Html 简明教程
HTML - Canvas
HTML 元素 <canvas> 提供了一种简单、强大的方式,可以使用 JavaScript 绘制图形。它可以用来绘制图形、制作相册合成或制作简单的(也可不简单)动画。
HTML element <canvas> gives you an easy and powerful way to draw graphics using JavaScript. It can be used to draw graphs, make photo compositions or do simple (and not so simple) animations.
以下是仅有两个特定属性 width 和 height 以及所有核心 HTML 属性(如 id、name 和 class 等)的简单 <canvas> 元素。
Here is a simple <canvas> element which has only two specific attributes width and height plus all the core HTML attributes like id, name and class, etc.
<canvas id="mycanvas" width="100" height="100"></canvas>
您可以使用 getElementById() 方法轻松地在 DOM 中找到 <canvas> 元素,如下所示:
You can easily find that <canvas> element in the DOM using getElementById() method as follows −
var canvas = document.getElementById("mycanvas");
让我们来看一个示例,它展示了如何在 HTML 文档中使用 <canvas> 元素。
Let us see a sample example that shows how to use <canvas> element in HTML document.
<!DOCTYPE html>
#mycanvas{border:1px solid red;}
<canvas id="mycanvas" width="100" height="100"></canvas>
The Rendering Context
<canvas> 最初是空白的,要显示内容,脚本首先需要访问渲染上下文。canvas 元素有一个称为 getContext 的 DOM 方法,该方法用于获取渲染上下文及其绘图函数。此函数采用一个参数,即上下文类型 2d 。
The <canvas> is initially blank, and to display something, a script first needs to access the rendering context. The canvas element has a DOM method called getContext, which is used to obtain the rendering context and its drawing functions. This function takes one parameter, the type of context 2d.
以下是用于获取所需内容的代码,其中包含一个浏览器是否支持 <canvas> 元素的检查:
Following is the code to get required context along with a check if the browser supports <canvas> element −
var canvas = document.getElementById("mycanvas");
if (canvas.getContext){
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// drawing code here
} else {
// canvas-unsupported code here
Browser Support
最新版本的 FireFox、Safari、Chrome 和 Opera 都支持 HTML Canvas,但 IE8 原生不支持 Canvas。
The latest versions of Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera all support for HTML Canvas but IE8 does not support canvas natively.
您可以使用 ExplorerCanvas 来通过 Internet Explorer 获得 Canvas 支持。您只需要按如下方式包含此 JavaScript 即可:
You can use ExplorerCanvas to have canvas support through Internet Explorer. You just need to include this JavaScript as follows −
<!--[if IE]><script src="excanvas.js"></script><![endif]-->
HTML Canvas - Drawing Rectangles
共有三种方法可以绘制 Canvas 上的矩形:
There are three methods that draw rectangles on the canvas −
S.No. |
Method & Description |
1 |
fillRect(x,y,width,height) This method draws a filled rectangle. |
2 |
strokeRect(x,y,width,height) This method draws a rectangular outline. |
3 |
clearRect(x,y,width,height) This method clears the specified area and makes it fully transparent |
其中,x 和 y 指定 Canvas 上矩形左上角的位置(相对于原点),width 和 height 是矩形的高度和宽度。
Here x and y specify the position on the canvas (relative to the origin) of the top-left corner of the rectangle and width and height are width and height of the rectangle.
Following is a simple example which makes use of above mentioned methods to draw a nice rectangle.
<!DOCTYPE html>
#test {
width: 100px;
margin: 0px auto;
<script type="text/javascript">
function drawShape(){
// Get the canvas element using the DOM
var canvas = document.getElementById('mycanvas');
// Make sure we don't execute when canvas isn't supported
if (canvas.getContext){
// use getContext to use the canvas for drawing
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Draw shapes
} else {
alert('You need Safari or Firefox 1.5+ to see this demo.');
<body id="test" onload="drawShape();">
<canvas id="mycanvas"></canvas>
HTML Canvas - Drawing Paths
我们需要使用以下方法在 Canvas 上绘制路径:
We require the following methods to draw paths on the canvas −
S.No. |
Method & Description |
1 |
beginPath() This method resets the current path. |
2 |
moveTo(x, y) This method creates a new subpath with the given point. |
3 |
closePath() This method marks the current subpath as closed, and starts a new subpath with a point the same as the start and end of the newly closed subpath. |
4 |
fill() This method fills the subpaths with the current fill style. |
5 |
stroke() This method strokes the subpaths with the current stroke style. |
6 |
arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise) Adds points to the subpath such that the arc described by the circumference of the circle described by the arguments, starting at the given start angle and ending at the given end angle, going in the given direction, is added to the path, connected to the previous point by a straight line. |
Following is a simple example which makes use of above mentioned methods to draw a shape.
