承第二个 @Embeddable 类 E,但类型为 E 的属性将始终引用该具体类 E 的实例,而永远不会引用 F 的实例。
On the other hand a reference to an embeddable type is never polymorphic. One @Embeddable class F may inherit a second @Embeddable class E, but an attribute of type E will always refer to an instance of that concrete class E, never to an instance of F.
通常,可嵌入类型将存储为“扁平化”格式。它们的属性会映射到其所属实体表的列。稍后在 Mapping embeddable types to UDTs or to JSON 中,我们将看到几种不同的选项。
Usually, embeddable types are stored in a "flattened" format. Their attributes map columns of the table of their parent entity. Later, in Mapping embeddable types to UDTs or to JSON, we’ll see a couple of different options.
可嵌入式类型的属性表示具有持久性标识的 Java 对象与不具有持久性标识的 Java 对象之间的关系。我们可以将其视为整体/部分关系。可嵌入式对象属于实体,不能与其他实体实例共享。而且,它仅在父实体存在的期间内存在。
An attribute of embeddable type represents a relationship between a Java object with a persistent identity, and a Java object with no persistent identity. We can think of it as a whole/part relationship. The embeddable object belongs to the entity, and can’t be shared with other entity instances. And it exists for only as long as its parent entity exists.
接下来,我们将讨论另一种关系:具有各自不同的持久性标识和持久性生命周期的 Java 对象之间的关系。
Next we’ll discuss a different kind of relationship: a relationship between Java objects which each have their own distinct persistent identity and persistence lifecycle.
3.15. Associations
是实体之间的关系。我们通常根据关联的 multiplicity
对关联进行分类。如果 E
和 F
An association is a relationship between entities. We usually classify associations based on their multiplicity. If E and F are both entity classes, then:
a one-to-one association relates at most one unique instance E with at most one unique instance of F,
a many-to-one association relates zero or more instances of E with a unique instance of F, and
a many-to-many association relates zero or more instances of E with zero or more instance of F.
An association between entity classes may be either:
unidirectional, navigable from E to F but not from F to E, or
bidirectional, and navigable in either direction.
In this example data model, we can see the sorts of associations which are possible:

细心的观察者可能会注意到上图中提出的关系是一个单向一对一关联,可以用 Java 中的分类型合理表示。这是很常见的。在完全归一化的关系模型中,我们通常使用一对一关联实现分类型。它与 JOINED inheritance mapping 策略有关。 |
An astute observer of the diagram above might notice that the relationship we’ve presented as a unidirectional one-to-one association could reasonably be represented in Java using subtyping. This is quite normal. A one-to-one association is the usual way we implement subtyping in a fully-normalized relational model. It’s related to the JOINED inheritance mapping strategy. |
用于映射关联的注释有三个:@ManyToOne、@OneToMany 和 @ManyToMany。它们共享一些通用的注释成员:
There are three annotations for mapping associations: @ManyToOne, @OneToMany, and @ManyToMany. They share some common annotation members:
表 15. 定义关联的注解成员
Table 15. Association-defining annotation members
Member |
Interpretation |
Default value |
cascade |
Persistence operations which should cascade to the associated entity; a list of _CascadeType_s |
{} |
fetch |
Whether the association is eagerly fetched or may be proxied |
LAZY for @OneToMany and @ManyToMany__EAGER for @ManyToOne 💀💀💀 |
targetEntity |
The associated entity class |
Determined from the attribute type declaration |
optional |
For a @ManyToOne or @OneToOne association, whether the association can be null |
true |
mappedBy |
For a bidirectional association, an attribute of the associated entity which maps the association |
By default, the association is assumed unidirectional |
We’ll explain the effect of these members as we consider the various types of association mapping.
Let’s begin with the most common association multiplicity.
3.16. Many-to-one
A many-to-one association is the most basic sort of association we can imagine. It maps completely naturally to a foreign key in the database. Almost all the associations in your domain model are going to be of this form.
后面,我们将会看到如何将多对一关联映射到一个 association table 。 |
Later, we’ll see how to map a many-to-one association to an association table. |
@ManyToOne 注释标记关联的“到一”端,因此单向多对一关联如下所示:
The @ManyToOne annotation marks the "to one" side of the association, so a unidirectional many-to-one association looks like this:
class Book {
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id;
Publisher publisher;
表有一个外键列,其中保存着关联的 Publisher
Here, the Book table has a foreign key column holding the identifier of the associated Publisher.
