Hibernate Validator 中文操作指南
11. Integrating with other frameworks
Hibernate Validator 旨在用于实现多层数据验证,其中约束在单个位置(带注解的域模型)中表示,并在应用程序的不同层中进行检查。为此,它具有与其他技术的多重集成点。
Hibernate Validator is intended to be used to implement multi-layered data validation, where constraints are expressed in a single place (the annotated domain model) and checked in various different layers of the application. For this reason there are multiple integration points with other technologies.
11.1. ORM integration
Hibernate Validator 与 Hibernate ORM 和所有纯粹的 Java 持久化提供程序集成。
Hibernate Validator integrates with both Hibernate ORM and all pure Java Persistence providers.
当必须验证延迟加载的联想时,建议在联想的 getter 上放置约束。Hibernate ORM 将延迟加载的联想替换为通过 getter 请求时会初始化/加载的代理实例。如果在这种情况下,约束置于字段级别,则将使用实际的代理实例,这会导致验证错误。 |
When lazy loaded associations are supposed to be validated it is recommended to place the constraint on the getter of the association. Hibernate ORM replaces lazy loaded associations with proxy instances which get initialized/loaded when requested via the getter. If, in such a case, the constraint is placed on field level, the actual proxy instance is used which will lead to validation errors. |
11.1.1. Database schema-level validation
开箱即用,Hibernate ORM 将你为实体定义的约束转换为映射元数据。例如,如果实体的属性带注解 @NotNull,则其列将在 Hibernate ORM 生成的 DDL 模式中声明为 not null。
Out of the box, Hibernate ORM will translate the constraints you have defined for your entities into mapping metadata. For example, if a property of your entity is annotated @NotNull, its columns will be declared as not null in the DDL schema generated by Hibernate ORM.
如果出于某种原因需要禁用此功能,请将 hibernate.validator.apply_to_ddl 设置为 false。另请参见 Section 2.3.1, “Jakarta Bean Validation constraints” 和 Section 2.3.2, “Additional constraints”。
If, for some reason, the feature needs to be disabled, set hibernate.validator.apply_to_ddl to false. See also Section 2.3.1, “Jakarta Bean Validation constraints” and Section 2.3.2, “Additional constraints”.
你还可以通过设置属性 org.hibernate.validator.group.ddl 将 DDL 约束生成限制为定义约束的一个子集。该属性指定了约束必须是其中的成员才能被考虑用于 DDL 模式生成的组的完全限定类名(以逗号分隔)。
You can also limit the DDL constraint generation to a subset of the defined constraints by setting the property org.hibernate.validator.group.ddl. The property specifies the comma-separated, fully specified class names of the groups a constraint has to be part of in order to be considered for DDL schema generation.
11.1.2. Hibernate ORM event-based validation
Hibernate Validator 具有内置的 Hibernate 事件侦听器 - org.hibernate.cfg.beanvalidation.BeanValidationEventListener - 它属于 Hibernate ORM 的一部分。每当出现 PreInsertEvent 、 PreUpdateEvent 或 PreDeleteEvent 时,该侦听器将验证实体实例的所有约束,并在违反任何约束时抛出异常。默认情况下,将在 Hibernate ORM 进行任何插入或更新之前检查对象。默认情况下,删除前事件不会触发验证。您可以使用属性 jakarta.persistence.validation.group.pre-persist 、 jakarta.persistence.validation.group.pre-update 和 jakarta.persistence.validation.group.pre-remove 为每种事件类型配置要验证的组。这些属性的值是组的逗号分隔的全限定类名,要验证。 Example 11.1, “Manual configuration of BeanValidationEvenListener” 显示了这些属性的默认值。在这种情况下,也可以省略它们。
Hibernate Validator has a built-in Hibernate event listener - org.hibernate.cfg.beanvalidation.BeanValidationEventListener - which is part of Hibernate ORM. Whenever a PreInsertEvent, PreUpdateEvent or PreDeleteEvent occurs, the listener will verify all constraints of the entity instance and throw an exception if any constraint is violated. Per default, objects will be checked before any inserts or updates are made by Hibernate ORM. Pre deletion events will per default not trigger a validation. You can configure the groups to be validated per event type using the properties jakarta.persistence.validation.group.pre-persist, jakarta.persistence.validation.group.pre-update and jakarta.persistence.validation.group.pre-remove. The values of these properties are the comma-separated fully specified class names of the groups to validate. Example 11.1, “Manual configuration of BeanValidationEvenListener” shows the default values for these properties. In this case they could also be omitted.