<!DOCTYPE html>
#test {
width: 100px;
margin: 0px auto;
<script type="text/javascript">
function drawShape(){
// get the canvas element using the DOM
var canvas = document.getElementById('mycanvas');
// Make sure we don't execute when canvas isn't supported
if (canvas.getContext){
// use getContext to use the canvas for drawing
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Draw shapes
ctx.arc(75,75,50,0,Math.PI*2,true); // Outer circle
ctx.arc(75,75,35,0,Math.PI,false); // Mouth
ctx.arc(60,65,5,0,Math.PI*2,true); // Left eye
ctx.arc(90,65,5,0,Math.PI*2,true); // Right eye
} else {
alert('You need Safari or Firefox 1.5+ to see this demo.');
<body id="test" onload="drawShape();">
<canvas id="mycanvas"></canvas>
HTML Canvas - Drawing Lines
Line Methods
Line Methods
我们需要使用以下方法在 Canvas 上绘制线条:
We require the following methods to draw lines on the canvas −
S.No. |
Method & Description |
1 |
beginPath() This method resets the current path. |
2 |
moveTo(x, y) This method creates a new subpath with the given point. |
3 |
closePath() This method marks the current subpath as closed, and starts a new subpath with a point the same as the start and end of the newly closed subpath. |
4 |
fill() This method fills the subpaths with the current fill style. |
5 |
stroke() This method strokes the subpaths with the current stroke style. |
6 |
lineTo(x, y) This method adds the given point to the current subpath, connected to the previous one by a straight line. |
Following is a simple example which makes use of the above-mentioned methods to draw a triangle.
<!DOCTYPE html>
#test {
width: 100px;
margin: 0px auto;
<script type="text/javascript">
function drawShape(){
// get the canvas element using the DOM
var canvas = document.getElementById('mycanvas');
// Make sure we don't execute when canvas isn't supported
if (canvas.getContext){
// use getContext to use the canvas for drawing
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Filled triangle
// Stroked triangle
} else {
alert('You need Safari or Firefox 1.5+ to see this demo.');
<body id="test" onload="drawShape();">
<canvas id="mycanvas"></canvas>
HTML Canvas - Drawing Bezier Curves
We need the following methods to draw Bezier curves on the canvas −
S.No. |
Method & Description |
1 |
beginPath() This method resets the current path. |
2 |
moveTo(x, y) This method creates a new subpath with the given point. |
3 |
closePath() This method marks the current subpath as closed, and starts a new subpath with a point the same as the start and end of the newly closed subpath. |
4 |
fill() This method fills the subpaths with the current fill style. |
5 |
stroke() This method strokes the subpaths with the current stroke style. |
6 |
bezierCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y) This method adds the given point to the current path, connected to the previous one by a cubic Bezier curve with the given control points. |
bezierCurveTo() 方法中的 x 和 y 参数是终点的坐标。cp1x 和 cp1y 是第一个控制点的坐标,cp2x 和 cp2y 是第二个控制点的坐标。
The x and y parameters in bezierCurveTo() method are the coordinates of the end point. cp1x and cp1y are the coordinates of the first control point, and cp2x and cp2y are the coordinates of the second control point.
Following is a simple example which makes use of above mentioned methods to draw a Bezier curves.
<!DOCTYPE html>
#test {
width: 100px;
margin: 0px auto;
<script type="text/javascript">
function drawShape(){
// get the canvas element using the DOM
var canvas = document.getElementById('mycanvas');
// Make sure we don't execute when canvas isn't supported
if (canvas.getContext){
// use getContext to use the canvas for drawing
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
} else {
alert('You need Safari or Firefox 1.5+ to see this demo.');
<body id="test" onload="drawShape();">
<canvas id="mycanvas"></canvas>
HTML Canvas - Drawing Quadratic Curves
We require the following methods to draw quadratic curves on the canvas −
S.No. |
Method & Description |
1 |
beginPath() This method resets the current path. |
2 |
moveTo(x, y) This method creates a new subpath with the given point. |
3 |
closePath() This method marks the current subpath as closed, and starts a new subpath with a point the same as the start and end of the newly closed subpath. |
4 |
fill() This method fills the subpaths with the current fill style. |
5 |
stroke() This method strokes the subpaths with the current stroke style. |
6 |
quadraticCurveTo(cpx, cpy, x, y) This method adds the given point to the current path, connected to the previous one by a quadratic Bezier curve with the given control point. |
quadraticCurveTo() 方法中的 x 和 y 参数是终点的坐标。 cpx 和 cpy 是控制点的坐标。
The x and y parameters in quadraticCurveTo() method are the coordinates of the end point. The cpx and cpy are the coordinates of the control point.