JPA 具有一个非常不幸的缺陷,默认情况下, @ManyToOne 关联被即时获取。这几乎不是我们想要的。几乎所有关联都应该是延迟的。 fetch=EAGER 有意义的唯一情况是我们认为 very 始终有很高的概率 associated object will be found in the second-level cache 。如果并非如此,请记得明确指定 fetch=LAZY 。 |
A very unfortunate misfeature of JPA is that @ManyToOne associations are fetched eagerly by default. This is almost never what we want. Almost all associations should be lazy. The only scenario in which fetch=EAGER makes sense is if we think there’s always a very high probability that the associated object will be found in the second-level cache. Whenever this isn’t the case, remember to explicitly specify fetch=LAZY. |
大多数情况下,我们希望能够轻松地在两个方向上导航我们的关联。我们确实需要一种方法来获取给定 Book 的 Publisher,但我们也希望能够获取属于给定发布者的所有 Book。
Most of the time, we would like to be able to easily navigate our associations in both directions. We do need a way to get the Publisher of a given Book, but we would also like to be able to obtain all the _Book_s belonging to a given publisher.
为了使此关联变为双向,我们需要向 Publisher
类中添加集合值属性并对其进行 @OneToMany
To make this association bidirectional, we need to add a collection-valued attribute to the Publisher class, and annotate it @OneToMany.
Hibernate 需要在运行时 proxy 未获取的关联。因此,多值侧必须使用接口类型(如 Set 或 List )声明,并且从不使用具体类型(如 HashSet 或 ArrayList )声明。 |
Hibernate needs to proxy unfetched associations at runtime. Therefore, the many-valued side must be declared using an interface type like Set or List, and never using a concrete type like HashSet or ArrayList. |
为了明确表示这是一个双向关联,并重用已在 Book 实体中指定的任何映射信息,我们必须使用 mappedBy 注释成员引用 Book.publisher。
To indicate clearly that this is a bidirectional association, and to reuse any mapping information already specified in the Book entity, we must use the mappedBy annotation member to refer back to Book.publisher.
class Publisher {
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id;
Set<Book> books;
字段称为关联的 unowned
The Publisher.books field is called the unowned side of the association.
现在,我们热情地 hate 将强类型 mappedBy 引用推荐给关联的所有方。幸运的是, Metamodel Generator 为我们提供了一种使其更具类型安全的方法:
Now, we passionately hate the stringly-typed mappedBy reference to the owning side of the association. Thankfully, the Metamodel Generator gives us a way to make it a bit more typesafe:
@OneToMany(mappedBy=Book_.PUBLISHER) // get used to doing it this way!
Set<Book> books;
We’re going to use this approach for the rest of the Introduction.
如果要修改双向关联,我们必须更改 owning side。
To modify a bidirectional association, we must change the owning side.
对关联的非拥有端所做的更改绝不会同步到数据库中。如果我们希望在数据库中更改关联,则必须在拥有端更改关联。在此,我们必须设置 Book.publisher 。
Changes made to the unowned side of an association are never synchronized to the database. If we desire to change an association in the database, we must change it from the owning side. Here, we must set Book.publisher.
事实上,经常需要更改双向关联的 both sides 。例如,如果将集合 Publisher.books 存储在二级缓存中,我们还必须修改该集合,以确保二级缓存与数据库保持同步。
In fact, it’s often necessary to change both sides of a bidirectional association. For example, if the collection Publisher.books was stored in the second-level cache, we must also modify the collection, to ensure that the second-level cache remains synchronized with the database.
也就是说,更新非自有端是 not 一项艰巨的要求,至少如果您确定知道自己在做什么的话。
That said, it’s not a hard requirement to update the unowned side, at least if you’re sure you know what you’re doing.
