Dynamodb 简明教程
DynamoDB Tutorial
DynamoDB 是一项完全托管的 NoSQL 数据库服务,旨在提供快速且可预测的性能。它在设计本质上使用 Dynamo 模型,并改进了这些特性。它最初是用来解决旺季负载带来的网站可扩展性挑战。
DynamoDB is a fully-managed NoSQL database service designed to deliver fast and predictable performance. It uses the Dynamo model in the essence of its design, and improves those features. It began as a way to manage website scalability challenges presented by the holiday season load.
本教程向您介绍创建和部署高度可扩展且以性能为中心的数据库所需的 DynamoDB 关键概念。
This tutorial introduces you to key DynamoDB concepts necessary for creating and deploying a highly-scalable and performance-focused database.
本教程面向希望牢固掌握 DynamoDB 基本概念的 IT 专业人员、学生和管理专业人员。
This tutorial targets IT professionals, students, and management professionals who want a solid grasp of essential DynamoDB concepts.
完成本教程后,您将获得 DynamoDB 的中级专业知识,并且可以轻松地利用您的知识来解决更具挑战性的问题。
After completing this tutorial, you will achieve intermediate expertise in DynamoDB, and easily build on your knowledge to solve more challenging problems.
本教程假定您具备数据库技术、编程、Java 或类似 Java 的编程语言以及查询语言的一般知识。它还假定您熟悉应用程序中的典型数据库操作。
This tutorial assumes general knowledge of database technology, programming, Java or Java-like programming languages, and querying languages. It also assumes familiarity with typical database operations in an application.