对于约束违规,事件会触发一个运行时 ConstraintViolationException,其中包含一组 ConstraintViolation 实例,描述了每个故障。
On constraint violation, the event will raise a runtime ConstraintViolationException which contains a set of ConstraintViolation instances describing each failure.
如果 Hibernate Validator 存在于类路径中,Hibernate ORM 将透明地使用它。为了避免验证即使 Hibernate Validator 存在于类路径中,将 jakarta.persistence.validation.mode 设置为无。
If Hibernate Validator is present in the classpath, Hibernate ORM will use it transparently. To avoid validation even though Hibernate Validator is in the classpath, set jakarta.persistence.validation.mode to none.
如果 Bean 未使用验证注释进行注释,则没有运行时性能成本。 |
If the beans are not annotated with validation annotations, there is no runtime performance cost. |
如果你需要为 Hibernate ORM 手动设置事件侦听器,在 hibernate.cfg.xml 中使用以下配置:
In case you need to manually set the event listeners for Hibernate ORM, use the following configuration in hibernate.cfg.xml:
. Example 11.1: Manual configuration of BeanValidationEvenListener
<property name="jakarta.persistence.validation.group.pre-persist">
<property name="jakarta.persistence.validation.group.pre-update">
<property name="jakarta.persistence.validation.group.pre-remove"></property>
<event type="pre-update">
<listener class="org.hibernate.cfg.beanvalidation.BeanValidationEventListener"/>
<event type="pre-insert">
<listener class="org.hibernate.cfg.beanvalidation.BeanValidationEventListener"/>
<event type="pre-delete">
<listener class="org.hibernate.cfg.beanvalidation.BeanValidationEventListener"/>
11.1.3. JPA
如果您正在使用 JPA 2,并且 Hibernate Validator 位于类路径中,JPA2 规范要求启用 Jakarta Bean Validation。在这种情况下,可以按 Section 11.1.2, “Hibernate ORM event-based validation” 中所述在 persistence.xml 中配置属性 jakarta.persistence.validation.group.pre-persist、jakarta.persistence.validation.group.pre-update 和 jakarta.persistence.validation.group.pre-remove。persistence.xml 还定义了一个 node validation-mode,可以将其设置为 AUTO、CALLBACK 或 NONE。默认值为 AUTO。
If you are using JPA 2 and Hibernate Validator is in the classpath, the JPA2 specification requires that Jakarta Bean Validation gets enabled. The properties jakarta.persistence.validation.group.pre-persist, jakarta.persistence.validation.group.pre-update and jakarta.persistence.validation.group.pre-remove as described in Section 11.1.2, “Hibernate ORM event-based validation” can in this case be configured in persistence.xml. persistence.xml also defines a node validation-mode which can be set to AUTO, CALLBACK or NONE. The default is AUTO.
11.2. JSF & Seam
使用 JSF2 或 JBoss Seam 和 Hibernate Validator(Jakarta Bean Validation)时,验证将针对应用程序中的每个字段触发。 Example 11.2, “Usage of Jakarta Bean Validation within JSF2” 显示了 JSF 页面中 f:validateBean 标记的示例。validationGroups 属性是可选的,可用于指定验证组的逗号分隔列表。默认值为 jakarta.validation.groups.Default。有关更多信息,请参阅 Seam 文档或 JSF 2 规范。
When working with JSF2 or JBoss Seam and Hibernate Validator (Jakarta Bean Validation) is present in the runtime environment, validation is triggered for every field in the application. Example 11.2, “Usage of Jakarta Bean Validation within JSF2” shows an example of the f:validateBean tag in a JSF page. The validationGroups attribute is optional and can be used to specify a comma separated list of validation groups. The default is jakarta.validation.groups.Default. For more information refer to the Seam documentation or the JSF 2 specification.