原则上,Hibernate does 允许您拥有单向多对一,即另一方没有匹配的 @ManyToOne 的 @OneToMany。实际上,这种映射是不自然的,而且并不太好用。避免它。 |
In principle Hibernate does allow you to have a unidirectional one-to-many, that is, a @OneToMany with no matching @ManyToOne on the other side. In practice, this mapping is unnatural, and just doesn’t work very well. Avoid it. |
这里我们使用 Set 作为集合的类型,但 Hibernate 也允许在此处使用 List 或 Collection,语义几乎没有差别。特别是,List 可能不包含重复元素,其顺序不会持久化。
Here we’ve used Set as the type of the collection, but Hibernate also allows the use of List or Collection here, with almost no difference in semantics. In particular, the List may not contain duplicate elements, and its order will not be persistent.
Collection<Book> books;
我们将在 much later 中看到如何映射具有持久顺序的集合。
We’ll see how to map a collection with a persistent order much later.
3.17. One-to-one (first way)
最简单的单一对一关联几乎与 @ManyToOne 关联完全相同,不同之处在于它映射到带有 UNIQUE 约束的外键列。
The simplest sort of one-to-one association is almost exactly like a @ManyToOne association, except that it maps to a foreign key column with a UNIQUE constraint.
后面,我们将会看到如何将一对一关联映射到一个 association table 。 |
Later, we’ll see how to map a one-to-one association to an association table. |
一对一关联必须注释 @OneToOne:
A one-to-one association must be annotated @OneToOne:
class Author {
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id;
@OneToOne(optional=false, fetch=LAZY)
Person author;
在这里,Author 表有一个外键列,其中包含关联的 Person 的标识符。
Here, the Author table has a foreign key column holding the identifier of the associated Person.
一对一关联通常模拟“类型为”关系。在我们的示例中, Author 是 Person 的类型。在 Java 中表示“类型为”关系的另一种(通常更自然)的方法是通过 entity class inheritance 。 |
A one-to-one association often models a "type of" relationship. In our example, an Author is a type of Person. An alternative—and often more natural—way to represent "type of" relationships in Java is via entity class inheritance. |
我们可以通过在 Person 实体中添加对 Author 的引用,使此关联变为双向:
We can make this association bidirectional by adding a reference back to the Author in the Person entity:
class Person {
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id;
@OneToOne(mappedBy = Author_.PERSON)
Author author;
Person.author 是非拥有端,因为它标有 mappedBy 的一侧。
Person.author is the unowned side, because it’s the side marked mappedBy.
This is not the only sort of one-to-one association.
3.18. One-to-one (second way)
An arguably more elegant way to represent such a relationship is to share a primary key between the two tables.
要使用这种方法,必须像这样对 Author 类进行注释:
To use this approach, the Author class must be annotated like this:
class Author {
Long id;
@OneToOne(optional=false, fetch=LAZY)
Person author;
Notice that, compared with the previous mapping:
the @Id attribute is no longer a @GeneratedValue and,
instead, the author association is annotated @MapsId.
这可让 Hibernate 了解到与 Person 的关联是 Author 主键值的来源。
This lets Hibernate know that the association to Person is the source of primary key values for Author.
此处,Author 表中没有额外的外键列,因为 id 列包含 Person 的标识符。也就是说,Author 表的主键充当了指代 Person 表的外键的双重职责。
Here, there’s no extra foreign key column in the Author table, since the id column holds the identifier of Person. That is, the primary key of the Author table does double duty as the foreign key referring to the Person table.
Person 类并不改变。如果关联是双向的,我们会像以前一样对非拥有端 @OneToOne(mappedBy = Author.PERSON)_ 进行注释。
The Person class doesn’t change. If the association is bidirectional, we annotate the unowned side @OneToOne(mappedBy = Author.PERSON)_ just as before.
3.19. Many-to-many
单向多对多关联表示为集合值属性。它总是映射到数据库中的单独 association table。
A unidirectional many-to-many association is represented as a collection-valued attribute. It always maps to a separate association table in the database.
It tends to happen that a many-to-many association eventually turns out to be an entity in disguise.
假设我们从 Author 和 Book 之间的简洁干净的多对多关联开始。稍后,我们很可能会发现一些附加信息附加到关联中,因此关联表需要一些额外的列。 |
Suppose we start with a nice clean many-to-many association between Author and Book. Later on, it’s quite likely that we’ll discover some additional information which comes attached to the association, so that the association table needs some extra columns. |
例如,假设我们需要报告每位作者在书中所占的百分比贡献。该信息自然属于关联表。我们无法轻松地将它存储为 Book 的属性,也无法将其存储为 Author 的属性。
For example, imagine that we needed to report the percentage contribution of each author to a book. That information naturally belongs to the association table. We can’t easily store it as an attribute of Book, nor as an attribute of Author.
