Knime 简明教程

KNIME - Introduction

由于其神秘性,开发机器学习模型总是被认为非常具有挑战性。通常,要开发机器学习应用程序,你必须是一个精通命令驱动开发的优秀开发人员。KNIME 的推出使机器学习模型的开发进入普通人的视野。

Developing Machine Learning models is always considered very challenging due to its cryptic nature. Generally, to develop machine learning applications, you must be a good developer with an expertise in command-driven development. The introduction of KNIME has brought the development of Machine Learning models in the purview of a common man.

KNIME 为整个开发提供了一个图形界面(一个用户友好的 GUI)。在 KNIME 中,你只需定义其存储库中提供的各种预定义节点之间的工作流即可。KNIME 提供了几个预定义组件,称为节点,用于各种任务,例如读取数据、应用各种 ML 算法以及以各种格式可视化数据。因此,使用 KNIME 时不需要任何编程知识。这难道不激动人心吗?

KNIME provides a graphical interface (a user friendly GUI) for the entire development. In KNIME, you simply have to define the workflow between the various predefined nodes provided in its repository. KNIME provides several predefined components called nodes for various tasks such as reading data, applying various ML algorithms, and visualizing data in various formats. Thus, for working with KNIME, no programming knowledge is required. Isn’t this exciting?

本教程的后几章将教你如何使用几种经过充分测试的 ML 算法掌握数据分析。

The upcoming chapters of this tutorial will teach you how to master the data analytics using several well-tested ML algorithms.