. Example 11.2: Usage of Jakarta Bean Validation within JSF2
<f:validateBean validationGroups="jakarta.validation.groups.Default">
<h:inputText value=#{model.property}/>
<h:selectOneRadio value=#{model.radioProperty}> ... </h:selectOneRadio>
<!-- other input components here -->
JSF 2 和 Jakarta Bean Validation 之间的集成在 JSR-314 的“Jakarta Bean Validation Integration”章节中进行了描述。值得注意的是,JSF 2 实现了一个自定义 MessageInterpolator 以确保正确的本地化。为了鼓励使用 Jakarta Bean Validation 消息工具,JSF 2 默认只显示生成的 Bean Validation 消息。然而,这可以通过应用程序资源包进行配置,方法是提供以下配置( {0} 替换为 Jakarta Bean Validation 消息, {1} 替换为 JSF 组件标签): |
The integration between JSF 2 and Jakarta Bean Validation is described in the "Jakarta Bean Validation Integration" chapter of JSR-314. It is interesting to know that JSF 2 implements a custom MessageInterpolator to ensure proper localization. To encourage the use of the Jakarta Bean Validation message facility, JSF 2 will per default only display the generated Bean Validation message. This can, however, be configured via the application resource bundle by providing the following configuration ({0} is replaced with the Jakarta Bean Validation message and {1} is replaced with the JSF component label): |
jakarta.faces.validator.BeanValidator.MESSAGE={1}: {0}jakarta.faces.validator.BeanValidator.MESSAGE={1:{0},默认是:
jakarta.faces.validator.BeanValidator.MESSAGE={1}: {0} jakarta.faces.validator.BeanValidator.MESSAGE={1}: {0} The default is:
jakarta.faces.validator.BeanValidator.MESSAGE={0} jakarta.faces.validator.BeanValidator.MESSAGE={0}
11.3. CDI
从 1.1 版本开始,Bean Validation(因此 Jakarta Bean Validation)与 CDI(Contexts and Dependency Injection for Jakarta EE)集成。
As of version 1.1, Bean Validation (and therefore Jakarta Bean Validation) is integrated with CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection for Jakarta EE).
这种集成提供由 Validator 和 ValidatorFactory 管理的 CDI 管理 Bean,并在约束验证器以及自定义消息插补器、可遍历解析器、约束验证器工厂、参数名称提供程序、时钟提供程序和值提取器中启用依赖项注入。
This integration provides CDI managed beans for Validator and ValidatorFactory and enables dependency injection in constraint validators as well as custom message interpolators, traversable resolvers, constraint validator factories, parameter name providers, clock providers and value extractors.
此外,对于 CDI 管理的 Bean 的方法和构造函数中的参数和返回值约束,在调用后将自动验证。
Furthermore, parameter and return value constraints on the methods and constructors of CDI managed beans will automatically be validated upon invocation.
当您的应用程序在 Jakarta EE 容器上运行时,此集成默认启用。当在 Servlet 容器或纯 Java SE 环境中使用 CDI 时,您可以使用 Hibernate Validator 提供的 CDI 便携式扩展。为此,请将便携式扩展添加到您的类路径中,如 Section 1.1.2, “CDI” 中所述。
When your application runs on a Jakarta EE container, this integration is enabled by default. When working with CDI in a Servlet container or in a pure Java SE environment, you can use the CDI portable extension provided by Hibernate Validator. To do so, add the portable extension to your class path as described in Section 1.1.2, “CDI”.