Following is a simple example which makes use of above mentioned methods to draw a Quadratic curve.
<!DOCTYPE html>
#test {
width: 100px;
margin: 0px auto;
<script type="text/javascript">
function drawShape(){
// get the canvas element using the DOM
var canvas = document.getElementById('mycanvas');
// Make sure we don't execute when canvas isn't supported
if (canvas.getContext){
// use getContext to use the canvas for drawing
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Draw shapes
} else {
alert('You need Safari or Firefox 1.5+ to see this demo.');
<body id="test" onload="drawShape();">
<canvas id="mycanvas"></canvas>
HTML Canvas - Using Images
This tutorial would show how to import an external image into a canvas and then how to draw on that image by using following methods −
S.No. |
Method & Description |
1 |
beginPath() This method resets the current path. |
2 |
moveTo(x, y) This method creates a new subpath with the given point. |
3 |
closePath() This method marks the current subpath as closed, and starts a new subpath with a point the same as the start and end of the newly closed subpath. |
4 |
fill() This method fills the subpaths with the current fill style. |
5 |
stroke() This method strokes the subpaths with the current stroke style. |
6 |
drawImage(image, dx, dy) This method draws the given image onto the canvas. Here image is a reference to an image or canvas object. x and y form the coordinate on the target canvas where our image should be placed. |
Following is a simple example which makes use of above mentioned methods to import an image.
<script type = "text/javascript">
function drawShape() {
// get the canvas element using the DOM
var canvas = document.getElementById('mycanvas');
// Make sure we don't execute when canvas isn't supported
if (canvas.getContext) {
// use getContext to use the canvas for drawing
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Draw shapes
var img = new Image();
img.src = '/html/images/backdrop.jpg';
img.onload = function() {
} else {
alert('You need Safari or Firefox 1.5+ to see this demo.');
<body onload = "drawShape();">
<canvas id = "mycanvas"></canvas>
HTML Canvas - Create Gradients
HTML 画布允许我们使用以下方法使用线性、径向渐变填充和描边形状:
HTML canvas allows us to fill and stroke shapes using linear and radial gradients using the following methods −
S.No. |
Method & Description |
1 |
addColorStop(offset, color) This method adds a color stop with the given color to the gradient at the given offset. Here 0.0 is the offset at one end of the gradient, 1.0 is the offset at the other end. |
2 |
createLinearGradient(x0, y0, x1, y1) This method returns a CanvasGradient object that represents a linear gradient that paints along the line given by the coordinates represented by the arguments. The four arguments represent the starting point (x1,y1) and end point (x2,y2) of the gradient. |
3 |
createRadialGradient(x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1) This method returns a CanvasGradient object that represents a radial gradient that paints along the cone given by the circles represented by the arguments. The first three arguments define a circle with coordinates (x1,y1) and radius r1 and the second a circle with coordinates (x2,y2) and radius r2. |
Example - Linear Gradient
Following is a simple example which makes use of above mentioned methods to create Linear gradient.
<!DOCTYPE html>
#test {
margin:0px auto;
<script type="text/javascript">
function drawShape(){
// get the canvas element using the DOM
var canvas = document.getElementById('mycanvas');
// Make sure we don't execute when canvas isn't supported
if (canvas.getContext){
// use getContext to use the canvas for drawing
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Create Linear Gradients
var lingrad = ctx.createLinearGradient(0,0,0,150);
lingrad.addColorStop(0, '#00ABEB');
lingrad.addColorStop(0.5, '#fff');
lingrad.addColorStop(0.5, '#66CC00');
lingrad.addColorStop(1, '#fff');
var lingrad2 = ctx.createLinearGradient(0,50,0,95);
lingrad2.addColorStop(0.5, '#000');
lingrad2.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(0,0,0,0)');
// assign gradients to fill and stroke styles
ctx.fillStyle = lingrad;
ctx.strokeStyle = lingrad2;
// draw shapes
} else {
alert('You need Safari or Firefox 1.5+ to see this demo.');
<body id="test" onload="drawShape();">
<canvas id="mycanvas"></canvas>
Example - Radial Gradient
Following is a simple example which makes use of the above-mentioned methods to create Radial gradient.