当这种情况发生时,我们需要更改 Java 模型,通常需引入一个新的实体类来直接映射关联表。在我们示例中,我们可以将此实体命名为 BookAuthorship ,它将包含与 Author 和 Book 的 @OneToMany 关联,以及 contribution 属性。
When this happens, we need to change our Java model, usually introducing a new entity class which maps the association table directly. In our example, we might call this entity something like BookAuthorship, and it would have @OneToMany associations to both Author and Book, along with the contribution attribute.
我们可以通过从一开始就避免使用 @ManyToMany 来躲避此类“发现”所造成的干扰。使用中间实体表示每个(或至少是 almost )逻辑多对多关联几乎没有缺点。
We can evade the disruption occasioned by such "discoveries" by simply avoiding the use of @ManyToMany right from the start. There’s little downside to representing every—or at least almost every—logical many-to-many association using an intermediate entity.
多对多关联必须注释 @ManyToMany:
A many-to-many association must be annotated @ManyToMany:
class Book {
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id;
Set<Author> authors;
如果关联是双向的,我们向 Book 添加一个非常相似的属性,但这次我们必须指定 mappedBy 以指示这是关联的非拥有端:
If the association is bidirectional, we add a very similar-looking attribute to Book, but this time we must specify mappedBy to indicate that this is the unowned side of the association:
class Book {
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id;
Set<Author> authors;
请记住,如果我们希望修改集合,我们必须 change the owning side。
Remember, if we wish to the modify the collection we must change the owning side.
我们再次使用了 Set_s to represent the association. As before, we have the option to use _Collection 或 List。但在这种情况下,它 does 会影响关联的语义。
We’ve again used Set_s to represent the association. As before, we have the option to use _Collection or List. But in this case it does make a difference to the semantics of the association.
表示为 Collection 或 List 的多对多关联可能包含重复元素。但是,与之前一样,元素的次序不是持久的。也就是说,该集合是 bag,而不是集合。 |
A many-to-many association represented as a Collection or List may contain duplicate elements. However, as before, the order of the elements is not persistent. That is, the collection is a bag, not a set. |
3.20. Collections of basic values and embeddable objects
We’ve now seen the following kinds of entity attribute:
Kind of entity attribute |
Kind of reference |
Multiplicity |
Examples |
Single-valued attribute of basic type |
Non-entity |
At most one |
@Basic String name |
Single-valued attribute of embeddable type |
Non-entity |
At most one |
@Embedded Name name |
Single-valued association |
Entity |
At most one |
@ManyToOne Publisher publisher_@OneToOne Person person_ |
Many-valued association |
Entity |
Zero or more |
@OneToMany Set<Book> books_@ManyToMany Set<Author> authors_ |
扫描此分类法,你可能会问:Hibernate 是否具有基本或可嵌入类型的多值属性?
Scanning this taxonomy, you might ask: does Hibernate have multivalued attributes of basic or embeddable type?
好,实际上我们已经看到了它确实如此,至少在两种特殊情况下。因此,首先,让我们 recall JPA 将 byte[] 和 char[] 数组视为基本类型。Hibernate 会将 byte[] 或 char[] 数组持久保存到 VARBINARY 或 VARCHAR 列(分别)。
Well, actually, we’ve already seen that it does, at least in two special cases. So first, lets recall that JPA treats byte[] and char[] arrays as basic types. Hibernate persists a byte[] or char[] array to a VARBINARY or VARCHAR column, respectively.
但在本节中,我们真正关注的是比这两个特例 other 的情况。那么, apart from _byte[] 和 char[]_ ,Hibernate 是否具有基本类型或可嵌入类型多值属性?
But in this section we’re really concerned with cases other than these two special cases. So then, apart from _byte[] and char[]_, does Hibernate have multivalued attributes of basic or embeddable type?