11.3.1. Dependency injection
CDI 的依赖注入机制使检索 ValidatorFactory 和 Validator 实例并在受管 bean 中使用它们变得非常容易。 只要使用 @jakarta.inject.Inject 为 Bean 的实例字段添加注释,如 Example 11.3, “Retrieving validator factory and validator via @Inject” 中所示。
CDI’s dependency injection mechanism makes it very easy to retrieve ValidatorFactory and Validator instances and use them in your managed beans. Just annotate instance fields of your bean with @jakarta.inject.Inject as shown in Example 11.3, “Retrieving validator factory and validator via @Inject”.
示例 11.3:通过 @Inject 检索校验程序工厂和校验程序
. Example 11.3: Retrieving validator factory and validator via @Inject
package org.hibernate.validator.referenceguide.chapter11.cdi.validator;
public class RentalStation {
private ValidatorFactory validatorFactory;
private Validator validator;
注入的 Bean 是默认校验程序工厂和校验程序实例。 要对其进行配置(例如,使用自定义消息插值器),可以使用 Chapter 8, Configuring via XML 中讨论的 Jakarta Bean 验证 XML 描述符。
The injected beans are the default validator factory and validator instances. In order to configure them - e.g. to use a custom message interpolator - you can use the Jakarta Bean Validation XML descriptors as discussed in Chapter 8, Configuring via XML.
如果你正在使用多个 Jakarta Bean 验证程序,你可以通过使用 @HibernateValidator 限定符为注入点添加注释来确保从 Hibernate Validator 注入工厂和校验程序,如 Example 11.4, “Using the @HibernateValidator qualifier annotation” 中演示的那样。
If you are working with several Jakarta Bean Validation providers, you can make sure that factory and validator from Hibernate Validator are injected by annotating the injection points with the @HibernateValidator qualifier which is demonstrated in Example 11.4, “Using the @HibernateValidator qualifier annotation”.
示例 11.4:使用 @HibernateValidator 限定符注释
. Example 11.4: Using the @HibernateValidator qualifier annotation
package org.hibernate.validator.referenceguide.chapter11.cdi.validator.qualifier;
public class RentalStation {
private ValidatorFactory validatorFactory;
private Validator validator;
限定符注释的全限定名称是 org.hibernate.validator.cdi.HibernateValidator 。 务必不要导入 org.hibernate.validator.HibernateValidator ,而是导入与引导 API 一起使用时用于选择 Hibernate Validator 的 ValidationProvider 实现(请参阅 Section 9.1, “Retrieving ValidatorFactory and Validator” )。 |
The fully-qualified name of the qualifier annotation is org.hibernate.validator.cdi.HibernateValidator. Be sure to not import org.hibernate.validator.HibernateValidator instead which is the ValidationProvider implementation used for selecting Hibernate Validator when working with the bootstrapping API (see Section 9.1, “Retrieving ValidatorFactory and Validator”). |
通过 @Inject,你还可以向约束验证器和其他 Jakarta Bean 验证对象(例如 MessageInterpolator 实现等)注入依赖项。
Via @Inject you also can inject dependencies into constraint validators and other Jakarta Bean Validation objects such as MessageInterpolator implementations etc.
Example 11.5, “Constraint validator with injected bean” 演示了如何在 ConstraintValidator 实现中使用注入的 CDI Bean 来确定给定约束是否有效。如示例所示,您还可以使用 @PostConstruct 和 @PreDestroy 回调来实现任何所需的构造和销毁逻辑。
Example 11.5, “Constraint validator with injected bean” demonstrates how an injected CDI bean is used in a ConstraintValidator implementation to determine whether the given constraint is valid or not. As the example shows, you also can work with the @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy callbacks to implement any required construction and destruction logic.
