Apache Presto 简明教程
Apache Presto - JMX Connector
Java Management Extensions (JMX) 提供有关 Java 虚拟机和在 JVM 内部运行的软件的信息。该 JMX 连接器用于在 Presto 服务器中查询 JMX 信息。
Java Management Extensions (JMX) gives information about the Java Virtual Machine and software running inside JVM. The JMX connector is used to query JMX information in Presto server.
由于我们已经启用了 “jmx.properties” 目录下的 “etc/catalog” 文件。现连接 Prest CLI 来启用 JMX 插件。
As we have already enabled “jmx.properties” file under “etc/catalog” directory. Now connect Prest CLI to enable JMX plugin.
JMX Schema
要列出 “jmx” 中的所有架构,请键入以下查询。
To list out all the schemas in “jmx”, type the following query.
Show Tables
要查看 “current” 架构中的表,请使用以下命令。
To view the tables in the “current” schema, use the following command.
com.facebook.presto.execution.scheduler:name = nodescheduler
com.facebook.presto.execution:name = queryexecution
com.facebook.presto.execution:name = querymanager
com.facebook.presto.execution:name = remotetaskfactory
com.facebook.presto.execution:name = taskexecutor
com.facebook.presto.execution:name = taskmanager
com.facebook.presto.execution:type = queryqueue,name = global,expansion = global
node | compilationtimemonitoringsupported | name | objectname | totalcompilationti
ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff | true | HotSpot 64-Bit Tiered Compilers | java.lang:type=Compilation | 1276
node | readfromoutputbuffertime.alltime.count
| readfromoutputbuffertime.alltime.max | readfromoutputbuffertime.alltime.maxer
ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff | 92.0 | 1.009106149 |