Biometrics 简明教程
Biometric System Performance
Biometric system manufacturers claim high system performance which is practically difficult to achieve in actual operating environments. The possible reasons are, tests conducted in controlled environment setups, limitations on hardware, etc.
For example, a voice recognition system can work efficiently only in quiet environment, a facial recognition system can work fine if lighting conditions are controlled, and candidates can be trained to clean and place their fingers properly on the fingerprint scanners.
However, in practice, such ideal conditions may not be available in the target operating environment.
Performance Measurements
生物特征识别系统的性能测量与拒绝错误率 (FRR) 和接受错误率 (FAR) 密切相关。
The performance measurements of a biometric system are closely tied to False Reject Rate (FRR) and False Accept Rate (FAR).
FRR 也称为 Type-I error 或假不匹配率 (FNMR),它表示合法用户被系统拒绝的可能性。
FRR is also known as Type-I error or False Non Match Rate (FNMR) which states the likelihood of a legitimate user being rejected by the system.
FAR 被称为 Type-II error 或错误匹配率 (FMR),它表明系统接受虚假身份声明的可能性。
FAR is referred to as Type-II error or False Match Rate (FMR) which states the likelihood of a false identity claim being accepted by the system.
理想的生物特征系统预计对 FAR 和 FRR 都产生零值。这意味着它应该接受所有真正用户并拒绝所有虚假身份声明,但这实际上是无法实现的。
An ideal biometric system is expected to produce zero value for both FAR and FRR. Means it should accept all genuine users and reject all fake identity claims, which is practically not achievable.
FAR 和 FRR 成反比。如果 FAR 得到改善,则 FRR 会下降。 high FRR ensures high security 的生物特征系统。如果 FRR 过高,则系统需要多次输入活体样本,这会降低效率。
FAR and FRR are inversely proportional to each other. If FAR is improved, then the FRR declines. A biometric system providing high FRR ensures high security. If the FRR is too high, then the system requires to enter the live sample a number of times, which makes it less efficient.
The performance of current biometrics technologies is far from the ideal. Hence the system developers need to keep a good balance between these two factors depending on the security requirements.