答案仍然是 it does。事实上,有两种不同的方法来处理这样的集合,即通过映射它:
And the answer again is that it does. Indeed, there are two different ways to handle such a collection, by mapping it:
to a column of SQL ARRAY type (assuming the database has an ARRAY type), or
to a separate table.
So we may expand our taxonomy with:
Kind of entity attribute |
Kind of reference |
Multiplicity |
Examples |
byte[] and char[] arrays |
Non-entity |
Zero or more |
byte[] image__char[] text |
Collection of basic-typed elements |
Non-entity |
Zero or more |
@Array String[] names_@ElementCollection Set<String> names_ |
Collection of embeddable elements |
Non-entity |
Zero or more |
@ElementCollection Set<Name> names |
实际上,这里有两种新的映射类型:@Array 映射和 @ElementCollection 映射。
There’s actually two new kinds of mapping here: @Array mappings, and @ElementCollection mappings.
These sorts of mappings are overused.
There are situations where we think it’s appropriate to use a collection of basic-typed values in our entity class. But such situations are rare. Almost every many-valued relationship should map to a foreign key association between separate tables. And almost every table should be mapped by an entity class.
The features we’re about to meet in the next two subsections are used much more often by beginners than they’re used by experts. So if you’re a beginner, you’ll save yourself same hassle by staying away from these features for now.
我们先来讨论一下 @Array 映射。
We’ll talk about @Array mappings first.
3.21. Collections mapped to SQL arrays
让我们考虑在每周某些日期重复的日历事件。我们可能在_Event_ 实体中将其表示为类型为_DayOfWeek[]_ 或_List<DayOfWeek>_ 的属性。由于此数组或列表的元素数上限为 7,因此这是一个使用_ARRAY_ 类型列的合理案例。将此集合存储在单独的表中似乎没什么价值。
Let’s consider a calendar event which repeats on certain days of the week. We might represent this in our Event entity as an attribute of type DayOfWeek[] or List<DayOfWeek>. Since the number of elements of this array or list is upper bounded by 7, this is a reasonable case for the use of an ARRAY-typed column. It’s hard to see much value in storing this collection in a separate table.
不幸的是,JPA 没有定义将 SQL 数组映射到标准方法,但以下是如何在 Hibernate 中进行映射:
Unfortunately, JPA doesn’t define a standard way to map SQL arrays, but here’s how we can do it in Hibernate:
class Event {
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id;
DayOfWeek[] daysOfWeek; // stored as a SQL ARRAY type
@Array 注释是可选的,但限制数据库分配给_ARRAY_ 列的存储空间数量非常重要。通过在此处编写_@Array(length=7),我们指定 DDL 应该使用列类型_TINYINT ARRAY[7] 生成。
The @Array annotation is optional, but it’s important to limit the amount of storage space the database allocates to the ARRAY column. By writing @Array(length=7) here, we specified that DDL should be generated with the column type TINYINT ARRAY[7].
仅出于好玩,我们在上面的代码中使用了一个枚举类型,但是数组元素时间可能是几乎任何 basic type。例如,Java 数组类型 String[]、UUID[]、double[]、BigDecimal[]、LocalDate[] 和 OffsetDateTime[] 通通允许,分别映射到 SQL 类型 VARCHAR(n) ARRAY、UUID ARRAY、FLOAT(53) ARRAY、NUMERIC(p,s) ARRAY、DATE ARRAY 和 TIMESTAMP(p) WITH TIME ZONE ARRAY。
Just for fun, we used an enumerated type in the code above, but the array element time may be almost any basic type. For example, the Java array types String[], UUID[], double[], BigDecimal[], LocalDate[], and OffsetDateTime[] are all allowed, mapping to the SQL types VARCHAR(n) ARRAY, UUID ARRAY, FLOAT(53) ARRAY, NUMERIC(p,s) ARRAY, DATE ARRAY, and TIMESTAMP(p) WITH TIME ZONE ARRAY, respectively.
现在,让我们明白的是:并非每个数据库都有 SQL ARRAY 类型,并且某些 do 具有 ARRAY 类型的数据库不允许将其用作列类型。
Now for the gotcha: not every database has a SQL ARRAY type, and some that do have an ARRAY type don’t allow it to be used as a column type.