示例 11.5:具有注入 Bean 的约束校验程序
. Example 11.5: Constraint validator with injected bean
package org.hibernate.validator.referenceguide.chapter11.cdi.injection;
public class ValidLicensePlateValidator
implements ConstraintValidator<ValidLicensePlate, String> {
private VehicleRegistry vehicleRegistry;
public void postConstruct() {
//do initialization logic...
public void preDestroy() {
//do destruction logic...
public void initialize(ValidLicensePlate constraintAnnotation) {
public boolean isValid(String licensePlate, ConstraintValidatorContext constraintContext) {
return vehicleRegistry.isValidLicensePlate( licensePlate );
11.3.2. Method validation
CDI 的方法拦截机制允许与 Jakarta Bean Validation 的方法验证功能非常紧密地集成。只需将约束注释添加到 CDI Bean 的可执行文件的参数和返回值上,它们将在调用方法或构造函数之前(参数约束)和之后(返回值约束)自动验证。
The method interception facilities of CDI allow for a very tight integration with Jakarta Bean Validation’s method validation functionality. Just put constraint annotations to the parameters and return values of the executables of your CDI beans and they will be validated automatically before (parameter constraints) and after (return value constraints) a method or constructor is invoked.
请注意,不需要显式拦截器绑定,而是所需的验证函数拦截器将自动为所有具有约束方法和构造函数的托管 Bean 注册。
Note that no explicit interceptor binding is required, instead the required method validation interceptor will automatically be registered for all managed beans with constrained methods and constructors.
拦截器 org.hibernate.validator.cdi.internal.interceptor.ValidationInterceptor 由 org.hibernate.validator.cdi.internal.ValidationExtension 注册。这在 Jakarta EE 运行时环境中会隐式发生,或通过显式添加 hibernate-validator-cdi 工件发生 - 请参阅 Section 1.1.2, “CDI”。 |
The interceptor org.hibernate.validator.cdi.internal.interceptor.ValidationInterceptor is registered by org.hibernate.validator.cdi.internal.ValidationExtension. This happens implicitly within a Jakarta EE runtime environment or explicitly by adding the hibernate-validator-cdi artifact - see Section 1.1.2, “CDI” |
You can see an example in Example 11.6, “CDI managed beans with method-level constraints”.
示例 11.6:具有方法级约束的 CDI 受管 Bean
. Example 11.6: CDI managed beans with method-level constraints
package org.hibernate.validator.referenceguide.chapter11.cdi.methodvalidation;
public class RentalStation {
public RentalStation() {
public Car rentCar(
@NotNull Customer customer,
@NotNull @Future Date startDate,
@Min(1) int durationInDays) {
return null;
List<Car> getAvailableCars() {
return null;
package org.hibernate.validator.referenceguide.chapter11.cdi.methodvalidation;
public class RentCarRequest {
private RentalStation rentalStation;
public void rentCar(String customerId, Date startDate, int duration) {
//causes ConstraintViolationException
rentalStation.rentCar( null, null, -1 );
此处 RentalStation Bean 充当多个方法约束。当从另一个 Bean 如 RentCarRequest 调用 RentalStation 方法时,将自动验证所调用方法的约束。如果如示例中所示那样传递了任何非法的参数值,方法拦截器将抛出 ConstraintViolationException 异常,提供有关违规约束的详细信息。如果方法的返回值违反任何返回值约束,则也是如此。
Here the RentalStation bean hosts several method constraints. When invoking one of the RentalStation methods from another bean such as RentCarRequest, the constraints of the invoked method are automatically validated. If any illegal parameter values are passed as in the example, a ConstraintViolationException will be thrown by the method interceptor, providing detailed information on the violated constraints. The same is the case if the method’s return value violates any return value constraints.
同样,在调用时将自动验证构造函数约束。在示例中,将验证构造函数返回的 RentalStation 对象,因为构造函数返回值标记为 @Valid。
Similarly, constructor constraints are validated automatically upon invocation. In the example the RentalStation object returned by the constructor will be validated since the constructor return value is marked with @Valid. Validated executable types
Jakarta Bean Validation 允许对自动验证的可执行类型进行细粒度的控制。默认情况下,验证构造函数和非 getter 方法上的约束。因此,当调用 Example 11.6, “CDI managed beans with method-level constraints” 中的 RentalStation#getAvailableCars() 方法时,不会验证该方法上的 @NotNull 约束。
Jakarta Bean Validation allows for a fine-grained control of the executable types which are automatically validated. By default, constraints on constructors and non-getter methods are validated. Therefore the @NotNull constraint on the method RentalStation#getAvailableCars() in Example 11.6, “CDI managed beans with method-level constraints” does not get validated when the method is invoked.