<!DOCTYPE html>
#test {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
margin: 0px auto;
<script type="text/javascript">
function drawShape() {
// get the canvas element using the DOM
var canvas = document.getElementById('mycanvas');
// Make sure we don't execute when canvas isn't supported
if (canvas.getContext) {
// use getContext to use the canvas for drawing
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Create gradients
var radgrad = ctx.createRadialGradient(45, 45, 10, 52, 50, 30);
radgrad.addColorStop(0, '#A7D30C');
radgrad.addColorStop(0.9, '#019F62');
radgrad.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(1,159,98,0)');
var radgrad2 = ctx.createRadialGradient(105, 105, 20, 112, 120, 50);
radgrad2.addColorStop(0, '#FF5F98');
radgrad2.addColorStop(0.75, '#FF0188');
radgrad2.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(255,1,136,0)');
var radgrad3 = ctx.createRadialGradient(95, 15, 15, 102, 20, 40);
radgrad3.addColorStop(0, '#00C9FF');
radgrad3.addColorStop(0.8, '#00B5E2');
radgrad3.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(0,201,255,0)');
var radgrad4 = ctx.createRadialGradient(0, 150, 50, 0, 140, 90);
radgrad4.addColorStop(0, '#F4F201');
radgrad4.addColorStop(0.8, '#E4C700');
radgrad4.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(228,199,0,0)');
// draw shapes
ctx.fillStyle = radgrad4;
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 150, 150);
ctx.fillStyle = radgrad3;
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 150, 150);
ctx.fillStyle = radgrad2;
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 150, 150);
ctx.fillStyle = radgrad;
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 150, 150);
else {
alert('You need Safari or Firefox 1.5+ to see this demo.');
<body id="test" onload="drawShape();">
<canvas id="mycanvas"></canvas>
HTML Canvas - Styles and Colors
HTML canvas 提供了以下两个重要属性,用于为形状应用颜色:
HTML canvas provides the following two important properties to apply colors to a shape −
S.No. |
Method & Description |
1 |
fillStyle This attribute represents the color or style to use inside the shapes. |
2 |
strokeStyle This attribute represents the color or style to use for the lines around shapes |
默认情况下,描边和填充颜色设置为黑色(这是 CSS 颜色值 #000000)。
By default, the stroke and fill color are set to black which is CSS color value #000000.
Example - fillStyle
以下是一个简单的示例,它使用上述 fillStyle 属性创建一个漂亮的花样。
Following is a simple example which makes use of the above-mentioned fillStyle attribute to create a nice pattern.
<!DOCTYPE html>
#test {
width: 100px;
margin: 0px auto;
<script type="text/javascript">
function drawShape(){
// get the canvas element using the DOM
var canvas = document.getElementById('mycanvas');
// Make sure we don't execute when canvas isn't supported
if (canvas.getContext){
// use getContext to use the canvas for drawing
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Create a pattern
for (var i=0;i<7;i++){
for (var j=0;j<7;j++){
ctx.fillStyle='rgb(' + Math.floor(255-20.5*i)+ ','+ Math.floor(255 - 42.5*j) + ',255)';
ctx.fillRect( j*25, i* 25, 55, 55 );
else {
alert('You need Safari or Firefox 1.5+ to see this demo.');
<body id="test" onload="drawShape();">
<canvas id="mycanvas"></canvas>
Example - strokeStyle
以下是一个简单的示例,它使用上述 fillStyle 属性创建一个漂亮的重复图案。
Following is a simple example which makes use of the above-mentioned fillStyle attribute to create another nice pattern.