具体来讲,DB2 和 SQL Server 都没有数组类型列。在此类数据库中,Hibernate 会退而使用更糟糕的方法:它使用 Java 序列化将数组编码成二进制表示形式,并将二进制流存储在 VARBINARY 列中。很明显,这样做很糟糕。您可以要求 Hibernate 通过注释属性 @JdbcTypeCode(SqlTypes.JSON) 来做些 slightly 不那么糟糕的事情,以便将数组序列化为 JSON 而不是二进制格式。但在此时,最好直接承认失败,转而使用 @ElementCollection 。
In particular, neither DB2 nor SQL Server have array-typed columns. On these databases, Hibernate falls back to something much worse: it uses Java serialization to encode the array to a binary representation, and stores the binary stream in a VARBINARY column. Quite clearly, this is terrible. You can ask Hibernate to do something slightly less terrible by annotating the attribute @JdbcTypeCode(SqlTypes.JSON), so that the array is serialized to JSON instead of binary format. But at this point it’s better to just admit defeat and use an @ElementCollection instead.
Alternatively, we could store this array or list in a separate table.
3.22. Collections mapped to a separate table
JPA does 定义了将集合映射到辅助表的标准方法:@ElementCollection 注释。
JPA does define a standard way to map a collection to an auxiliary table: the @ElementCollection annotation.
class Event {
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id;
DayOfWeek[] daysOfWeek; // stored in a dedicated table
实际上,我们不应该在此处使用数组,因为数组类型无法 proxied,因此 JPA 规范甚至没有说它们受支持。相反,我们应该使用 Set、List 或 Map。
Actually, we shouldn’t use an array here, since array types can’t be proxied, and so the JPA specification doesn’t even say they’re supported. Instead, we should use Set, List, or Map.
class Event {
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id;
List<DayOfWeek> daysOfWeek; // stored in a dedicated table
Here, each collection element is stored as a separate row of the auxiliary table. By default, this table has the following definition:
create table Event_daysOfWeek (
Event_id bigint not null,
daysOfWeek tinyint check (daysOfWeek between 0 and 6),
daysOfWeek_ORDER integer not null,
primary key (Event_id, daysOfWeek_ORDER)
Which is fine, but it’s still a mapping we prefer to avoid.
@ElementCollection 是我们最不喜欢的 JPA 功能之一。即使是注释名称也不好。
@ElementCollection is one of our least-favorite features of JPA. Even the name of the annotation is bad.
The code above results in a table with three columns:
a foreign key of the Event table,
a TINYINT encoding the enum, and
an INTEGER encoding the ordering of elements in the array.
它没有替代主键,而是一个复合键,其中包含 Event 的外键和顺序列。
Instead of a surrogate primary key, it has a composite key comprising the foreign key of Event and the order column.
当我们(不可避免地)发现需要向该表添加第四列时,我们的 Java 代码必须完全更改。很可能,我们最终会意识到需要添加一个单独的实体。所以,在我们的数据模型发生小更改的情况下,这种映射并不十分稳健。
When—inevitably—we find that we need to add a fourth column to that table, our Java code must change completely. Most likely, we’ll realize that we need to add a separate entity after all. So this mapping isn’t very robust in the face of minor changes to our data model.
There’s much more we could say about "element collections", but we won’t say it, because we don’t want to hand you the gun you’ll shoot your foot with.
3.23. Summary of annotations
Let’s pause to remember the annotations we’ve met so far.
