Kibana 简明教程

Kibana - Management

在 Kibana 中,管理部分用于管理索引模板。在本节中,我们将讨论以下内容 −

The Management section in Kibana is used to manage the index patterns. In this chapter, we will discuss the following −

  1. Create Index Pattern without Time filter field

  2. Create Index Pattern with Time filter field

Create Index Pattern Without Time Filter field

为此,请转到 Kibana UI,然后单击管理 −

To do this, go to Kibana UI and click Management −

kibana ui management

要使用 Kibana,我们首先必须创建从 Elasticsearch 中填充内容的索引。你可以获取从 Elasticsearch → 索引管理提供的全部索引,如图所示 −

To work with Kibana, we first have to create index which is populated from elasticsearch. You can get all the indices available from Elasticsearch → Index Management as shown −

elasticsearch index management

目前 Elasticsearch 中有上述索引。文档计数告诉我们每个索引中可用的记录数。如果有任何索引已更新,文档计数将会不断变化。主存储将显示已上传的每个索引的大小。

At present elasticsearch has the above indices. The Docs count tells us the no of records available in each of the index. If there is any index which is updated, the docs count will keep changing. Primary storage tells the size of each index uploaded.

若要在 Kibana 中创建新索引,我们需要单击下面的索引模板 −

To create New index in Kibana, we need to click on Index Patterns as shown below −

index patterns

单击索引模板后,会显示以下屏幕 −

Once you click Index Patterns, we get the following screen −

index patterns screen

请注意,创建索引模板按钮用于创建新索引。回想一下,我们在本教程的开始就已经创建了 countriesdata-28.12.2018。

Note that the Create Index Pattern button is used to create a new index. Recall that we already have countriesdata-28.12.2018 created at the very start of the tutorial.

Create Index Pattern with Time filter field


Click on Create Index Pattern to create a new index.

time filter field

会显示 Elasticsearch 中的索引,选择一个以创建新索引。

The indices from elasticsearch are displayed, select one to create a new index.

create index pattern


Now, click Next step.

下一步是配置设置,你需要输入以下内容 −

The next step is to configure the setting, where you need to enter the following −

  1. Time filter field name is used to filter data based on time. The dropdown will display all time and date related fields from the index.

如下图所示,Visiting_Date 是日期字段。选择 Visiting_Date 作为时间过滤字段名称。

In the image shown below, we have Visiting_Date as a date field. Select Visiting_Date as the Time Filter field name.

time filter field name

单击 {} 按钮来创建索引。完成后,它将显示索引 medicalvisits-26.01.2019 中显示的所有字段,如下图所示 −

Click Create index pattern button to create the index. Once done it will display all the fields present in your index medicalvisits-26.01.2019 as shown below −

我们将在索引 medicalvisits-26.01.2019 中具有以下字段 −

We have following fields in the index medicalvisits-26.01.2019 −


该索引包含家庭就诊的所有数据。从 logstash 插入时,Elasticsearch 还添加了一些附加字段。

The index has all the data for home medical visits. There are some additional fields added by elasticsearch when inserted from logstash.

medical visits
medical visits logstash
medical visits elasticsearch
medical visits additional fields