<!DOCTYPE html>
#test {
width: 100px;
margin: 0px auto;
<script type="text/javascript">
function drawShape(){
// get the canvas element using the DOM
var canvas = document.getElementById('mycanvas');
// Make sure we don't execute when canvas isn't supported
if (canvas.getContext){
// use getContext to use the canvas for drawing
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Create a pattern
for (var i=0;i<10;i++){
for (var j=0;j<10;j++){
ctx.strokeStyle='rgb(255,'+ Math.floor(50-2.5*i)+','+ Math.floor(155 - 22.5 * j ) + ')';
ctx.arc(1.5+j*25, 1.5 + i*25,10,10,Math.PI*5.5, true);
else {
alert('You need Safari or Firefox 1.5+ to see this demo.');
<body id="test" onload="drawShape();">
<canvas id="mycanvas"></canvas>
HTML Canvas - Text and Fonts
HTML canvas 提供了使用以下不同字体和文本属性创建文本的功能:
HTML canvas provides capabilities to create text using different font and text properties listed below −
S.No. |
Property & Description |
1 |
font [ = value ] This property returns the current font settings and can be set, to change the font. |
2 |
textAlign [ = value ] This property returns the current text alignment settings and can be set, to change the alignment. The possible values are start, end, left, right, andcenter. |
3 |
textBaseline [ = value ] This property returns the current baseline alignment settings and can be set, to change the baseline alignment. The possible values are top, hanging, middle , alphabetic, ideographic and bottom |
4 |
fillText(text, x, y [, maxWidth ] ) This property fills the given text at the given position indicated by the given coordinates x and y. |
5 |
strokeText(text, x, y [, maxWidth ] ) This property strokes the given text at the given position indicated by the given coordinates x and y. |
下面是一个简单的示例,它利用上述属性来绘制文本 −
Following is a simple example which makes use of above mentioned attributes to draw a text −
<!DOCTYPE html>
#test {
width: 100px;
margin: 0px auto;
<script type="text/javascript">
function drawShape(){
// get the canvas element using the DOM
var canvas = document.getElementById('mycanvas');
// Make sure we don't execute when canvas isn't supported
if (canvas.getContext){
// use getContext to use the canvas for drawing
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.fillStyle = '#00F';
ctx.font = 'Italic 30px Sans-Serif';
ctx.textBaseline = 'Top';
ctx.fillText ('Hello world!', 40, 100);
ctx.font = 'Bold 30px Sans-Serif';
ctx.strokeText('Hello world!', 40, 50);
} else {
alert('You need Safari or Firefox 1.5+ to see this demo.');
<body id="test" onload="drawShape();">
<canvas id="mycanvas"></canvas>
HTML Canvas - Pattern and Shadow
Create Pattern
Create Pattern
需要下列方法才能在画布上创建图案 −
There is following method required to create a pattern on the canvas −
S.No. |
Method & Description |
1 |
createPattern(image, repetition) This method will use image to create the pattern. The second argument could be a string with one of the following values: repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y, and no-repeat. If the empty string or null is specified, repeat will. be assumed |
Following is a simple example which makes use of above mentioned method to create a nice pattern.
<!DOCTYPE html>
#test {
margin: 0px auto;
<script type="text/javascript">
function drawShape(){
// get the canvas element using the DOM
var canvas = document.getElementById('mycanvas');
// Make sure we don't execute when canvas isn't supported
if (canvas.getContext){
// use getContext to use the canvas for drawing
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// create new image object to use as pattern
var img = new Image();
img.src = '/html/images/pattern.jpg';
img.onload = function(){
// create pattern
var ptrn = ctx.createPattern(img,'repeat');
ctx.fillStyle = ptrn;
else {
alert('You need Safari or Firefox 1.5+ to see this demo.');
<body id="test" onload="drawShape();">
<canvas id="mycanvas"></canvas>
假设我们有以下图案 −
Assuming we have following pattern −

Create Shadows
Create Shadows
HTML 画布提供了在绘图周围创建精致阴影的功能。所有绘图操作都会受到四个全局阴影属性の影響。
HTML canvas provides capabilities to create nice shadows around the drawings. All drawing operations are affected by the four global shadow attributes.
S.No. |
Property & Description |
1 |
shadowColor [ = value ] This property returns the current shadow color and can be set, to change the shadow color. |
2 |
shadowOffsetX [ = value ] This property returns the current shadow offset X and can be set, to change the shadow offset X. |
3 |
shadowOffsetY [ = value ] This property returns the current shadow offset Y and can be set, change the shadow offset Y. |
4 |
shadowBlur [ = value ] This property returns the current level of blur applied to shadows and can be set, to change the blur level. |
Following is a simple example which makes use of above mentioned attributes to draw a shadow.
<!DOCTYPE html>
#test {
width: 100px;
margin: 0px auto;
<script type="text/javascript">
function drawShape(){
// get the canvas element using the DOM
var canvas = document.getElementById('mycanvas');
// Make sure we don't execute when canvas isn't supported
if (canvas.getContext){
// use getContext to use the canvas for drawing
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.shadowOffsetX = 2;
ctx.shadowOffsetY = 2;
ctx.shadowBlur = 2;
ctx.shadowColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)";
ctx.font = "20px Times New Roman";
ctx.fillStyle = "Black";
ctx.fillText("This is shadow test", 5, 30);
} else {
alert('You need Safari or Firefox 1.5+ to see this demo.');
<body id="test" onload="drawShape();">
<canvas id="mycanvas"></canvas>
HTML Canvas - Save and Restore States
HTML 画布提供了两种重要的方法来保存和恢复画布状态。画布绘图状态基本上是已应用的所有样式和变换的快照,包括以下内容 −
HTML canvas provides two important methods to save and restore the canvas states. The canvas drawing state is basically a snapshot of all the styles and transformations that have been applied and consists of the followings −
The transformations such as translate, rotate and scale etc.
