Springbootcli 简明教程
Spring Boot CLI - Overview
Spring Boot CLI 是 Spring Boot 的命令行界面。它可用于快速开始使用 Spring。它可以运行 Groovy 脚本,这意味着开发人员不必编写样板代码;所有需要的只是专注于业务逻辑。Spring Boot CLI 是创建基于 Spring 的应用程序的最快方式。
The Spring Boot CLI is a Command Line Interface for Spring Boot. It can be used for a quick start with Spring. It can run Groovy scripts which means that a developer need not write boilerplate code; all that is needed is focus on business logic. Spring Boot CLI is the fastest way to create a Spring-based application.
在本节中,我们将了解 Spring Boot CL 的不同功能−
In this section, we will look at the different features of Spring Boot CL −
It provides an interface to run and test Spring Boot Application from command prompt.
It internally use Spring Boot Starter and Spring Boot AutoConfigurate components in order to resolve all dependencies and executes the application.
It contains Groovy compiler and Grape Dependency Manager.
It supports Groovy Scripts without external Groovy installation.
It adds Spring Boot defaults and resolve all dependencies automatically.