Apache Presto 简明教程
Discuss Apache Presto
JApache Presto 是一个开源分布式 SQL 引擎。Presto 起源于 Facebook 的数据分析需求,后来成为开源。现在,Teradata 加入 Presto 社区并提供支持。
JApache Presto is an open source distributed SQL engine. Presto originated at Facebook for data analytics needs and later was open sourced. Now, Teradata joins Presto community and offers support.
Apache Presto 非常适合执行 PB 级数据查询。可扩展的架构和存储插件接口可以非常容易地与其他文件系统交互。当今大多数优秀的工业公司都在采用 Presto,因为它具有交互速度快和低延迟的特点。
Apache Presto is very useful for performing queries even petabytes of data. Extensible architecture and storage plugin interfaces are very easy to interact with other file systems. Most of today’s best industrial companies are adopting Presto for its interactive speeds and low latency performance.
本教程探讨了 Presto 架构、配置和存储插件。它讨论了基本和高级查询,最后以实时示例结束。
This tutorial explores Presto architecture, configuration, and storage plugins. It discusses the basic and advanced queries and finally concludes with real-time examples.