Docker 简明教程
Docker - Container Linking
Container Linking allows multiple containers to link with each other. It is a better option than exposing ports. Let’s go step by step and learn how it works.
Step 1 − 下载 Jenkins 镜像(如果尚未存在),使用 Jenkins pull 命令。
Step 1 − Download the Jenkins image, if it is not already present, using the Jenkins pull command.
Step 2 − 镜像可用后,运行容器,但这一次,您可以通过使用 –-name 选项为该容器指定一个名称。这将是我们的 source container 。
Step 2 − Once the image is available, run the container, but this time, you can specify a name to the container by using the –-name option. This will be our source container.
Step 3 − 接下来,启动目标容器,但这一次,我们将使用源容器链接它。对于我们的目标容器,我们将使用标准的 Ubuntu 镜像。
Step 3 − Next, it is time to launch the destination container, but this time, we will link it with our source container. For our destination container, we will use the standard Ubuntu image.
在您执行 docker ps 时,您将看到两个正在运行的容器。
When you do a docker ps, you will see both the containers running.
Step 4 − 现在,附加到接收容器。
Step 4 − Now, attach to the receiving container.
然后,运行 env 命令。您会注意到用于与源容器链接的新变量。
Then run the env command. You will notice new variables for linking with the source container.