Seaborn 简明教程

Seaborn Tutorial

Seaborn 是一个开放源代码、BSD 授权的 Python 库,它为使用 Python 编程语言可视化数据提供了高级 API。

Seaborn is an open source, BSD-licensed Python library providing high level API for visualizing the data using Python programming language.


本教程将指导你了解 Seaborn 的基础知识和各种功能。它对从事数据分析的人员特别有用。完成本教程后,你将发现自己处于一个中等专业知识水平,你可以从这里提升自己,达到更高的专业知识水平。

This tutorial takes you through the basics and various functions of Seaborn. It is specifically useful for people working on data analysis. After completing this tutorial, you will find yourself at a moderate level of expertise from where you can take yourself to higher levels of expertise.


你应该对计算机编程术语有基本的了解。对 Python 的基本了解和任何编程语言都是有帮助的。Seaborn 库建立在 Matplotlib 之上。对 Matplotlib 有基本了解将帮助你更好地理解本教程。

You should have a basic understanding of computer programming terminologies. A basic understanding of Python and any of the programming languages is a plus. Seaborn library is built on top of Matplotlib. Having basic idea of Matplotlib will help you understand this tutorial in a better way.