The current clipping region.
The current values of the following attributes − strokeStyle, fillStyle, globalAlpha, lineWidth, lineCap, lineJoin, miterLimit, shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY, shadowBlur, shadowColor, globalCompositeOperation, font, textAlign, textBaseline.
每次调用 save 方法时,Canvas 状态会存储在一个堆栈中,并且每次调用 restore 方法时,最后一个保存的状态会从堆栈中返回。
Canvas states are stored on a stack every time the save method is called, and the last saved state is returned from the stack every time the restore method is called.
S.No. |
Method & Description |
1 |
save() This method pushes the current state onto the stack.. |
2 |
restore() This method pops the top state on the stack, restoring the context to that state. |
以下是一个简单示例,利用上述方法展示如何调用 restore 来还原原始状态,并且再次以黑色绘制最后一个矩形。
Following is a simple example which makes use of above mentioned methods to show how the restore is called, to restore the original state and the last rectangle is once again drawn in black.
<!DOCTYPE html>
#test {
width: 100px;
margin: 0px auto;
<script type="text/javascript">
function drawShape(){
// get the canvas element using the DOM
var canvas = document.getElementById('mycanvas');
// Make sure we don't execute when canvas isn't supported
if (canvas.getContext){
// use getContext to use the canvas for drawing
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// draw a rectangle with default settings
// Save the default state;
// Make changes to the settings
ctx.fillStyle = '#66FFFF'
ctx.fillRect( 15,15,120,120);
// Save the current state;
// Make the new changes to the settings
ctx.fillStyle = '#993333'
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5;
// Restore previous state
// Draw a rectangle with restored settings
// Restore original state
// Draw a rectangle with restored settings
} else {
alert('You need Safari or Firefox 1.5+ to see this demo.');
<body id="test" onload="drawShape();">
<canvas id="mycanvas"></canvas>
HTML Canvas - Translation
HTML 画布提供了 translate(x, y) 方法,用于将画布及其原点移动到网格上的不同点。
HTML canvas provides translate(x, y) method which is used to move the canvas and its origin to a different point in the grid.
此处,参数 x 是画布向左或向右移动的量,y 是向上或向下移动的量。
Here argument x is the amount the canvas is moved to the left or right, and y is the amount it’s moved up or down
以下是一个简单示例,利用上述方法绘制各种 Spirograph。
Following is a simple example which makes use of above method to draw various Spirographs −
<!DOCTYPE html>
#test {
margin:0px auto;
<script type="text/javascript">
function drawShape(){
// get the canvas element using the DOM
var canvas = document.getElementById('mycanvas');
// Make sure we don't execute when canvas isn't supported
if (canvas.getContext){
// use getContext to use the canvas for drawing
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
for (i=0;i<3;i++) {
for (j=0;j<3;j++) {;
ctx.strokeStyle = "#FF0066";
else {
alert('You need Safari or Firefox 1.5+ to see this demo.');
function drawSpirograph(ctx,R,r,O){
var x1 = R-O;
var y1 = 0;
var i = 1;
do {
if (i>20000) break;
var x2 = (R+r)*Math.cos(i*Math.PI/72) - (r+O)*Math.cos(((R+r)/r)*(i*Math.PI/72))
var y2 = (R+r)*Math.sin(i*Math.PI/72) - (r+O)*Math.sin(((R+r)/r)*(i*Math.PI/72))
x1 = x2;
y1 = y2;
} while (x2 != R-O && y2 != 0 );
<body id="test" onload="drawShape();">
<canvas id="mycanvas" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
HTML Canvas - Rotation
HTML 画布提供了 rotate(angle) 方法,用于绕当前原点旋转画布。
HTML canvas provides rotate(angle) method which is used to rotate the canvas around the current origin.
This method only takes one parameter and that’s the angle the canvas is rotated by. This is a clockwise rotation measured in radians.
Following is a simple example which we are running two loops where first loop determines the number of rings, and the second determines the number of dots drawn in each ring.
<!DOCTYPE html>
#test {
width: 100px;
margin: 0px auto;
<script type="text/javascript">
function drawShape(){
// get the canvas element using the DOM
var canvas = document.getElementById('mycanvas');
// Make sure we don't execute when canvas isn't supported
if (canvas.getContext){
// use getContext to use the canvas for drawing
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
for (i=1; i<7; i++){;
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb('+(51*i)+','+(200-51*i)+',0)';
for (j=0; j < i*6; j++){
} else {
alert('You need Safari or Firefox 1.5+ to see this demo.');
<body id="test" onload="drawShape();">
<canvas id="mycanvas" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
HTML Canvas - Scaling
HTML 画布提供了一个 scale(x, y) 方法,用于增加或减少我们画布网格的单位值。这可以用来绘制缩小或放大的图形和位图。
HTML canvas provides scale(x, y) method which is used to increase or decrease the units in our canvas grid. This can be used to draw scaled down or enlarged shapes and bitmaps.