You have the following options to configure which types of executables are validated upon invocation:
Configure the executable types globally via the XML descriptor META-INF/validation.xml; see Section 8.1, “Configuring the validator factory in validation.xml” for an example
Use the @ValidateOnExecution annotation on the executable or type level
如果为给定可执行文件指定了多个配置源,则可执行级别上的 @ValidateOnExecution 优先于类型级别上的 @ValidateOnExecution,@ValidateOnExecution 通常优先于 META- INF/validation.xml 中全局配置的类型。
If several sources of configuration are specified for a given executable, @ValidateOnExecution on the executable level takes precedence over @ValidateOnExecution on the type level and @ValidateOnExecution generally takes precedence over the globally configured types in META- INF/validation.xml.
Example 11.7, “Using @ValidateOnExecution” 展示了如何使用 @ValidateOnExecution 注释:
Example 11.7, “Using @ValidateOnExecution” shows how to use the @ValidateOnExecution annotation:
示例 11.7:使用 @ValidateOnExecution
. Example 11.7: Using @ValidateOnExecution
package org.hibernate.validator.referenceguide.chapter11.cdi.methodvalidation.configuration;
@ValidateOnExecution(type = ExecutableType.ALL)
public class RentalStation {
public RentalStation() {
@ValidateOnExecution(type = ExecutableType.NONE)
public Car rentCar(
@NotNull Customer customer,
@NotNull @Future Date startDate,
@Min(1) int durationInDays) {
return null;
public List<Car> getAvailableCars() {
return null;
这里,方法 rentCar()_不会在调用时被验证,因为它使用@ValidateOnExecution(type = ExecutableType.NONE)进行了注释。相比之下,构造函数和方法 _getAvailableCars()_将被验证,因为在类型级别中给出了@ValidateOnExecution(type = ExecutableType.ALL)。_ExecutableType.ALL_是显式指定所有类型_CONSTRUCTORS、_GETTER_METHODS_和_NON_GETTER_METHODS_的更简洁的形式。
Here the method rentCar() won’t be validated upon invocation because it is annotated with @ValidateOnExecution(type = ExecutableType.NONE). In contrast, the constructor and the method getAvailableCars() will be validated due to @ValidateOnExecution(type = ExecutableType.ALL) being given on the type level. ExecutableType.ALL is a more compact form for explicitly specifying all the types CONSTRUCTORS, GETTER_METHODS and NON_GETTER_METHODS.
可以通过在 META-INF/validation.xml 中指定 <executable-validation enabled="false"/> 全局关闭可执行验证。 在这种情况下,会忽略所有 @ValidateOnExecution 注释。 |
Executable validation can be turned off globally by specifying <executable-validation enabled="false"/> in META-INF/validation.xml. In this case, all the @ValidateOnExecution annotations are ignored. |
请注意,当一个方法重写或实现一个超类型方法时,配置将从该被重写或实现的方法中获取(如通过 @ValidateOnExecution 在方法本身或超类型)。这会保护超类型方法的客户端免受配置的意外更改,例如在子类型中禁用对被重写可执行项的验证。
Note that when a method overrides or implements a super-type method, the configuration will be taken from that overridden or implemented method (as given via @ValidateOnExecution on the method itself or on the super-type). This protects a client of the super-type method from an unexpected alteration of the configuration, e.g. disabling validation of an overridden executable in a sub-type.
