Knime 简明教程

KNIME - Summary and Future Work

KNIME 提供了一个用于构建机器学习模型的图形化工具。在本教程中,您将学习如何在您的计算机上下载并安装 KNIME。

KNIME provides a graphical tool for building Machine Learning models. In this tutorial, you learned how to download and install KNIME on your machine.


您学习了 KNIME 工作台中提供的各种视图。KNIME 提供了多个预定义的工作流供您学习。我们使用其中一个工作流来了解 KNIME 的功能。KNIME 提供了多个预先编程的节点,用于读取各种格式的数据、使用多个 ML 算法分析数据,并最终以多种不同的方式将数据可视化。到教程的末尾,您从头开始创建了自己的模型。我们使用众所周知的 iris 数据集,使用 k 均值算法对植物进行分类。

You learned the various views provided in the KNIME workbench. KNIME provides several predefined workflows for your learning. We used one such workflow to learn the capabilities of KNIME. KNIME provides several pre-programmed nodes for reading data in various formats, analyzing data using several ML algorithms, and finally visualizing data in many different ways. Towards the end of the tutorial, you created your own model starting from scratch. We used the well-known iris dataset to classify the plants using k-Means algorithm.


You are now ready to use these techniques for your own analytics.

Future Work

如果您是开发人员,并且想要在您的编程应用程序中使用 KNIME 组件,您会很高兴得知 KNIME 本机集成了广泛的编程语言,例如 Java、R、Python 和许多其他语言。

If you are a developer and would like to use the KNIME components in your programming applications, you will be glad to know that KNIME natively integrates with a wide range of programming languages such as Java, R, Python and many more.