这个方法有两个参数,其中 x 是水平方向上的缩放因子,y 是垂直方向上的缩放因子。两个参数必须是正数。
This method takes two parameters where x is the scale factor in the horizontal direction and y is the scale factor in the vertical direction. Both parameters must be positive numbers.
这个方法的返回值小于 1.0 会减小单位大小,而大于 1.0 的值会增大单位大小。将缩放因子精确地设置为 1.0 不会影响单位大小。
Values smaller than 1.0 reduce the unit size and values larger than 1.0 increase the unit size. Setting the scaling factor to precisely 1.0 doesn’t affect the unit size.
以下是使用 spirograph 函数绘制九个不同缩放因子的图形的简单示例。
Following is a simple example which uses spirograph function to draw nine shapes with different scaling factors.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript">
function drawShape(){
// Get the canvas element using the DOM
var canvas = document.getElementById('mycanvas');
// Make sure we don't execute when canvas isn't supported
if (canvas.getContext){
// Use getContext to use the canvas for drawing
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.strokeStyle = "#fc0";
ctx.lineWidth = 1.5;
// Uniform scaling
// Non uniform scaling (y direction)
ctx.strokeStyle = "#0cf";
// Non uniform scaling (x direction)
ctx.strokeStyle = "#cf0";
} else {
alert('You need Safari or Firefox 1.5+ to see this demo.');
function drawSpirograph(ctx,R,r,O){
var x1 = R-O;
var y1 = 0;
var i = 1;
do {
if (i>20000) break;
var x2 = (R+r)*Math.cos(i*Math.PI/72) - (r+O)*Math.cos(((R+r)/r)*(i*Math.PI/72))
var y2 = (R+r)*Math.sin(i*Math.PI/72) - (r+O)*Math.sin(((R+r)/r)*(i*Math.PI/72))
x1 = x2;
y1 = y2;
while (x2 != R-O && y2 != 0 );
<body onload="drawShape();">
<canvas id="mycanvas" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
HTML Canvas - Transforms
HTML 画布提供的方法允许对变换矩阵进行直接修改。变换矩阵最初必须是恒等变换。然后可以使用转换方法调整它。
HTML canvas provides methods which allow modifications directly to the transformation matrix. The transformation matrix must initially be the identity transform. It may then be adjusted using the transformation methods.
S.No. |
Method & Description |
1 |
transform(m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy) This method changes the transformation matrix to apply the matrix given by the arguments. |
2 |
setTransform(m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy) This method changes the transformation matrix to the matrix given by the arguments . |
变换 (m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy) 方法必须将当前变换矩阵与 − 相乘。
The transform (m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy) method must multiply the current transformation matrix with the matrix described by −
m11 m21 dx
m12 m22 dy
0 0 1
setTransform(m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy) 方法必须将当前变换重置为单位矩阵,然后使用相同的参数调用 transform(m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy) 方法。
The setTransform(m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy) method must reset the current transform to the identity matrix, and then invoke the transform(m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy) method with the same arguments.
以下是使用 transform() 和 setTransform() 方法的简单示例 −
Following is a simple example which makes use of transform() and setTransform() methods −
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript">
function drawShape(){
// get the canvas element using the DOM
var canvas = document.getElementById('mycanvas');
// Make sure we don't execute when canvas isn't supported
if (canvas.getContext){
// use getContext to use the canvas for drawing
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var sin = Math.sin(Math.PI/6);
var cos = Math.cos(Math.PI/6);
ctx.translate(200, 200);
var c = 0;
for (var i=0; i <= 12; i++) {
c = Math.floor(255 / 12 * i);
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(" + c + "," + c + "," + c + ")";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100);
ctx.transform(cos, sin, -sin, cos, 0, 0);
ctx.setTransform(-1, 0, 0, 1, 200, 200);
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(100, 100, 255, 0.5)";
ctx.fillRect(50, 50, 100, 100);
else {
alert('You need Safari or Firefox 1.5+ to see this demo.');
<body onload="drawShape();">
<canvas id="mycanvas" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
HTML Canvas - Composition
HTML 画布提供 globalCompositeOperation 合成属性,它会影响所有绘图操作。
HTML canvas provides compositing attribute globalCompositeOperation which affect all the drawing operations.