表 16. 声明实体和可嵌入类型
Table 16. Declaring entities and embeddable types
Annotation |
Purpose |
JPA-standard |
@Entity |
Declare an entity class |
✔ |
@MappedSuperclass |
Declare a non-entity class with mapped attributes inherited by an entity |
✔ |
@Embeddable |
Declare an embeddable type |
✔ |
@IdClass |
Declare the identifier class for an entity with multiple @Id attributes |
✔ |
表 17. 声明基本和嵌入式属性
Table 17. Declaring basic and embedded attributes
Annotation |
Purpose |
JPA-standard |
@Id |
Declare a basic-typed identifier attribute |
✔ |
@Version |
Declare a version attribute |
✔ |
@Basic |
Declare a basic attribute |
Default |
✔ |
@EmbeddedId |
Declare an embeddable-typed identifier attribute |
✔ |
@Embedded |
Declare an embeddable-typed attribute |
Inferred |
✔ |
@Enumerated |
Declare an enum-typed attribute and specify how it is encoded |
Inferred |
✔ |
@Array |
Declare that an attribute maps to a SQL ARRAY, and specify the length |
Inferred |
✖ |
@ElementCollection |
Declare that a collection is mapped to a dedicated table |
✔ |
表 18. 转换器和复合基本类型
Table 18. Converters and compositional basic types
Annotation |
Purpose |
JPA-standard |
@Converter |
Register an AttributeConverter |
✔ |
@Convert |
Apply a converter to an attribute |
✔ |
@JavaType |
Explicitly specify an implementation of JavaType for a basic attribute |
✖ |
@JdbcType |
Explicitly specify an implementation of JdbcType for a basic attribute |
✖ |
@JdbcTypeCode |
Explicitly specify a JDBC type code used to determine the JdbcType for a basic attribute |
✖ |
@JavaTypeRegistration |
Register a JavaType for a given Java type |
✖ |
@JdbcTypeRegistration |
Register a JdbcType for a given JDBC type code |
✖ |
表 19. 系统生成的标识符
Table 19. System-generated identifiers
Annotation |
Purpose |
JPA-standard |
@GeneratedValue |
Specify that an identifier is system-generated |
✔ |
@SequenceGenerator |
Define an id generated backed by on a database sequence |
✔ |
@TableGenerator |
Define an id generated backed by a database table |
✔ |
@IdGeneratorType |
Declare an annotation that associates a custom Generator with each @Id attribute it annotates |
✖ |
@ValueGenerationType |
Declare an annotation that associates a custom Generator with each @Basic attribute it annotates |
✖ |
表 20. 声明实体关联
Table 20. Declaring entity associations
Annotation |
Purpose |
JPA-standard |
@ManyToOne |
Declare the single-valued side of a many-to-one association (the owning side) |
✔ |
@OneToMany |
Declare the many-valued side of a many-to-one association (the unowned side) |
✔ |
@ManyToMany |
Declare either side of a many-to-many association |
✔ |
@OneToOne |
Declare either side of a one-to-one association |
✔ |
@MapsId |
Declare that the owning side of a @OneToOne association maps the primary key column |
✔ |
呼!这已经是许多注释了,我们甚至没有开始 O/R 映射的注释!
Phew! That’s already a lot of annotations, and we have not even started with the annotations for O/R mapping!
3.24. equals() and hashCode()
实体类应覆盖 equals() 和 hashCode(),尤其是在关联 represented as sets 时。
Entity classes should override equals() and hashCode(), especially when associations are represented as sets.
初次使用 Hibernate 或 JPA 的人经常会困惑究竟应将哪些字段包含在 hashCode() 中。以及有更多经验的人经常会十分虔诚地认为一个或另一个方法是唯一正确的途径。事实上,没有一种正确的方法,但存在一些约束。因此,请牢记以下原则:
People new to Hibernate or JPA are often confused by exactly which fields should be included in the hashCode(). And people with more experience often argue quite religiously that one or another approach is the only right way. The truth is, there’s no unique right way to do it, but there are some constraints. So please keep the following principles in mind:
You should not include a mutable field in the hashcode, since that would require rehashing every collection containing the entity whenever the field is mutated.
It’s not completely wrong to include a generated identifier (surrogate key) in the hashcode, but since the identifier is not generated until the entity instance is made persistent, you must take great care to not add it to any hashed collection before the identifier is generated. We therefore advise against including any database-generated field in the hashcode.
It’s OK to include any immutable, non-generated field in the hashcode.
在此示例中,equals() 方法和 hashCode() 方法与 @NaturalId 注释一致: |
In this example, the equals() and hashCode() methods agree with the @NaturalId annotation: |
class Book {
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id;
String isbn;
String getIsbn() {
return isbn;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return other instanceof Book // check type with instanceof, not getClass()
&& ((Book) other).getIsbn().equals(isbn); // compare natural ids
public int hashCode() {
return isbn.hashCode(); // hashcode based on the natural id
也就是说,基于实体的生成标识符实现 equals() 和 hashCode() 也可用作 if you’re careful。
That said, an implementation of equals() and hashCode() based on the generated identifier of the entity can work if you’re careful.