如果 CDI 受管 Bean 覆盖或实现了一个超类型方法,并且此超类型方法承载任何约束,那么可能会发生验证拦截器未正确注册到 Bean 的情况,导致 Bean 的方法在调用时未得到验证。 在这种情况下,你可以如 Example 11.8, “Using ExecutableType.IMPLICIT” 中所示在子类上指定可执行类型 IMPLICIT ,这可确保发现所有必需的元数据,并在调用 ExpressRentalStation 上的方法时启动验证拦截器。
In case a CDI managed bean overrides or implements a super-type method and this super-type method hosts any constraints, it can happen that the validation interceptor is not properly registered with the bean, resulting in the bean’s methods not being validated upon invocation. In this case you can specify the executable type IMPLICIT on the sub-class as shown in Example 11.8, “Using ExecutableType.IMPLICIT”, which makes sure that all required metadata is discovered and the validation interceptor kicks in when the methods on ExpressRentalStation are invoked.
示例 11.8:使用 ExecutableType.IMPLICIT
. Example 11.8: Using ExecutableType.IMPLICIT
package org.hibernate.validator.referenceguide.chapter11.cdi.methodvalidation.implicit;
@ValidateOnExecution(type = ExecutableType.ALL)
public interface RentalStation {
Car rentCar(
@NotNull Customer customer,
@NotNull @Future Date startDate,
@Min(1) int durationInDays);
List<Car> getAvailableCars();
package org.hibernate.validator.referenceguide.chapter11.cdi.methodvalidation.implicit;
@ValidateOnExecution(type = ExecutableType.IMPLICIT)
public class ExpressRentalStation implements RentalStation {
public Car rentCar(Customer customer, Date startDate, @Min(1) int durationInDays) {
return null;
public List<Car> getAvailableCars() {
return null;
11.4. Jakarta EE
当你的应用程序在 WildFly 等 Jakarta EE 应用程序服务器上运行时,你还可以通过在 EJB 等受管对象中进行 @Resource 注入来获取 Validator 和 ValidatorFactory 实例,如 Example 11.9, “Retrieving Validator and ValidatorFactory via @Resource injection” 中所示。
When your application runs on a Jakarta EE application server such as WildFly, you also can obtain Validator and ValidatorFactory instances via @Resource injection in managed objects such as EJBs etc., as shown in Example 11.9, “Retrieving Validator and ValidatorFactory via @Resource injection”.
示例 11.9:通过 @Resource 注入检索 Validator 和 ValidatorFactory
. Example 11.9: Retrieving Validator and ValidatorFactory via @Resource injection
package org.hibernate.validator.referenceguide.chapter11.javaee;
public class RentalStationBean {
private ValidatorFactory validatorFactory;
private Validator validator;
或者,您可以从 JNDI 中获取验证程序和验证程序工厂,其名称分别为 "java:comp/Validator" 和 "java:comp/ValidatorFactory”。
Alternatively you can obtain a validator and a validator factory from JNDI under the names "java:comp/Validator" and "java:comp/ValidatorFactory", respectively.
类似于 @Inject 中基于 CDI 的注入,这些对象表示默认的校验程序和校验程序工厂,因此可以使用 XML 描述符 META-INF/validation.xml 对其进行配置(请参阅 Chapter 8, Configuring via XML )。
Similar to CDI-based injection via @Inject, these objects represent default validator and validator factory and thus can be configured using the XML descriptor META-INF/validation.xml (see Chapter 8, Configuring via XML).
当您的应用程序启用 CDI 时,注入的对象也是 CDI 感知的,例如,支持在约束验证程序中进行依赖注入。
When your application is CDI-enabled, the injected objects are CDI-aware as well and e.g. support dependency injection in constraint validators.
11.5. JavaFX
Hibernate Validator 还提供对 JavaFX 属性解包的支持。如果 JavaFX 存在于类路径中,将自动注册 JavaFX 属性的 _ValueExtractor_s。请参阅 Section 7.4, “JavaFX value extractors” 以获取示例和进一步的讨论。
Hibernate Validator also provides support for the unwrapping of JavaFX properties. If JavaFX is present on the classpath, _ValueExtractor_s for JavaFX properties are automatically registered. See Section 7.4, “JavaFX value extractors” for examples and further discussion.