We can draw new shapes behind existing shapes and mask off certain areas, clear sections from the canvas using globalCompositeOperation attribute as shown below in the example.
There are following values which can be set for globalCompositeOperation −
S.No. |
Attribute & Description |
1 |
source-over This is the default setting and draws new shapes on top of the existing canvas content. |
2 |
source-in The new shape is drawn only where both the new shape and the destination canvas overlap. Everything else is made transparent. |
3 |
source-out The new shape is drawn where it doesn’t overlap the existing canvas content. |
4 |
source-atop The new shape is only drawn where it overlaps the existing canvas content. |
5 |
lighter Where both shapes overlap the color is determined by adding color values. |
6 |
xor Shapes are made transparent where both overlap and drawn normal everywhere else. |
7 |
destination-over New shapes are drawn behind the existing canvas content. |
8 |
destination-in The existing canvas content is kept where both the new shape and existing canvas content overlap. Everything else is made transparent. |
9 |
destination-out The existing content is kept where it doesn’t overlap the new shape. |
10 |
destination-atop The existing canvas is only kept where it overlaps the new shape. The new shape is drawn behind the canvas content. |
11 |
darker Where both shapes overlap the color is determined by subtracting color values. |
以下是一个简单的示例,它利用 globalCompositeOperation 属性来创建所有可能的组合 −
Following is a simple example which makes use of globalCompositeOperation attribute to create all possible compositions −
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript">
var compositeTypes = [
function drawShape(){
for (i=0;i<compositeTypes.length;i++){
var label = document.createTextNode(compositeTypes[i]);
var ctx = document.getElementById('tut'+i).getContext('2d');
// draw rectangle
ctx.fillStyle = "#FF3366";
// set composite property
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = compositeTypes[i];
// draw circle
ctx.fillStyle = "#0066FF";
<body onload="drawShape();">
<table border="1" align="center">
<td><canvas id="tut0" width="125" height="125"></canvas><br/>
<label id="lab0"></label>
<td><canvas id="tut1" width="125" height="125"></canvas><br/>
<label id="lab1"></label>
<td><canvas id="tut2" width="125" height="125"></canvas><br/>
<label id="lab2"></label>
<td><canvas id="tut3" width="125" height="125"></canvas><br/>
<label id="lab3"></label>
<td><canvas id="tut4" width="125" height="125"></canvas><br/>
<label id="lab4"></label>
<td><canvas id="tut5" width="125" height="125"></canvas><br/>
<label id="lab5"></label>
<td><canvas id="tut6" width="125" height="125"></canvas><br/>
<label id="lab6"></label>
<td><canvas id="tut7" width="125" height="125"></canvas><br/>
<label id="lab7"></label>
<td><canvas id="tut8" width="125" height="125"></canvas><br/>
<label id="lab8"></label>
<td><canvas id="tut9" width="125" height="125"></canvas><br/>
<label id="lab9"></label>
<td><canvas id="tut10" width="125" height="125"></canvas><br/>
<label id="lab10"></label>
<td><canvas id="tut11" width="125" height="125"></canvas><br/>
<label id="lab11"></label>
HTML Canvas - Animations
HTML 画布提供了必要的方法来绘制一个图像并完全擦除它。我们可以借助 Javascript 来模拟 HTML 画布上的良好动画。
HTML canvas provides necessary methods to draw an image and erase it completely. We can take Javascript help to simulate good animation over a HTML canvas.
以下两种重要的 Javascript 方法可用于在画布上动画化图像 −
Following are the two important Javascript methods which would be used to animate an image on a canvas −
S.No. |
Method & Description |
1 |
setInterval(callback, time); This method repeatedly executes the supplied code after a given timemilliseconds. |
2 |
setTimeout(callback, time); This method executes the supplied code only once after a given time milliseconds. |
以下是一个简单的示例,它将重复旋转一个小图像 −
Following is a simple example which would rotate a small image repeatedly −
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript">
var pattern= new Image();
function animate(){
pattern.src = '/html/images/pattern.jpg';
setInterval(drawShape, 100);
function drawShape(){
// get the canvas element using the DOM
var canvas = document.getElementById('mycanvas');
// Make sure we don't execute when canvas isn't supported
if (canvas.getContext){
// use getContext to use the canvas for drawing
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.4)';
ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,153,255,0.4)';;
var time = new Date();
ctx.rotate( ((2*Math.PI)/6)*time.getSeconds() + ( (2*Math.PI)/6000)*time.getMilliseconds() );
else {
alert('You need Safari or Firefox 1.5+ to see this demo.');
<body onload="animate();">
<canvas id="mycanvas" width="400" height="400"></canvas>