Pycharm 简明教程

Pycharm - JavaScript Support

在本章中,我们将重点介绍在 PyCharm 编辑器中使用 JavaScript 的主要功能。当用户通过 URL 实现 JavaScript 库时,PyCharm 打算下载一个本地副本,以便可以将其用于完成功能和代码分析。

In this chapter, we will focus on main features in using JavaScript in PyCharm editor. When a user implements JavaScript library through URL, PyCharm intends to download a local copy so it can be used for completion and code analysis.

考虑我们 HTML 文件的示例代码,如下所示,我们已在上一章中创建此代码 −

Consider the sample code of our HTML file as shown below, which we created in the previous chapter −

html sample code

对于每个 HTML 文件或 JavaScript 文件,您可以通过 PyCharm 编辑器的 Settings 配置检查已加载的外部库。观察以下所示的屏幕截图以更好地理解 −

For each HTML file or JavaScript file, you can check the external libraries loaded through Settings configuration of PyCharm Editor. Observe the screenshot shown below for a better understanding −

javascript file

请注意,除非您下载并实现库,否则您看不到任何库。PyCharm 还通过名为 JS Toolbox 的工具箱包含了对各种库的 JavaScript 支持。以下屏幕截图中展示了这一点。

Note that you cannot see any library unless you download and implement it. PyCharm also includes JavaScript support of various libraries through a toolbox called JS Toolbox. The following screenshot shows this.

js toolbox

它还包括 JavaScript 文件配置中必需的各种属性。属性和配置的列表如下 −

It also includes various attributes which are necessary for the JavaScript file configuration. The list of attributes and configurations is shown below −

list attributes

请注意,它包括各种参数,例如 Unit test suffix, File suffix, View suffix, Search URL 和特定的 Root directory

Observe that it includes various parameters such as Unit test suffix, File suffix, View suffix, Search URL and the specific Root directory.